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Female content question re: my dd

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My dd just got "it" last month for the first time. She used pads. She tried a tampon but she just couldn't do it. So ok she'll use pads for a while until she is ready to try tampons (or diva cup or something of the sort) again.


But here's our problem. I just signed her up last month for swimming lessons to start July 9th 4 days a week for 2 weeks and then I'll probably keep signing her up through July for the same schedule. Well around July 9th she is "due" again to get "it" and I don't know what to do with her about this. Should we just work alot with the tampons? I don't know what to do. I don't want her to miss swimming because of this.


And speaking of "it" I personally also have some problems with it and would like some suggestions. I'll put that in another post.


Thank you!!

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In some cases, tampons won't work. Erm...surgery is required. I think that's pretty rare, but on the off-chance that she falls into this category, I'd be careful about pushing the tampons *too* much, iykwim.


PM me if you want more info. GL! :grouphug:

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is on the summer swim team and I told her she could just skip swimming on those days if she wanted to.

Jmo, but I think it's enough to get used to having a period every month, I don't want her to have to worry about leaks or anything on top of that.

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The thing about skipping the class is that I paid $65.00 for Monday-Thursday for 45 minutes each session for 2 weeks. If she missed on her period days she could miss 1/2 of the classes. There are only 8 classes for the session and she could miss 4 of them. YKWIM?

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I couldn't usse anything like that until after my first child was born and I would have been very upset if someone tried to insist. They didn't work, didn't stay put and I was very uncomfortable.


Ditto here. However, that said, I also had nobody actually "instruct" me on how to use them properly, so I can't honestly say what part that may have played in the issue. When dd started, I let her choose what she wanted to use. She was completely open to trying tampons, so I explained how to use them, and she's never had a problem. I was a bit envious of her early success actually! lol

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I won't push her with the tampons but I would like to gently encourage her.


I started out with pads because that's what my mom had me use. I suffered for YEARS until a friend told me about tampons. I read the instructions and never had a problem inserting them. I was furious with my mom for not telling me this was an option!!!


Yes I am hoping that maybe she'll just miss her period for a month or two since I have heard they can be erratic at first. For me at 11 when mine came the first time, it came every month after. So if she's anything like me, oh boy. :ohmy:

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I agree with letting her skip - but here's something to consider: my dd started in the fall and her "cycle" is highly irregular. (As in, she's had 4 so far.) Maybe many other people here have seen otherwise (and would tell us), but her doctor said that this is more common than regular cycles for the first year or so. It may not even be an issue one month from now.


ETA: Oh, I see this is already mentioned! (Going to get some coffee...)

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My kids swim year round. When dd1 first started her period, she had a little trouble with using tampons on her first try or two or three. This was right after she started and there wasn't much flow going on. I told her that she figured it out or quit swimming. When you swim year round, you really don't have a choice. You can't be out of the water for 1 out of 4 weeks. Then I left her with a variety of supplies and didn't mention it again. The next day when she tried again, she had success after a try or two. You do have to get the angle right. The extra flow that second day helped a lot too. My next two dd tried after they had "gotten going" a little better. They had to try a couple of times before they got it right, but they knew they really didn't have a choice because when you are a swimmer you have to use tampons. My only advice is to find the slimmest tampons possible. My girls all found that the plastic, rounded applicator is easier to use at first. They are sometimes difficult to find in the slenders. Don't buy too many though. They don't use these but the first few cycles before they need something more.


Also, like others have said, there is a really good chance that your dd won't have a period for a while. Girls are usually far from regular when they first start. I've only had 1 of my 3 who went straight to regular. Then again, she was 14 when she started. I've always wondered if that had something to do with it.

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Thanks everyone! Hopefully she'll just not get her period all summer! I think I might have her try the o.b. tampons since they are small and you can insert them with a finger. I think maybe the big plastic applicator might have freaked her out. I'll also look into the more slender ones for young ladies. I just handed her my big ole supersize tampon and thought what's the big deal. I guess I should have thought to get her smaller ones, but I just used what I had at home at the time.

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It's more rough, and pulls painfully rather than gliding, IYKWIM. Others really like them, though.


I think applicators are the way to go, and the slender ones are good to start with, especially the little plastic ones with the rounded tips. Some of my friends in high school also used a little vaseline, which is not recommended as it is not water soluable, but there you have it.


Angle is critical as others have said. The diagram in the package, and plenty of privacy, will probably help a lot.

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This is a highly personal decision in my opinion. I have never liked tampons. She may not either. Why have her self conscious and starting and trying to maneuver a very uncomfortable thing such as a tampon. Give her some time. I week off swimming won't kill her.

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Has she tried the Tampax pearl? My daughter greatly prefers this one to all others.


Good luck!




Ditto. These are the ones I prefer and they seem to go in the easiest. I never could figure out how to use a tampon until a few years after I was married. I hated pads with a passion and hated wearing them. Tampons were a lifesaver!


That being said, I couldnt imagine figuring out how to use them as a teenager when that area has never been used as an "entrance" LOL. I would just explain to her about them, give her the directions, ask her if she has any questions or anything, and tell her that she wont be able to swim without them. If she chooses not to use them, I might would cancel the swim lessons for the summer.


The thing is......the beginning is very very erratic. She may not get one for another six months.

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I think this goes without saying, but make sure she has super skinny ones with a plastic applicator. I remember trying to figure out my moms enormous cardboard ones. When I figured out what to do with it, I almost passed out!

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the only help I can be is this:

My dd got hers right before she turned 12, probably in Oct. or Nov. last year.

She still doesn't get them perfectly regular, and most times it only lasts 3 days. I wouldn't push the tampons, if she needs to miss a few days, so be it. There's a good chance it won't come when scheduled.

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