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If you've made calendars (with pics of your kids) as gifts...

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did you put only recent photos? Did you use photos from through out the years? This would be for grandparents.


Also, is there a company that's especially good for this (easy)? Should I just use iPhoto if that's where my photos are?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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I make MIL one every year for Mother's Day. I use a picture from the previous year for each month, so if I'm making her calendar for 2013 pics are from 2012. I usually end up ordering from Walmart each year, ends up to be cheapest and I can pick up in store... plus she likes how you can put a picture in the day of the month, easier to notice the birthdays!

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Although I am not doing one this year, I have done a yearly calendar through Shutterfly many times. I use not only pics from that year, but I also scan in artwork from that year and upload those files. For the month of December, I do use pics from the previous December since I usually have to order in late November (so by the time the recipient gets to that calendar month the pics are two years old, if that makes sense.) I've never used another service, but we have always been VERY happy with the quality of the Shutterfly calendars.

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Last year we did one with recent pics. This year we are going for a nostalgic feel and put in all old pics--first making sure they weren't ones our parents had already!

We scanned negatives (so we used pics from before we had a digital camera), and uploaded to Vistaprint. I thinkt the calendars were about 7 or 8 bucks each.

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We put up mostly current and a few oldies as favorites.


OH!!! And Shutterfly has a buy 1 get 2 free right now! For the next few days anyway. We love their quality! Been getting them for a few years from there. I think Mac calendars are expensive personally. We have IPhoto too.

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I do one for my in-laws every year using current pictures. In the past I have used Walmart, Snapfish and Shutterfly. This year, I used MixBook and while I don't think that any one is easier than the other, MixBook gives unlimited layout possibilities. You can start with their layout but move, delete and add things without limits. On the other sites I would sometimes be frustrated that I had 2 portrait and 1 landscape shaped pic and couldn't find a layout to accommodate it.


I've never order a photo gift from iPhoto, but I do store my pics there. To make it super easy to upload them to another site, I sometimes sort through all my pics and make a new album of all the ones I think I want to use in the calendar. When it's time to import the photos, I can import one whole album instead of searching around for different pics. Then of course you can go back and add more photos if you change your mind later.

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