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More on video games for grownups please

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I don't want this to get lost in the other thread, and this got long. I'm sorry!!


Okay ladies, I've been trying to find some games to play but nothing has captured my attention. I have easy access to the Wii and of course my laptop. I can get to PS2, PS3 and xbox 360 in my son's room. Would you believe he also owns Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, GameCube, and a Sega Saturn? Egads! Now, please give me some game suggestions!! :)


I like some kid games, MySims Kingdom, Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon for example. I like Zelda Skyward Sword but I've gotten frustrated with the difficult boss fights. I like Super Mario Bros. but I can't get very far. I just lack the skill and I don't know why! Mario Galaxy was okay but not great. My most favorite game of all time was Zelda Wind Waker. That's the only game I've played through twice. I just purchased Rayman Origins - a 2D platformer game. It's fun but it's not something I want to spend more than 30 minutes on.


I used to play WoW but I was never a hardcore player. I preferred to play solo or just with a couple of companions. I wasn't one for raiding and instances.


I tried Rift but it wasn't fun because I didn't have anyone to help me figure it out. At least with WoW, I knew people who weren't playing that could talk to me about it. With Rift, I was on my own and it was too complicated. AND... I thought I would try again right now but my latency and fps are so low, and I mean ridiculously low, that my character's movements are impossible to walk across the street. Forget trying to fight anything. That didn't happen when I played several months ago. Is it the game or my computer? I'm worried about reactivating WoW too in case I have the same problem.


I have played Left for Dead with ds15 on xbox 360. Learning the controls was tough. I'm used to the plain Nintendo controllers. I thought killing zombies was gross at first but by the end of the campaign, I was trying to get in front of my son so I could shoot first! Of course I came in a very poor 2nd to his skills but it was fun.


My ideal game? Don't laugh at me! I would love to play something like World of Warcraft only without the massively multiple player feature. I want it to be a single player game. I want quests and fighting. I love the graphics. I don't really like games that spend too much time in dark, dank places. Ds15 laughed at me when I complained that Left for Dead was just so dead looking. I want to fight zombies in a wild flower meadow. :lol: I also prefer open world, free roam, and/or sandbox games, as I understand their terminology.


So now that I've given WAY too much information. Any game suggestions for me? I would prefer Wii or PC but ds15 said I was welcome to come into his room anytime to play on one of his systems.


In a way, it's kind of depressing. I'm the one who introduced ds15 to games many years ago and as his skills have greatly increased, mine seem to be decreasing. I'm blaming it both on age and technology. I was great with simple controllers but the games they make today are too complicated and sophisticated. I've been playing Hidden Object games on the PC lately. Talk about feeling old!


Oh, I was a big MUD player in the mid 90's. It was my first experience at playing a game with other people online. Then I stopped playing and I didn't play another online game like that until World of Warcraft. :tongue_smilie:


Okay, I'll stop talking now.

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Have you looked at Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls? I don't know much about it, ds got it for Christmas. (Before anyone says anything, yes, I know it's rated M and we bought it for a 14 year old)


I'd ask him more about it, but he's not here. I know the music is cool, I've heard if flowing from his room lately.


On of his Call of Duty games has zombies, but I don't they're in a flower meadow. :tongue_smilie:

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I did think about Skyrim. I wish my son had more interest in it so I won't feel horribly guilty at the price! Oh, pity about the flower meadows! :tongue_smilie:


I'll check out Final Fantasy VIII too.


FWIW ElegantLion, I've been buying M-rated games for my son for a while now.

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My husband enjoys similar games and also recommends Skyrim. He said that if you don't immediately want to fork over $50-60 for Skyrim, another good one is Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga. He said the Amazon deal is great. $20 for 2 games + a soundtrack.


He recommends Rune Factory:Tides of Destiny(Wii & PS3) for your Harvest Moon fix or Rune Factory Frontier (Wii only, but can be hard to find).


If you're interested, he also has recs for traditional Japanese RPGs and action-adventure type games. Apparently, if you like Jack Black and Ozzy (or metal in general), Brutal Legend is a fun, open-world, action-adventure game. Who knew :D?


Can you tell I live in geek central? Anybody need comic recs :D?

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The biggest problem I have with Skyrim is on the computer you use mouse look, which can take a bit to get use to. On the 360 you use the right controller to look around (I believe I haven't played it on the 360, but that is normally how it works with similar games). It sometimes takes a bit to get use to.


Honestly I am currently loving Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is a MMORPG, but it is extremely user and solo friendly, has a great story line and gorgeous graphics, numerous meadows and gorgeous spots and some dark and dank dead looking areas too depending on the planet. It is more sci-fi obviously then fantasy, but it is amazing and extremely well done. I am actually shocked at how solo player friendly it is, as I told DH, they really could have made it a single player game without any real issue.

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I am a huge Elder Scrolls series fan, dh got me Skyrim for Christmas. I have Morrowind and Oblivion also, if you don't want to spend the bucks on Skyrim go for one of the older versions which are just as fun and you certainly won't be beating them anytime soon. Also keep your eyes out for a used version of Skyrim, they are popping up out there already (proof is the one dh got me was a used copy which is fine with me since we didn't have a lot of money for Christmas and needed to make our dollars stretch).


The Final Fantasy series is another good one.


I agree with the pp that mentioned Zelda: Twilight Princess, I am not good at complicated controls but I have been able to learn TP pretty easily.


Dh really enjoys the Dragon Age games (sequel to the Baldur's Gate series which you might also like).


The Prince of Persia series is another that I like.


I even like the Lego Star Wars games, lol!


We have a ton of games, these are all I can think of off the top of my head. :P

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