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compared to what's taught in ps......

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It's true that at least at our school the writing model used runs counter to TWTM methods. However, I think it is also true that were you to poll parents at our school that they would be most happy about their children's progress in writing above all other academic subjects.


I think I'd be in the same camp, although I prefer more traditional grammar taught in a more systematic way than we are getting in school (and use MCT to remedy this). But over-all I'm very impressed with the level of writing being developed across all the grades in our school. Writing is the strongest suit there from my perspective.


And it is not all "creative writing" (as if that should be a bad word) as the kids are gently introduced to academic writing early on and this is a pretty strong skill with most when they commence to Middle School.




Which is why I believe all families need to evaluate the education philosophy that meshes best with their goals. I'm a fan of SWB's approach to writing and have been pleased with the results with my sons (although we do also switch to MCT after FLL). I am not against creative writing itself, but do prefer the approach of not assigning creative writing early on, and rather focusing on narration, copying, and dictation to solidify the basics. Lots of non-assigned creative writing still happens in our home!


If the OP is sold in this approach to writing, then it will greatly affect what curricula she will want to choose. That is my primary point, not a value judgment on "your" writing program vs "mine." :D

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I've been hearing for a long time now how kids these days are taught things in lower grades that we (people my age and older) were taught in higher grades.


I don't know about the rest of your post, but I was reading one of my favorite childhood books the other day, and an 8 year old girl was congratulated on knowing how to tell time when she's such a little girl. ;)



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One thing that WTM also says is that as long as the child has had lots of exposure to reading, they can learn to read easily.


Although, even this is not true for approximately 20% of kids (according to SWB on WTM site). If there is a LD or a kid needs to be taught through explicit phonics, you could read to them all day long until the cows come home and they are still not going to pick it up and read easily. Ask me how I know. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't know about the rest of your post, but I was reading one of my favorite childhood books the other day, and an 8 year old girl was congratulated on knowing how to tell time when she's such a little girl. ;)


Okay... this is driving me nuts... because I can't think of the book's title! But the girl goes out into the hall at school, and there's a big overhead clock, and she stands there looking at it and finally figures out what time it is, and completely forgets about the errand she was sent on.


Please, please, tell me! What is the book?

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:iagree: Also, at least in the 1st edition WTM that I read cover to cover repeatedly when my oldest was young, the WTM recommends teaching four year olds how to read and strongly implies (implied?) that most normal four year olds could learn to do so. That is the age at which I taught all mine to read, so I'd be hard-pressed to criticize schools for teaching 5 and 6 year olds to read.


I think WTM is simply wrong if it is implying that most four year olds are going to be ready to learn to read. Children at that age vary really widely, and boys can be a few years behind girls on average.


Making reading a requirement for K is going to mean that some kids will fall behind, or learn to read in less efficient ways, or will find the whole thing so nasty they won't want anything to do with it. And when those kids are spending so much time learning a skill their brains aren't really ready for yet, they won't be doing the things that will make it ready, like physical play.


There is a big difference in teaching a child that is ready at four, or even three, and expecting children to read at a young age.

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Okay... this is driving me nuts... because I can't think of the book's title! But the girl goes out into the hall at school, and there's a big overhead clock, and she stands there looking at it and finally figures out what time it is, and completely forgets about the errand she was sent on.


Please, please, tell me! What is the book?

Yes! I read this too! I forgot the book too! I initially thought it was a Ramona book, but on further reflection, I don't think so. But something like it?

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Okay... this is driving me nuts... because I can't think of the book's title! But the girl goes out into the hall at school, and there's a big overhead clock, and she stands there looking at it and finally figures out what time it is, and completely forgets about the errand she was sent on.


Please, please, tell me! What is the book?


Good memory! It's Gertie from All of a Kind Family. She lied to her teacher about being able to tell time and is tormented every day when she has to go check the clock.


I don't remember whether it's in More All of a Kind Family or All of a Kind Family Downtown. I've read all five AoAKF books in the past two weeks. :D


I love that my dd loves them at the same age that I loved them. :D



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Good memory! It's Gertie from All of a Kind Family. She lied to her teacher about being able to tell time and is tormented every day when she has to go check the clock.


I don't remember whether it's in More All of a Kind Family or All of a Kind Family Downtown. I've read all five AoAKF books in the past two weeks. :D


I love that my dd loves them at the same age that I loved them. :D



Thank you! I think we own only the first AoAKF book. A library trip is in my near future! :001_smile:

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