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Does anyone use a boogie board for schoolwork?

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I'm sick of lap boards and scribbling on everything esp. for math.

I was thinking of the larger boogie board. I only have one to educate and I sit next to him. All the examples I see on YouTube are people drawing or writing LARGE letters. What about something more like our Mr. Khan does on his videos? Would a boogie board work for that?



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I'm sick of lap boards and scribbling on everything esp. for math.

I was thinking of the larger boogie board. I only have one to educate and I sit next to him. All the examples I see on YouTube are people drawing or writing LARGE letters. What about something more like our Mr. Khan does on his videos? Would a boogie board work for that?




We use a small whiteboard.

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Okay, I sprang for the larger tablet (not the kind you can "rip"), and I LOVE it. I can write very small and neatly. I can write fast and neatly. It is rather like writing with a nice fountain pen. You can make your spheres three dimensional by shading, etc. etc. It is not back lit, so you need a room with decent light. The larger tablet has easily replaced batteries (AAAAx 2). I wouldn't want the smaller one for anything but doodling, but you can write a three sentence dictation on this one. You can do a multiplication problem making the ones, tens, and hundreds in varying shades (not colors like Khan) to keep them apart, by pressing harder on the tens than the ones, and so on.


If you are sick of dry erase dust and wet erase rags,

give this a consideration. I was afraid it would "feel" unpleasant to write on, and it is actually nicer than pencil and paper! Woo hoo.

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Okay, some last comments.

1) the price has dropped 17$ since last week

2) my son loves it, and says it is nicer (easier) than pencil and paper

3) I can easily fit 4 not-short sentences on it and have room to underline and note the parts of speech

4) Plenty of room for math problems with a bar diagram at the bottom.

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