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The freshman 15 was the opposite for

Miss Marple

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Mine lost about 10 pounds. In her case it's because all the walking she's had to do at college is a lot more exercise than she's used to getting and since the dining hall is in the center of campus rather than in her actual dorm, snacking is not very convenient. Even though she has unlimited meals and there's a very tasty bakery in the dining hall, she has to walk to get to them.

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Mine lost too. He was just more interested in his studies and didn't want to walk to the cafeteria that much. Never has been a big eater. He did finally get the take-out box so he can take food back to his dorm. For what we pay for his meal plan I am hoping he eats more! :001_smile:

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Mine lost at least that. But, of course, during Plebe Summer and Plebe Year, they are expected to lose that much. They lose most of it during Plebe Summer as they are exercising 10+ hours a day. Since they have to sit on the edge of their chairs, "squaring" their meals (their hand with the fork has to make square corners going up and down and they're not allowed to look at what they're eating) and the number of chews is prescribed, it makes for very stressful meals.


OMG! That would not make one look forward to mealtimes :D

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My son loves to dine - he doesn't like to eat and run. He said he ate 2 meals a day which is all he had time to do. I'm going to have to make sure he includes snacks in his backpack. He was never very physically active (probably due to his lack of muscle) so all the walking and carrying the weight of his backpack probably added to the weight loss. He will be taking a weight workout class this spring so perhaps that will help him gain back some weight. He is just sooo thin - even at 155 lbs. But 138 looks terrible!


Glad to know he isn't the only one losing weight. I just wish he could afford to lose it.

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The same thing happened to me my second year of university when I moved out of home and into residence. Cafeteria food is not great, and it is really repetitive. Low food budgets tend to mean the same thing, and preparing for one is not all that fun. It can be hard to be motivated to eat much either way. Plus a lot of late nights and irregular hours burn extra calories.

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My ds lost at least that much his first semester (and a couple of other semesters too). He honestly didn't know how much food he needed to eat to maintain his body weight. He found a weight gain program online that outlined healthy eating for a man wanting to gain muscle and followed that program as closely as possible over a summer then continued to apply it when it went back in the fall. He is still underweight at 6'5" and maybe 165, but it is an improvement. I had to tell him that if he didn't make his health a priority, I would not in any way financially support him in another semester abroad.

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Mine lost at least that. But, of course, during Plebe Summer and Plebe Year, they are expected to lose that much. They lose most of it during Plebe Summer as they are exercising 10+ hours a day. Since they have to sit on the edge of their chairs, "squaring" their meals (their hand with the fork has to make square corners going up and down and they're not allowed to look at what they're eating) and the number of chews is prescribed, it makes for very stressful meals.



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I lost a lot of wt. freshman year as well. I walked everywhere and missed meals due to how far away the dining hall was. I found that exercise was very important in keeping my appetite up for our horrid dining room food. I missed snacking so I had to teach myself to eat as much as I could at meals. Dessert and bread proved to be the most effective....and cutting back on coffee. Late night pizza runs were sometimes necessary. I would go home on break and eat 6 meals a day. Mom made me lots of PIE!


DD says that one thing that helped her maintain her wt. and stamina was to find a "family" to eat with. A bunch of students that she sets down with and eats and talks and relaxes with over a meal or two during the day. She said this was particularly helpful as she was used to our family meals at home. She said she ate too little and badly if she ate alone and quickly. She exercises a lot and was losing muscle, etc. It does take time but.....

Edited by memphispeg
DD over shoulder
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Karen, it sounds like your son has weight issues similar to mine. I am having a hard time thinking about sending him back to school - he cannot afford to lose any more weight. He is so skinny and now his clothes are starting to fall off and his shirts are saggy. I will look for a website like your son used and see if we can outline something for him next semester. He is planning to take a weight training class which should help him build muscle. If it isn't one thing to worry about, it's another :tongue_smilie:

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Yikes. Stress? Increased activity getting to and from classes? Not having Mom nag about eating right? Too busy to eat or timing of classes making it difficult to eat in the dining hall? Has he been sick? I lost 10 lbs that I couldn't afford to lose my first year at college - but I got mono my second semester. I hope you find a solution (and get him fattened up before sending him back.)


This is what worries me about my son going away next year. Ds is is 5'11" and about 140 lbs. so he really can't afford to lose weight. Good thing skinny jeans are in style so he doesn't look like he could fit another person in his jeans. This concern is why we quickly eliminated some schools solely because of the food.

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Her kids are at military schools and/or ROTC programs in a school. I can tell you stories of what my bil had to do at aTm.


yeah, I figured. I'm just not sure what eating with right angles has to do with the military. But then again I'm not sure I'm the kind of person they're looking for ;)

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