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Humor about Virginia colleges (a little crude in places)

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Guess I'm sort of in a "forwarding" mood. This was on ds' FB and I thought it was funny.


How many VA college students does it take to change a lightbulb?



George Mason students: Three, if they get lucky and one of them has taken the course at NOVA.


Eastern Mennonite U students: Two, one to hold the candle, and the other to strike the flint.


Hampden-Sydney students: Five, one to actually change the light bulb, and four to figure out how this could get some Longwood girls to come over.


Hollins College students: None, that's what maids are for.


James Madison students: None, Harrisonburg doesn't have electricity yet.


Liberty University students: None, God said "let there be light" and all was good, and no one questions Falwell.


Longwood students: None, the Farmville Super Wal-Mart has fluorescent lighting.


Mary Baldwin students: Four, one to change the light bulb, and three to figure out how it will help them meet their future husband.


Mary Washington students: The whole student body, there's nothing better to do on the weekends.


Old Dominion students : Four, two to change the bulb, and two to figure out how to get high off the old one.


Radford students: Just one, but it takes six years


Randolph-Macon students: None, they'll just drink in the dark


Sweet Briar students: One to change the bulb, and three to call up daddy and cry and complain about how awful the whole experience was.


U of Richmond students: Two, one to mix the martinis and one to call the electrician.


UVA students: One, he just holds the bulb and lets the world revolve around him. :lol:


VCU students: None, downtown Richmond looks better in the dark.


VMI students: One Rat to actually change the bulb, one upperclassman to yell at him for not doing it fast enough, one to yell at him for not using the proper wattage, and one to send him up to the Rat Disciplinary Committee for letting the bulb burn out in the first place.


Virginia Tech students : Three, one to change the bulb, and two to discuss how they did it just as well as a UVA student.


Washington and Lee students: Four, one to change the bulb, and three to talk about how great the old one was!!!!!!!!!!!!


William and Mary students: Three, one to change the bulb, and two to crack under the pressure.


Christopher Newport students: 360, 1 to change the bulb and 359 upperclassmen to complain about how they didn't get good housing.

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