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So let's hear it from you McCain supporters....

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Did anyone mention that McCain is for strict constructionist Supreme Court judges? No overriding the will of the people in this republic. This is my best reason for voting for him....


Err...you do understand that the point of the Constitution is to *protect the minority* from the "will of the people?"


eta: Even Scalia (who is usually interpreted as being a "constructionist") has said the philosophy is:

a degraded form of textualism that brings the whole philosophy into disrepute.


Context is *always* important. I can't imagine ignoring the intent of the founders or the context in which things are said in order to warp the Constitution and get your own way.

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Is McCain a republican? Oh wait his dance card says he is but he sure doesn't look like a elephant but then he doesn't look like a donkey either.... more like a elekey........ or donphant or maybe ....... :confused:


Whoops this was for McCain supporters sorry ;)



Yep. What she said.

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Err...you do understand that the point of the Constitution is to *protect the minority* from the "will of the people?"


I can't imagine ignoring the intent of the founders or the context in which things are said in order to warp the Constitution and get your own way.



The point of the Constituiton is to protect the people from the government. The intent of the founders was that we were free to change the Constitution but by the will of people. Vote on it; pass it or don't pass it but not that the judicial branch was free to do that themselves or override the vote of the people.

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I will be voting and campaigning for McCain. Why? Because he is a strong supporter of national defense and the battle against terrorism and rogue nations like North Korea. Furthermore he has voted for and will be much more likely to nominate Supreme Court candidates I agree with. He is not as conservative as I am, however he is not a raving liberal like Obama. Obama wants to cut and run from Iraq. That will embolden our enemies. Lastly, McCain has experience and Obama has virtually none. I disliked Hillary Clinton as a candidate but she did not disturb me as much as Obama.


This is exactly what dh & I have been saying all along.

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I want smaller government, lower taxes, strict constitutionalist judges, a greater focus on capitalism rather than socialism, a stronger military, and a sense of responsibility instead of entitlement, just to name a few. Of the two candidates, who is more likely to take my country down that path? John McCain. He may not be my first choice, but now that the decision has been made, he's my only choice.



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Ron Paul, y'all! :D


Alas, it ain't gonna happen. I say write in the cat.


As for a global collapse at the hands of a democrat? I think it just depends on your preferred method of transportation. Hindenburg or the Titanic?


Don't mind me though. I'm just a political pessimist. :banghead:

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The point of the Constituiton is to protect the people from the government. The intent of the founders was that we were free to change the Constitution but by the will of people. Vote on it; pass it or don't pass it but not that the judicial branch was free to do that themselves or override the vote of the people.


Right, you can change the Constitution through the Republic but you can't pass a law that is illegal under our current Constitution. Judges *do* have the right (and responsibility) to overrule laws that are unconstitutional.

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But when it came time to make a policy decision in February, Senator McCain did not vote to ban the use of torture.

This particular change in position is very disturbing to me.


Not to quibble, but I think it's worth pointing out that he didn't change his position by not voting for that particular bill. The reason he gave for not voting for this most recent one was the restrictions put on the CIA (to be specific, having them adhere to military standards). He said that he wasn't convinced the omission of the CIA from previous bills was wrong...I'd consider that to be holding to his previous position (whether you consider it right or wrong), rather than changing.


I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong, lol!


(Just for the record, I'm not sure how I feel about that particular bill. I agree with Senator McCain that the CIA should be held to using interrogation methods that are legal--and I agree with him that waterboarding isn't--but I share his reluctance to tie the CIA to the military's guidelines. They're not military, and their purpose is different. Disagreeing with a particular bill doesn't always mean what it's made out to mean. You get a whole bag of under the table stuff, along with the "headline".)

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Disagreeing with a particular bill doesn't always mean what it's made out to mean. You get a whole bag of under the table stuff, along with the "headline".)


You are exactly right, Jill.

I hadn't read his explaination, so thank you for posting that. I'll do a little more digging to understand the whole thing better.


Wouldn't it be nice if they all explained their choice? ;)

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Wouldn't it be nice if they all explained their choice? ;)


You mean, if everyone in politics said what they meant, and honestly expounded on their reasoning behind decisions?!?!


Can we make chocolate ice cream calorie-free while we're dreaming?



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Right, you can change the Constitution through the Republic but you can't pass a law that is illegal under our current Constitution. Judges *do* have the right (and responsibility) to overrule laws that are unconstitutional.


Exactly. Which is all the more reason to have judges who will strictly interpret the law.

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I want smaller government, lower taxes, strict constructionist judges, a greater focus on capitalism rather than socialism, a stronger military, and a sense of responsibility instead of entitlement, just to name a few. Of the two candidates, who is more likely to take my country down that path? John McCain. He may not be my first choice, but now that the decision has been made, he's my only choice.


:iagree: I am not thrilled with McCain either but his policies align with my political pov's the most.

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