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We are revamping Christmas here. Anyone starting a new tradition?

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I was reading how others' handle Christmas and Christmas Eve. I talked to dh about opening all the presents tonight so we can have a more leisurely Christmas morning. I'd like to sleep in, wake to a clean house, open stockings from Santa, and eat breakfast casserole before heading off to grandma's.


I was sure he'd balk, but he is very excited. The thought of getting up 5 a.m. is not pleasant. So we will start a new tradition tonight. My youngest is 11 and so I don't think it will alter our Christmas spirit. :D

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Well, I hate making and decorating cutout sugar cookies. They are my oldest's favorite cookie. I talked to him today, and it turns out he just likes the taste and doesn't care about the cutout part or the decorating part.


So I'm just making round sugar cookies (I'm just rolling them into balls and baking them instead of cutting them out), and tomorrow I'll put a bag of icing and some sprinkles next to the naked cookies and let the boys decorate as they want.

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My husband convinced me to let us all open our presents last night instead of on Christmas Eve...my son spends Christmas Eve with us and leaves for his father's house in the evening to spend Christmas Day with his dad's side.


The Tall Bald Guy said that it would give The Young Man more time to enjoy his gifts before running around to relatives' houses and visiting--but I think he just wanted to see what he got for Christmas!:001_smile:

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We use to do Oyster Stew on Christmas Eve. This year we've opted to drop that altogether as it was a tradition I had as a child and my family still does this...but we've changed to doing Finger Foods/Appetizers on Christmas Eve and we all LOVED it!!! So we'll be doing it again next year! Plus I didn't have to rush around making the stew and fussing about the kids not eating it and complaining they are hungry :p


Tomorrow is leftover appetizers and a yummy Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, & a few yummy dessert pies! Simple but delicious!

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We use to do Oyster Stew on Christmas Eve. This year we've opted to drop that altogether as it was a tradition I had as a child and my family still does this...but we've changed to doing Finger Foods/Appetizers on Christmas Eve and we all LOVED it!!! So we'll be doing it again next year! Plus I didn't have to rush around making the stew and fussing about the kids not eating it and complaining they are hungry :p


Tomorrow is leftover appetizers and a yummy Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, & a few yummy dessert pies! Simple but delicious!



Yes, that is wonderful. Simplicity is best isn't it?

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Well, I hate making and decorating cutout sugar cookies. They are my oldest's favorite cookie. I talked to him today, and it turns out he just likes the taste and doesn't care about the cutout part or the decorating part.


So I'm just making round sugar cookies (I'm just rolling them into balls and baking them instead of cutting them out), and tomorrow I'll put a bag of icing and some sprinkles next to the naked cookies and let the boys decorate as they want.


I know how that is. We do cut out cookies the day before Christmas eve, and then I make some icing and hand everyone paint brushes. No one has to do it, but they all seem to have fun. The cookies are very imperfect, but wonderful.

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My husband convinced me to let us all open our presents last night instead of on Christmas Eve...my son spends Christmas Eve with us and leaves for his father's house in the evening to spend Christmas Day with his dad's side.


The Tall Bald Guy said that it would give The Young Man more time to enjoy his gifts before running around to relatives' houses and visiting--but I think he just wanted to see what he got for Christmas!:001_smile:



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Well, I hate making and decorating cutout sugar cookies. They are my oldest's favorite cookie. I talked to him today, and it turns out he just likes the taste and doesn't care about the cutout part or the decorating part.


So I'm just making round sugar cookies (I'm just rolling them into balls and baking them instead of cutting them out), and tomorrow I'll put a bag of icing and some sprinkles next to the naked cookies and let the boys decorate as they want.


I inherited the job of making these for my dad after my grandma died. I hate rolling naything out and cut-out cookies were especially a pain. My dad too didn't care about the cutout and actually preferred them without the sprinkles and decorations, so I bake them like a drop cookie and then frost the bottom side. He's happy with the taste and I'm happy with the lesser amount of work.


On the other hand both my sister and I prefer "naked" Christmas cookies so we even skip the frosting part.


OP, we don't do Santa so the kids know all gifts come from us. This gives us the liberty of opening whenever we feel like it. We usually do it on the afternoon of Christmas eve. This allows us to sleep in, finishing up any wrapping/baking, etc and then leasurely open presents. This leaves our evening free to play whatever new game we got that year. Christmas day we go to my mom's but we don't open presents till late afternoon (and they live close by) so we can sleep in this day too.

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We are so glad that Christmas is almost over.

We want Jesus to be the focus, not gifts.

My kids and I decide to make a new tradition: Only one gift from dh and me for the children as a group (there are only the two of them), and one gift from them two to dh and me. They will also give their grandparents one gift. So in all, we as parents only buy two gifts---one for the kids, and one for my dh's parents. And the kids only give two gifts---one for dh and me and one for their grandparents. The only problem is if dh will agree with this.

Now what do we have waiting to be opened? Probably 10 gifts each. I feel sick!

We will not ask dh's parents to do the same. We will let them have their free choices.

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Something new here...This is the first Christmas of my entire life that will not be spent in my parents' home. They had a very hard year and my mom did not feel up to it.


Although I've been a bit sad about that it's probably for the best as my dad is currently in the hospital (went by ambulance to the ER yesterday) for strange stomach pains.


Christmas at home is new for us!

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This year I gave up " the perfect Christmas". Outside only got a wreath, my sugar cookies are round too, LOL (they iced and sprinkled them which is the part they like, not the shape). The older kids are getting $$$ and candy. I never get exactly what they want anyway. The cinnamon rolls tomorrow are from a tube and the plates will be paper. We will survive without china. We will continue our Christmas Day trip to the movie theater. It fights those mid afternoon doldrums for those of us not seeing family.

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I started a couple of years ago. I give the kids one toy and they give each other one toy. The rest of the presents are things that are needed. Last year they got bunk beds. This year they are getting clothes.


I know it is not as fun as a tree full of presents, but between the grandparents, aunts,uncles and Santa they get plenty of toys.


Another new tradition I started when the kids were really little is opening a present on Christmas Eve. I pick the present which is always fancy plush pajamas.

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I wrote about our family Christmas in another thread.


What I do is every year I talk to everyone in our family and then come up with a plan. Last year it was a Christmas treasure hunt. This year a teddy Christmas.


I am open to any ideas. Date, time, food, decorations, events, ....


And if they every want to do something simply because we did that last year, then that is what we will do.

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Something new here...This is the first Christmas of my entire life that will not be spent in my parents' home. They had a very hard year and my mom did not feel up to it.


Although I've been a bit sad about that it's probably for the best as my dad is currently in the hospital (went by ambulance to the ER yesterday) for strange stomach pains.


Christmas at home is new for us!


:grouphug: I hope your dad is ok.

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This year we started a new tradition that the boys get to open their gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. They were so cute! DS5 kept hugging his little brother, telling him it was the best gift ever. And DS2 kept saying, "Look, Mom, look!" We also put one gift for each boy under the little tree in their bedroom to tide them over until DH gets home in the morning. This is our first year for this too, and we may continue it whether DH works Christmas or not in the future.

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We (I) did start a new tradition this year: a deep room cleaning!


Yesterday I told the kids it was time for the traditional room clean. They looked at me blankly and asked when had that become a tradition. "About 2 minutes ago!" I replied cheerfully. =) They were great about it and got everything out from under their beds as well as from the deepest closet recesses. Also, they spent a bit of time culling out items that can either be donated or put away for a while. They instinctively got it that sorting out current bedroom situation was beneficial before opening gifts.


Three years ago we started a new tree tradition. DS #2 has a small tree in a pot (from our old home in CA) and the first Xmas here (now in the Midwest) we used that as our tree. It was only about 6 inches tall. We had a bunch of tiny ornaments DH had brought back from a business trip to Sweden. We have used the same potted tree every year since then. Now it over 2 feet tall! I do miss the large scented pine tree and putting on all of our ornaments, but I love how the kids thought of this and feel so proud of their homegrown tree. We had a long discussion about spending money on a fresh tree each year. One of my kids had a hard time accepting such waste and I am not partial to artificial trees. This was a great solution.


We also recently started making caramel on Christmas day.

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New Tradition: We (my Mom, me, and my big kids) made & delivered Christmas dinner for a pair of shut-in ladies from church. :001_smile:


My 2nd oldest daughter made the rolls. I made the pumpkin pie & stuffing, Grandma made these salad and mashed tatties with gravy.


All delivered with a song and a poinsetta in time for lunch today!


They just got back from delivering it.


I think we're going to do this every year.


Now.....we're having chili, baked potatoes, and salad shortly for our own dinner.

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This year we tried a few different things:


The kids and I set up a Christmas Village/North Pole thingy; they loved it. We will be doing that again.


We made vanilla extract to give as gifts -- HUGE hit. We are doing it again to give out at Easter time. We used the dried beans to make vanilla sugar and hand that out to others as gifts -- another HUGE hit.


We discussed what to do as a family for Christmas Eve and everyone agreed on a plan - we went to the botanical gardens and then to Mass at the Basilica and then out to dinner and we had a great time.


Oh - and this (and I am so thankful that we were able to do this): I began shopping at the end of the summer -- a gift here and a gift there for the kids. When I saw something that I knew was perfect for them, I bought it. I didn't overspend (if you ask me -- not dh). I had dd12 wrap her siblings gifts and dh wrapped dd12's gifts.....weeks before Christmas and leading up to Christmas. This saved dh and I from being up till the wee dark hours on Christmas morn wrapping. Oh, and we put the tree up right after Thanksgiving and I let the kids decorate it -- they did a fabulous job and the job will probably become theirs.


Thanks to a WTM-er, we bow-tied a large number of the kids plush toys in holiday bow ties and put them under the tree. All of the presents were put in black plastic bags or boxes. The tree looked adorable. We are going to do that to the plush toys every year.


The kids and I made a specific (and successful) effort to get tags from our church's giving tree and we purchased the items and brought them to church.


The kids decorated gingerbread houses at the American Girl Shop -- dd11's fell apart before we even arrived home so she and I took it apart piece by piece and we put it back together again and made it into a candy cottage. Next year, I think I will buy the gingerbread houses undecorated and we will do all three at home by ourselves.


We went to Tea at the American Girl Store with my grand-daughters for a nice late day Tea. The kids all dressed up and had a great time.


We are having the simplest of dinners today -- not something that I will standing in the kitchen doing for house - I am so thankful for that.


I have given dd12 the job of cookie making --she is very good at it.


I am so thankful that I was able to try all the things I wanted to try -- I would have to say that as events dictate, the things we did this year will be what we try to do next year.

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Since my oldest child is in Afghanistan right now, we changed traditions completely. We ate take-out pizza & wings last night as opposed to our usual home-cooked dinner. Tonight (Christmas) we are going out for Chinese. Totally new traditions have helped me to cope with his being deployed during Christmas.

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