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Dr. Hive, I have a major question to ask!?

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I honestly don't have a lot of serious medical problems where I am always in the hospital or anything, but I have been to the doctor alot in my lifetime, this time though, I am a little scared about what might be going wrong with my body.


About 6 months ago I started noticing that my legs calves were starting to become enlarged, okay, no big deal, so I decided to go on a diet and have been on one for the past 4 months. I noticed that my weight started to decline greatly, I lost 17 lbs, went from a 7 to a 5, but my claves didn't seem to shrink much, in fact they increased in size!!!?:confused: Ok, still I tried to not panic and continue on with my life and everythings, until 2 months ago. I started feeling how heavy my legs were getting, like everything was being bulit up in my calves and slightly above my knee, then came pain. Now this started to worry me, but I continued on and thought if I went off my diet plan I would be fine. WRONG!!! My calves have now increased (they are not huge, but seem large I guess?) in size, the pain has increased, and 3 weeks ago my legs buckled and I fell flat on my face! I didn't even excpect it, it just happened and I have had it happen to me 6 times since then, an dhave had numerous times when it felt like it was going to happen again.


I am very worried, I did some research online and it was said there could be a possibility of fluid being built up in my legs, or that there wasn't enough circulation in my legs and that I would either have to have my legs drained of fluid, or operated on. But both legs!!:tongue_smilie: I told my parents and they are going to make an appointment asap, they are very nervous, as they don't have a clue what it could be either. Today my legs are in pain, they feel hard to the touch, and they almost gave out again, which is not good.


Does anyone know what may be the cause? If not prayers are greatly appreciated.

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Well, I think that going to the doctor is certainly the right call. If nothing else, it will ease you mind if they say you are fine.


What will certainly help is if you write out everything that you can remember and what you had been eating/drinking/ any activities immediately prior to these episodes. Maybe look at what type of diet, how much exercise you are getting, etc...



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I honestly don't have a lot of serious medical problems where I am always in the hospital or anything, but I have been to the doctor alot in my lifetime, this time though, I am a little scared about what might be going wrong with my body.


About 6 months ago I started noticing that my legs calves were starting to become enlarged, okay, no big deal, so I decided to go on a diet and have been on one for the past 4 months. I noticed that my weight started to decline greatly, I lost 17 lbs, went from a 7 to a 5, but my claves didn't seem to shrink much, in fact they increased in size!!!?:confused: Ok, still I tried to not panic and continue on with my life and everythings, until 2 months ago. I started feeling how heavy my legs were getting, like everything was being bulit up in my calves and slightly above my knee, then came pain. Now this started to worry me, but I continued on and thought if I went off my diet plan I would be fine. WRONG!!! My calves have now increased (they are not huge, but seem large I guess?) in size, the pain has increased, and 3 weeks ago my legs buckled and I fell flat on my face! I didn't even excpect it, it just happened and I have had it happen to me 6 times since then, an dhave had numerous times when it felt like it was going to happen again.


I am very worried, I did some research online and it was said there could be a possibility of fluid being built up in my legs, or that there wasn't enough circulation in my legs and that I would either have to have my legs drained of fluid, or operated on. But both legs!!:tongue_smilie: I told my parents and they are going to make an appointment asap, they are very nervous, as they don't have a clue what it could be either. Today my legs are in pain, they feel hard to the touch, and they almost gave out again, which is not good.


Does anyone know what may be the cause? If not prayers are greatly appreciated.







If my memory is right, swelling may indicate a cardiac issue. I quickly googled it and found that this may be so, however, I did not look at what other causes may also be the culprit.


My Dad, now in his mid 80's is a cardiac patient and I faintly remembered some kind of connection.


However, perhaps you have an infection.


Go the the doctor asap and please keep us updated.



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Your symptoms are vague, and there are many causes for what you are describing. You need to go to the doctor, tell him/her your history in an orderly, succinct way (including diet changes, medications you are taking, and over-the-counter or herbal medications you are taking). Your doctor will do a physical exam and lab work (blood tests). At that point, your doctor will be able to make a list of possible causes and do further tests if necessary.

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Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes, and I am trying not to worry too much, I am praying for it to be somethings minor. I am not sure if we will be able to get an appointment this week because it being Thanksgiving week and they have most of it off.


I am very good at describing things and will be telling the doctor everything that has happened prior to and during the time I started having these strange symptoms.


Thank you and I will keep you updated!

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Sometimes google is NOT our friend. Don't get worked up about what you've read online. It honestly could be any number of things. Going to the doctor is the best thing. If they can't get you an appointment this week, I'd ask what they'd suggest you do to make yourself more comfortable until you can be seen. Good luck!

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Remember too that as you grow your body changes. If you are exercising a lot your calves could be muscle and large. The pain could be something as simple as growing pains. Do you notice it at certain times of the month more than others? I know my mom would get swelling around that time of the month. :grouphug:

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Remember too that as you grow your body changes. If you are exercising a lot your calves could be muscle and large. The pain could be something as simple as growing pains. Do you notice it at certain times of the month more than others? I know my mom would get swelling around that time of the month. :grouphug:


No ma'm, it happens all the time no matter the time of month. I even tried to stop exercisiing, but that didn't work either, thank you though for the kind suggestion and trying to ease my worries.

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