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The Teachers Lodge 11-28-2011

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Monday, Monday. It's Monday! Maybe a Manic Monday. Anyway, it's here!


How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was very adventurous. To make a long story short we went on a whirlwind trip down to southern AZ on Wed, then back on Thursday, making it safely home despite a tire that was inflated to twice the psi it was supposed to be! :001_huh:


Then we went to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving dinner and were there for almost two hours. May not seem like a lot of time but considering the many problems with my own order, it seemed a bit longer! :tongue_smilie:


How was your weekend? Yesterday we went bow hunting. Yep, all of us. We went hunting at Cabela's for the archery bows we need to buy for our family. :D



What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast is bacon and cheese wraps. Lunch will most likely be sandwiches. (Aren't you shocked that I even know what we're having for lunch? :lol: )


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning and a Happy Monday to you.


Thanksgiving was uneventful. We had a nice time with dh's family at his sister's house.


The weekend was uneventful. We had a nice time at church.


(Uneventful is good.)


Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 Ezek. 4:9 Eng. Muffin, water

Lunch - not sure. I'm not sure if I have salad with protein ingredients or not.

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Good morning everyone.


Thanksgiving was nice here. I had to work but it was from home and I got holiday pay to do next to nothing so that was good. Lots of good food.


Friday, Sweet-Pea's choir sang at our city's tree illumination ceremony and it was beautiful. She had a solo and honestly, it was so good it floored both dh and I. I knew she had been making progress with her singing but I didn't know it had been that much. Very proud of her.


I worked over the weekend and the girls and dh spent the weekend building the set for the musical they are currently in. I have costumes to get off my booty and sew today but I am lacking motivation.


Breakfast was biscuits with butter and lunch will likely be leftover pulled pork sandwiches.

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Thanksgiving was uneventful, but good. My sister came with her 2 kids for the first time (she's usually at her inlaws, but her dh had to work) which made things more chaotic, but it was still nice to all be together.


The weekend didn't involve anything really exciting. My mom (who is visiting from NH) and I went shopping a little bit - no obnoxious Black Friday sales for us this year (thankfully!). We ventured out Friday afternoon and Saturday morning instead. I'm almost done my Christmas shopping, so I'm feeling content about that!


Breakfast was cereal and yogurt - simple and easy. I'm tired today.


Lunch will be turkey salad sandwiches with fresh pineapple chunks. Today is our last day eating leftovers!

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Good Monday! We are enjoying our second week of our long winter break. We will be sitting down to read in a minute. We're reading a great sci-fi book about kids who get whisked back to 1763. It's fun! Then we'll be playing some board games and eating some lunch. This afternoon I get to be a princess! Okay, I get to have my permanent crown put on a tooth. But I can still be a princess, right?

We had homemade apple butter and toast for breakfast. We made 24 pints of apple butter yesterday! Whew!

I haven't thought far enough ahead for lunch yet!

Happy school day, everyone.

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I am happily surprised you know what your lunch will be. Congrats.


Thanksgiving at home was nice. I am a terrific cook and love making things just the way I like them. Yum. We also spent some time with friends and went to the nature science museum. I've decided that I'd really enjoy having my own 20' tall animatronic t-rex. :D


Breakfast was greek yogurt with leftover cranberry sauce and ground flax. Cranberry sauce is good on everything. Lunch will be apple & pb.


Archery? nice. That sounds like fun.

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This afternoon I get to be a princess! Okay, I get to have my permanent crown put on a tooth. But I can still be a princess, right?




What a GREAT way of looking at it, Kalah! I need a crown replaced and probably another put on. If I get to a be a princess to boot maybe I won't keep putting it off!:tongue_smilie:

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See? There you go! I have a horrible phobia about loosing my teeth. The temporary crown fell off last night. I was so mortified! But, (see, I've been trying this new positive outlook thing) I figure now, I won't have to be numbed up to take off the old one like last time, right? As a born pessimist, I take baby steps. :) The most painful part about the whole thing is that my dh's spankin' new insurance won't cover "major dental" for 12 calendar months. So, I had to pay $1600 out of pocket for my root canaled, capped beauty! It's a shame it's all the way in the back of my mouth. LOL

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How was your Thanksgiving? Quiet. We had about 1/3 of the number of people last year (12 this year), which was nice.


How was your weekend? Relaxing. We did no schoolwork from Wednesday on because we had to clean like maniacs to prepare for all the visitors. Afterwards, we all needed a couple of days of vacation, so we stayed home (it rained most of the weekend), played games, and read.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: 1/3 of a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast taco. Lunch: 1 large grapefruit. I started a new diet last week, and since I cut out most animal products (the breakfast taco was bought for me by a friend - I didn't even know about until I was forced to accept it) and sugar, I have been eating FAR less and I'm not even hungry. It's weird! :lol:

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Monday, Monday. It's Monday! Maybe a Manic Monday. Anyway, it's here!


Finally Monday.....time to get back into the routine!


How was your Thanksgiving?


Thanksgiving Day itself was fabulous. We spent the morning cooking and serving at church; the afternoon was spent cooking at home; and the evening was spent gorging ourselves on some extremely tasty dishes! The rest of Thanksgiving break was okay. We had a pretty good visit with the in-laws.


How was your weekend? The in-laws left on Saturday afternoon, after a nice family brunch at Cracker Barrel. We spent Saturday afternoon putting up some Christmas decorations (we're about 1/3 of the way done) and watching some college football. I had to work Saturday night. Sunday was a very busy morning at church. I did a little bit of Christmas shopping on Sunday afternoon while dd14 was at dance. We had our "alternate Thanksgiving" with my grandparents yesterday evening.

What's for breakfast/lunch today? The kids had Cracker Barrel leftovers for breakfast. I skipped breakfast. We had sandwiches and clementines for lunch. Dinner is probably going to be tacos, rice, beans, and corn. Thank goodness the last of the turkey is gone!

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Glad to see you all back today.


I'm going to take a break from opening the Lodge until January. If any of you want to do so during that time, feel free! I just need to not be online so much so I can focus better on my "chilluns" and the house.


Thanks for understanding!



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