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Exercise thread 12/11-12/17

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Good afternoon. :)



I have not been on the computer much these last few days.To catch up....


Thursday: Walked around Legoland all day. ;)


Friday: yoga/pilates


Saturday: nothing


and today: I'm vacuuming the whole house. :tongue_smilie: I'm fasting and prepping today for a medical procedure tomorrow. I figure I don't need to starve my body even more by burning calories. I probably won't work out tomorrow after my appointment either. I think I'm going to just eat all day.




Are you managing to find time during this busy month?

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I have a toddler who insists on waking up the second I leave the bed.

I specifically pile couch cushions in front of my own toddler's bedroom door so that he won't hear me. :lol: (I tested it out, and you hardly hear anything in his room when those cushions are in place!)

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I went shopping today, does that count? :tongue_smilie:


30DS is paying off though! I bought my outfit for DH's company Christmas party and didn't feel "lumpy" in the dressing room for the first time in I don't know how long. I'm not going to be online much this week, but I will finish Level 3 by Friday!

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All I have time for today are some different yoga moves, a few weights, and stretches.


I'm fasting and prepping today for a medical procedure tomorrow.

Hope all goes well. Thinking of you. :grouphug:


I have a toddler who insists on waking up the second I leave the bed.

I remember that stage. :)

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Thursday - taught 3 one hour dance classes -lost my voice-blamed youngest class


Friday - Sunday - knocked off my feet by a virus that completely took my voice away. 3 days no voice. I guess it's not that youngest class' fault after all.


I've already cancelled the Monday class. The two classes on Tuesday may get axed as well.


Week od Silent Slugdom

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I really need to find some kind of cardio that I would like doing. Inside. With a DVD. NOT running!

It's actually called Body Rev/Cardio Conditioning. You'll need one heavy hand weight (8-10lbs) and a set of lighter hand weights (3-5lbs) to do it.


You use weights for a large chunk of it, about 80% of that time with ONE heavy weight (8-10lbs), swinging it like a kettle bell (both between your legs, and to your side like a suitcase). You swing it in both arms, one arm for a few counts then switching, and alternating each swing between arms. You also do some work with light weights (3-5 lbs.), mostly keeping your arms in a "goal post" position, even doing jumping jacks while moving your arms (with weights!) from "goal post", to staight up over your head, and back.


There's a series of squats, push-ups (including a solid minute of just push-ups), some "mosh-pit jumps" (jumping up and down with one arm in the air), and at the very end there's some standing ab work with and without the one heavy weight.


It's my favorite cardio DVD in my current rotation. :) (although if you've tried kettlebell workouts and haven't liked them, I wouldn't recommend this, because you do a LOT of swinging with the weights! :tongue_smilie:)

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Doing Week 1 Day 1 of C25K today. I did it once like 2 months ago and haven't tried it since. I know I'll feel like crap when I'm done...and at the same time, I'll feel great. Really gotta get moving on exercise...


But it's a good crap that you feel. :D Who said it on this board? "I'd rather hurt from exercising then hurt from not exercising." Something like that and I love it. So true.


You will quickly become addicted to the endorphins.

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Several yoga sequences - nothing more this morning. Have to take the dc to the ortho super-early. Too much to do.


Thanks, feeling much better today. Glad it's over and I don't care to repeat. Now here's to hoping for good news with my biopsy results in a few weeks.

Good that it's over :). Thinking of you still. The waiting is not fun. :grouphug:

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So far this week, finished 30DS Level 3 Days 6-8. Also hit my first weight goal today! I have 10 more pounds to go, but I'm going to try to slow it down a bit. My pants are already falling off and I can't afford a total wardrobe replacement yet.


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So far this week, finished 30DS Level 3 Days 6-8. Also hit my first weight goal today! I have 10 more pounds to go, but I'm going to try to slow it down a bit. My pants are already falling off and I can't afford a total wardrobe replacement yet.


Oh nice!


I have been doing Insanity all this week so far. The rest of the week will be Asylum.

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Oooh oooh, Bellydance details! What did you work on? ::dance withdrawal::

LOL. Next monday is our dance studio's "Winter Recital" (each class performs one number, whole show is 30 minutes long), so we practiced our class's number for that. (we're the only belly dance class. we're up right after the advanced ballet class :tongue_smilie:)


OH! We also stated veil work! HARDER THAN IT LOOKS!!! I got all tied up in knots.:tongue_smilie: (this is only my first year of belly dance. just started in September)

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Tomorrow I can work out again!


I would love love a treadmill for Christmas, but that won't happen. I'd also love a place to run outside that is wooded and secluded. That's not happening either. Not where I live. I miss where I used to live and had that. I love running alone on a path in the woods. So relaxing and refreshing. Sigh.



Oh, I forgot to post this. On Monday, when the nurse was inserting the IV, she asked if I exercise. I said yes and she said she could tell by my valves. I looked at her like this :001_huh:, and she explained that when people exercise regularly they have "nice bulgy vein valves." It makes it easy to insert IVs apparently. I guess bulgy vein valves is a good thing? :lol:


Now to decide what workout to do tomorrow.

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Finished 30 Day Shred today.


It's been asked a few times how well 30DS works for a beginner seeking weight loss. It took me 7 weeks to get through the 30 days of exercises (5x/week with an illness and holidays thrown in), and I didn't follow a diet plan except for tracking calories on my Lose It! app, with the goal set to lose 1 pound a week. I've consumed an Oreo truffle every. single. day this past week. :001_smile:


I'm 5'1 and weighed about 146 pounds this spring. This summer, I cut out all drinks except water and began eating off smaller plates, and I started 30DS weighing 135.8 pounds with a 35" waist. After seven weeks, I weighed in at 127.4 and measured my waist at 31". So yes, it worked for me!


I'll be adding in Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and whatever Husband Claus brings me for Christmas. :tongue_smilie:

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Finished 30 Day Shred today.


It's been asked a few times how well 30DS works for a beginner seeking weight loss. It took me 7 weeks to get through the 30 days of exercises (5x/week with an illness and holidays thrown in), and I didn't follow a diet plan except for tracking calories on my Lose It! app, with the goal set to lose 1 pound a week. I've consumed an Oreo truffle every. single. day this past week. :001_smile:


I'm 5'1 and weighed about 146 pounds this spring. This summer, I cut out all drinks except water and began eating off smaller plates, and I started 30DS weighing 135.8 pounds with a 35" waist. After seven weeks, I weighed in at 127.4 and measured my waist at 31". So yes, it worked for me!


I'll be adding in Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and whatever Husband Claus brings me for Christmas. :tongue_smilie:



Congrats! 4 inches? That is fantastic. :D

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Finished 30 Day Shred today.


It's been asked a few times how well 30DS works for a beginner seeking weight loss. It took me 7 weeks to get through the 30 days of exercises (5x/week with an illness and holidays thrown in), and I didn't follow a diet plan except for tracking calories on my Lose It! app, with the goal set to lose 1 pound a week. I've consumed an Oreo truffle every. single. day this past week. :001_smile:


I'm 5'1 and weighed about 146 pounds this spring. This summer, I cut out all drinks except water and began eating off smaller plates, and I started 30DS weighing 135.8 pounds with a 35" waist. After seven weeks, I weighed in at 127.4 and measured my waist at 31". So yes, it worked for me!


I'll be adding in Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and whatever Husband Claus brings me for Christmas. :tongue_smilie:


That is incredible. Really good job. Now time for before and after pictures?

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That is incredible. Really good job. Now time for before and after pictures?


Thank you all! I don't think I could have stuck with it without the accountability of this thread!


I didn't take any before pictures in workout attire, but we had family photos taken in early October. I'll be dressed up for DH's work Christmas party tomorrow and get an "after" photo from that.

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I have been exercising even if I haven't been posting as much. I think I took Thursday off. Yesterday I did Strength of Asylum. I am supposed to do Gameday but I don't have much enthusiasm for it. I might do some Pure Cardio and Insane Abs.


Beachbody has a new program out called Pump! based on a super popular fitness class called BodyPump! I am not a weight training person but I am thinking of heading in this direction rather than P90X2. Pump! is only 3 days a week even in the more advanced stages. Supposedly, it has really good music which is part of the draw.

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