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Random Acts of Kindness Week 8 of 52

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Apparently, I am horrible about remembering to start this thread on a Sunday (perhaps in part it's because these threads are also getting very little response these days...where are all of you?) Is it that everyone is having a much harder time than they thought thinking of "acts of kindness" to do? There are lots of "idea lists" online to take a peek at, and some of them don't even involve leaving your house...writing nice letters and emails, leaving nice blog comments, making small online donations, supportive forum messages, and so on and so forth...


Anyway! Has anyone done anything so far this week? Planned anything still to come for this week?


Yesterday, I went with my homeschool group to a science museum for a field trip. They had one of those funnel things in the lobby where you could put coins in and watch it circle around and disappear down into the funnel. The kids love watching it disappear down the funnel and the museum keeps the proceeds.


Usually I just give my kids a couple of pennies each. Yesterday I found myself giving a whole bunch of pennies, nickels, dimes, and even a few quarters out over and over to pretty much all of the kids from the group so they could keep watching it, playing, etc...they were having a blast and really appreciated it. Some of the other moms gave them change, too, but any time one of them came over I just handed out more. My purse was significantly lighter to carry around the rest of the day lol. So that was how we killed time while waiting for everyone to arrive and finish paying for themselves and so on.


ETA: Oh, this thread is for the week of Sunday, January 8th, to Saturday, January 14th, 2012.

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Hm. Well here are some ideas for simple things people can do:


When you're at the store, let someone go ahead of you on the check out line.


Let someone in ahead of you in traffic.


Stand around and hold the door for people for longer than you would have when entering or leaving stores.


Smile more at people. Ask them how they are doing and really listen/act interested when they tell you.


Take your neighbor's garbage to the road for them or their cans back to their house.


If you bake something, bake a little extra and give some to a neighbor.


Write someone a random letter or email telling them something you like or appreciate about them.


Make a phone call or write a letter telling someone in your family or a friend know that you just wanted to let them know how much they mean to you.


If you read and enjoy blogs but never or rarely comment- comment! People almost NEVER comment on my blog and I can tell you first hand I really get a kick out of it when they do. :)


If you're in a supermarket or a dollar store, leave a dollar bill tucked in the toy section sticking out where a kid might see it.


If you pay for quarter parking at a meter, stick a quarter in an empty meter and leave it there for someone to find.


If you go through a toll or drive-thru for coffee or something, pay for the person behind you.


Send your kids on a site like "free-rice" at a random time and encourage them to play because it helps people.


Have them draw pictures and cards and mail or drop them off to a nursing home, vets hospital, etc.


Go for a walk with your kids and bring a bag and pick up some litter along the way.


Reach out to someone you know who has kids who might not get babysitting often and offer to watch their kids for them sometime this month if they want a night out for mom and dad time, or if she wants a break to herself, or whatever.


Spread random acts of kindness by challenging your family, friends or facebook friends or whatever to each perform 1 random act of kindness this week and report back to you...if they all do something, you'll know it's all because of you. :D


Clean out a closet and donate items to Goodwill.


Hug and compliment your spouse for no reason at all.


Do someone else's chore for them and tell them you did it for them just because.


Do you live in an area where you tend to see homeless people in certain spots? Put together a care package with some food items in case you see them, and give it to them.


Leave a book in a public place with a note that you're just passing it on.


The next time you are tempted to say something negative or criticize something about someone- bite your tongue and just...don't.


Send an anonymous (or not) letter or card (or picture the kids made) of appreciation to your local police or fire station thanking them for their service to the community.


There are tons more ideas out there online, too! :)

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Sorry, Nance! I keep forgetting about this!


My older two boys asked two friends to go get something to eat w/them after AWANA. Their friends said they didn't have money to do that, so my boys said they'd like to treat them! (And this is w/their own money, not mine!)


I left some coupons at the store for others to use. I just put each one by the item it was good for.

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Uh. . . I am finding it harder to do than I thought. I guess this week I've bumped up a couple of posts with no responses, does that count? :D


Last week, I brushed all the snow off my sister's car before she left for work, but that's about it. I really have to think of some other things the kids and I can do.



I would love if someone brushed snow off for me, I hate winter and snow and being cold lol. I posted a list of ideas that are pretty simple that will hopefully help spark some ideas for people who are having a hard time coming up with things!


Sorry, Nance! I keep forgetting about this!


My older two boys asked two friends to go get something to eat w/them after AWANA. Their friends said they didn't have money to do that, so my boys said they'd like to treat them! (And this is w/their own money, not mine!)


I left some coupons at the store for others to use. I just put each one by the item it was good for.



That was very generous of your boys! And good idea about leaving the coupons by the items they were good for!

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Hm. Well here are some ideas for simple things people can do:


When you're at the store, let someone go ahead of you on the check out line.


Let someone in ahead of you in traffic.


Stand around and hold the door for people for longer than you would have when entering or leaving stores.


Smile more at people. Ask them how they are doing and really listen/act interested when they tell you.


Take your neighbor's garbage to the road for them or their cans back to their house.


If you bake something, bake a little extra and give some to a neighbor.


Write someone a random letter or email telling them something you like or appreciate about them.


Make a phone call or write a letter telling someone in your family or a friend know that you just wanted to let them know how much they mean to you.


If you read and enjoy blogs but never or rarely comment- comment! People almost NEVER comment on my blog and I can tell you first hand I really get a kick out of it when they do. :)


If you're in a supermarket or a dollar store, leave a dollar bill tucked in the toy section sticking out where a kid might see it.


If you pay for quarter parking at a meter, stick a quarter in an empty meter and leave it there for someone to find.


If you go through a toll or drive-thru for coffee or something, pay for the person behind you.


Send your kids on a site like "free-rice" at a random time and encourage them to play because it helps people.


Have them draw pictures and cards and mail or drop them off to a nursing home, vets hospital, etc.


Go for a walk with your kids and bring a bag and pick up some litter along the way.

Reach out to someone you know who has kids who might not get babysitting often and offer to watch their kids for them sometime this month if they want a night out for mom and dad time, or if she wants a break to herself, or whatever.


Spread random acts of kindness by challenging your family, friends or facebook friends or whatever to each perform 1 random act of kindness this week and report back to you...if they all do something, you'll know it's all because of you. :D


Clean out a closet and donate items to Goodwill.


Hug and compliment your spouse for no reason at all.


Do someone else's chore for them and tell them you did it for them just because.


Do you live in an area where you tend to see homeless people in certain spots? Put together a care package with some food items in case you see them, and give it to them.


Leave a book in a public place with a note that you're just passing it on.


The next time you are tempted to say something negative or criticize something about someone- bite your tongue and just...don't.


Send an anonymous (or not) letter or card (or picture the kids made) of appreciation to your local police or fire station thanking them for their service to the community.


There are tons more ideas out there online, too! :)




The bolded things I just do automatically, so they don't seem like random acts of kindness to me. :tongue_smilie:


Our temple makes PB&J sandwiches every Friday night and a guy from our congregation drives down under the bridges and stuff and passes them out, so we already participate by donating PB&J and making sandwiches when we are at services. So, that's not random, either!


We have no extra money, so hardly ever go anywhere in public these days, except for the library. :lol: I think that is what's making it kind of hard. I feel isolated. I've been spending a LOT of time on the boards! Gotta get out there and do more things with fellow humans.


Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions. I'm going to read through them and talk it over with the kids and see what we can get going.


ETA: The garbage collecting walks is one of our favorite things to do. I used to do that when I lived close to the beach. My older ds did a unit on litter patrol in preschool, so he wears gloves and everything for the express purpose of picking up trash on our walks.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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Nance, don't be discouraged. I think your 'random acts of kindness' threads are great!


It kinda goes against my beliefs to post what I do as an act of kindness, and I don't really believe in 'randomness', so to speak. But just know that I do them, and I also enjoy reading the threads about what other people do.

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Lynne, well they don't really have to be "random" acts, they can be planned lol. And if you don't leave your house much, maybe yours can be some sort of letter or card a week geared toward either expressing appreciation or cheering someone up so that all you have to do is mail it. And I'm glad that you do get some friendship on these boards, isolation is no fun!


Bethany, sometimes I worry that people are just not wanting to post because they are afraid it might be seen as bragging, but I try to view it more as inspiring others to join in, and if others join in, then still others benefit, right? lol. Well anyway thank you for the words of encouragement and keep doing whatever you're doing! :)

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Many little things I do without even thinking about them. I did call a friend the other day who has been having a difficult time, just to let her know that I'm thinking and praying for her. I made a point last night at Zumba to tell someone that her new haircut is cute.


But - I wanted to say that it's January and mostly I'm hunkered down trying to work on my own resolutions of getting my life in shape!

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I have been doing mine, promise:D I just forget to post when I get on here.


I gave away my $20 to a lady asking for money at the top of the freeway ramp. I don't usually do that, but she was there in the morning, and still there 4 hours later, and it is cold!


It was my eyebrow wax money..so I am going to be going au natural for a few weeks.:auto:

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I had intended on being involved but I've found that the weeks get away from me and I haven't gotten around to planning something, or my health problems get in the way.


But I did have an opportunity yesterday! My daughter wanted her birthday party at a skating rink where they allow parties without reservations during any open skate. You are allowed to bring your own cake and ice cream too. We had extra so I went around a offered all of the employees a cupcake.

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I had intended on being involved but I've found that the weeks get away from me and I haven't gotten around to planning something, or my health problems get in the way.


But I did have an opportunity yesterday! My daughter wanted her birthday party at a skating rink where they allow parties without reservations during any open skate. You are allowed to bring your own cake and ice cream too. We had extra so I went around a offered all of the employees a cupcake.



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