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Suggestions for a planner?

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If you're willing to use an online planner, I've been very happy (after a slightly bumpy start) with Scholaric.com. It's not 100% perfect--I have a short wishlist of amended features, LOL!--but the developer is working quickly on upgrades and additions and is very responsive to questions and feedback. I find it very idiot-proof and uncomplicated. It's kind of like Excel, but easier. You can plug anything you want into the cells, not just lessons.


If I were looking for a paper planner to do what you're looking for, I think I'd make my own template and go from there. I did that with my chore/to do/work planner for years and just recently went to my own online system (a combo of a private blog and embedded Google Calendars). I'm too anal to use something preplanned :lol:

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I use Outlook. I put in the basics of the year in August (co-op dates, sports dates, other homeschooling events, etc.). Then I print a year's worth of weekly pages, as well as monthly overviews. You could easily do a daily view; there are a lot of format options. Then I bind it up; this year I'm using a "classic" sized 8.5"x5.5" binder from Staples, but I've also done GBC binding and other options.


I can put new events in paper-and-pencil, or I can put them into Outlook and print the relevant section again if it gets nuts.


I can also sync the calendar to my phone, though I use this mainly for dentist/ortho/doc appointments.

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Does it have to be in a notebook?


I am enjoying using a wall calendar because kiddo can read it and I can pin things like concert tickets to it in well marked envelopes. It is hidden from the living room but greets us as we walk in the garage door, and has enough room on it for everybody's plans. The months flip up, so I can flip forward and put in things like dentist appointments, the whole quarter's sched for the Y, or when to mail in the taxes. You can color coordinate the notes, if you a bit like me: hubby in bright colors, me in pencil, kiddo in blue.


It also has the benefit of not getting lost.

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Does it have to be in a notebook?


I am enjoying using a wall calendar because kiddo can read it and I can pin things like concert tickets to it in well marked envelopes. It is hidden from the living room but greets us as we walk in the garage door, and has enough room on it for everybody's plans. The months flip up, so I can flip forward and put in things like dentist appointments, the whole quarter's sched for the Y, or when to mail in the taxes. You can color coordinate the notes, if you a bit like me: hubby in bright colors, me in pencil, kiddo in blue.


It also has the benefit of not getting lost.


I like the notebook/binder style because then I can take it with me to scout committee meetings for planning purposes (I'm the committee chair for 2 separate units and a den leader for a third).


I do have a magnetic dry erase calendar on the fridge for what you describe, but it's only a month-worth of days.


I prefer paper over computer/phone because I like to be able to see the events for a whole month at a glance and you just can't do that on your iphone.


And it needs to have space for 2 lesson plans/day so that DH and I can keep track of school since we tag team. I have been just writing it out in a separate notebook but I'd like everything in one place.

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I like the notebook/binder style because then I can take it with me to scout committee meetings for planning purposes (I'm the committee chair for 2 separate units and a den leader for a third).


Well, I'm :bigear: for a homeschool planner than doesn't discount Sundays. :D

That is our biggest schooling day.


(any luck on the dog, yet?)

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I make my own, but if you need one that's already printed up and ready to go I really like this one. It's very flexible and is made for homeschooler's so there's no pages for seating charts, etc...


kalanak, this might be one for you... You decide what day you are on, not the planner.


Not word on the dog. I think she is gone gone. :(

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Maybe I need to look at outlook more closely.... Right now I have it but I don't really use it.... I don't want the kids' lesson plans clogging up my phone though... Would I have to have numerous "calendars" to keep that from happening? That seems like a lot to manage.


It depends on your phone. I've used it with three different phones now, and some were better than others in terms of how easy the sync was. Outlook has a task list and a few other options, none of which I use.


I have a planner with the details of our schedule, but for school stuff I usually print out a week on a page and use that for the detailed planning of our week if things look nuts, or if a child wants a copy of the schedule. I don't put school assignments in Outlook unless it's a field trip or science fair or something like that. I keep Outlook for the big, firmly scheduled stuff and use paper-and-pen on my printed Outlook pages for the details of daily to-do lists, etc.

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