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Stop playing with the dog and get your math done NOW!

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Or, things I say every day:


Do that outside.

Go brush your teeth and wash your pits.

Why are your showers so long? You're wasting water.

Shoes and coats belong in the mudroom.

put your dishes in the dishwasher.

No screen time until all correction are done.

No more sugar.

Write neater.

Do it again.

Good job! (yes, occasionally I get to say this, too)


I really do need a recording device and just play the phrases back over and over and over and over again.


What do you say every day?

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Wash your hands.

Wash your face and brush your teeth.

Don't forget to wear socks.

Clear your dishes.

Write neatly. You call that neatly?!?!? :glare:

If I hear any more fighting about that toy, it's going in the garbage.

Chew with your mouth closed.

Use your fork (or spoon, or napkin).

Lift the seat.

Stop fooling around.

Why are your dirty clothes on the floor? Is the floor the new chute?

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:lol: lately it's been "did you remember to put your underwear on?" :001_smile: SERIOUSLY....I got him to the dr once to see if he had a sinus infection-we get into the exam room and he says "I think I forgot underwear" I was like WHAT!? :001_huh: thank goodness they have to check there for sinus infections LOL.....

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I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one who says these things. Here's the household list:


* Take a shower. I know you took one yesterday, but you spent four hours outside playing football with your friends.

* Did you wash your hair? Whenever you're in the shower, wash your hair! Get back in there!

* Quit reading XXX and read the book I assigned you.

* Quit talking and do your work!

* Look at your planner and do the next thing.

* Write neatly.

* Capitalize.

* Where's your punctuation?

* Quit throwing a fit and get back to work.

* Mommy needs quiet time. Go to your rooms.

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Did you brush your teeth?

Did you floss?

Did you wash your hands?

Stop screeching!

Please don't make that noise again.

Don't climb on that.

Quit dragging the chairs around!

Where is your underwear? (for ds3.5 :001_rolleyes:)

Where is your cup?

Focus son, focus.

Stop chewing your fingers.

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