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Joined Weight Watchers

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I truly don't know whether to laugh or to cry. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision. I really don't know much about it :tongue_smilie: December is a difficult month to join, but I figured it would keep me from gaining weight over the holidays and ending up with even more weight to lose in January ;)

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I am on WW for the 3rd time. (I keep reverting back to my old eating habits instead of making my new habits a lifestyle.) I rejoined weekly meetings on Sept. 27th and have lost 18 lbs. so far. I do fairly well on the program. When I joined again, it was a spur of the moment thing. The next day I was asking myself what did I do?? But I'm really glad that something gave me a kick in the pants.


I love my meetings. I don't lose weight well without the accountability of my weekly meetings. And frankly, my WW leader absolutely rocks. It's like going to a stand-up comedy routine every week! She had regained some weight due to a divorce and huge move. She said her problem began when she stopped following the Points Plus program and did the Pounds Plus program instead. :tongue_smilie: So now she's losing with the group which kind of feels good to see I'm not the only one who struggles with making some bad choices. It's so nice to hear of her experiences both good and bad.


There is one lady in my meeting who just celebrated her 3rd year membership with WW and she is less than 2 lbs. from her goal weight. She has lost 167 lbs. so far and at our last meeting had officially reached the point where she lost exactly half her body weight. People magazine was waiting for her to reach that point. I think they are going to do a spread on her. Fantastic story! She's such an inspiration. Here I am complaining about some weeks and she's been working on this for over 3 years now. Wow. But she loves to tell people that the journey always begins with a step in the right direction.

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Anyone have a weight watchers group on here? I would love to "meet" up w/ someone, I am ready to get going again...very discouraged right now about my weight. I have done well with WW in the past, very well. I do not go to meetings but do WW at home.




I think there is/was a social group but I don't like the format of them so I never check them. Feel free to PM me or start a thread anytime you like. I'm on my 3rd round with WW and this time is going to be the winner. The last two times I quit before I reached goal thinking I could finish on my own. I only maintained and then started gaining back. I won't let that happen again. Starting in 2012, WW will give Lifetime Members free online access in addition to the free weekly meetings. So not only am I motivated to lose my excess weight, but I'm motivated by knowing that when I hit Lifetime, I will get all the cool benefits that I enjoy now, for free! Woo!

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Weight Watchers is a great way to lose weight!


I'd like to join (again) but I don't like the monthly fees. I have been thinking about starting "Lose It", it's an iPhone app.

:iagree: I have done WW and the Lose It app. Both are great and since I am not wanting to spend the $$ right now I will be using the Lose It app starting today.

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