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So, until last night, I'd have told you I don't like fish. Period.

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Oh, sure, like battered fast food fish sandwiches slathered in tartar sauce, sure. Tuna fish from a can slathered in mayo, sure. Crunchy fish sticks drowned in ketchup, sure.


Shellfish like shrimp and lobster tail, sure.


But just...fish? Like trying to eat healthy? No. I never liked fish, and I've tried a few different varieties a few different times because I'd LIKE to like it, especially when I'm in a dieting/eating healthy phase and I want some variety and don't want to eat chicken every night of my life.


So last night I decided to Google what kind of fish to try if you don't like fish (I don't know why I didn't come here lol) and I found a thread that suggested a few things, with tilapia high on the list.


So just for the heck of it, we went to the supermarket, picked up some tilapia filets (I guess filets is the right term, right? haha) and my husband made them for us.


He put some olive oil on a baking sheet, put the tilapia filets on it with lots of garlic, some lemon, salt and pepper, parsley flakes, topped them off with just a wee little bit of butter and believe it or not a small amount of shredded Colby Jack cheese (I thought cheese on fish sounded weird but my husband was like "Trust me, it will be good," and it WAS!) and broiled it and it came out so freakin good, I really, really enjoyed it! He also cooked some mushrooms and onions in a pan to go with it, and all three kids, who NEVER eat fish- weren't raised on it, and who we were not at all sure would like it, kept asking for seconds...and thirds. They loved it. We all loved it.


I ate some brown rice with mine. No one else in my family will eat brown rice, so they ate yellow rice lol. But it was a hit and I know now at least one type of fish/fish recipe we can add to our family dinner menu! Yay!

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I'm glad you found something to like about fish.


We like tilapia around here because it doesn't have that overly fishy taste that some in our family detest. It's nice to be able to make a fish that no one complains about.

This is why I do not like talapia. It tastes too fishy to me. I love just about any other kind of fish/shellfish.

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I don't like fishy fish either. Talapia is one of the ones I don't mind. I tried cod and well it did smell fishy raw, it did not have a fishy taste after cooked. I was suprised because I just knew I was gonna have to find something else to eat that night.

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In my family, fish is always cooked exactly the same: dredged in corn meal and deep-fried until it's hard as a rock. Doesn't matter what kind of fish.




So on my honeymoon, Mr. Ellie and I went to a seafood restaurant in SoCal, where I had pan-fried sole...lightly breaded, gently sauteed, such that I could actually taste the fish (although it was slightly related to what I was used to). Imagine my surprise to find out that I liked it. Who knew?!


Fish is still not my favorite--I'll take a nice prime rib dinner over a fish dinner any day--but at least I know it can be tasty. :-)

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Another really mild fish is haddock. We used to eat it once a week when I lived in NH, but it's very difficult to find here in NC, so I've settled for tilapia and occasionally grouper (maybe 1-2 times per year as it's expensive and I believe is on the endangered list).

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I think tilapia is a little fishier than I prefer. I like the more common varieties; flounder, etc.


Rule of thumb is, the whiter the flesh, the more delicate the flavor.


If you have any fishermen in the family, sunfish and crappy are some of the most delicious, light-flavored fish you can imagine. Truly incredible flavor and flakiness. Pickerel/pike/walleye are delicious too, but tons of fine bones to pick through.


On the opposite end of the spectrum for me would be bass, catfish, etc. which are darker, more fishy meat...

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