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Why is the school calling me?

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DD was accepted at a private school. We declined (I did today by phone, left a msg).

So now they're calling me back? They're not even leaving msgs, but calling at home, my cell phone, and possibly my work number too? (the work number, I'll know tomorrow). Why would they do this? It's the 'not leaving a msg' that I don't like. It feels like they really want to talk to me, and discuss. Argh! Why???


Ok, so I'm paranoid. I really don't want them to tell the school board about us. We're under the radar so far. It would be disastrous if the school tells on us. I'm nervous. (I'm a wreck to be honest)

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Just a thought; some of the private schools around my area are finding their enrollment dwindling due to the economy. A pretty exclusive private 9-12 has even gone so far as to start recruiting - something they've never needed to do in the past.


If the school is hurting money-wise, they maybe calling to see if they can entice you into reconsidering. They may even go so far as to offer some type of tuition discount. It's probably got nothing to do with your homeschooling history. I do agree with the prior poster, though. If they explicitly ask, just tell them you're still weighing all your options.

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Just a thought; some of the private schools around my area are finding their enrollment dwindling due to the economy. A pretty exclusive private 9-12 has even gone so far as to start recruiting - something they've never needed to do in the past.


If the school is hurting money-wise, they maybe calling to see if they can entice you into reconsidering. They may even go so far as to offer some type of tuition discount. It's probably got nothing to do with your homeschooling history. I do agree with the prior poster, though. If they explicitly ask, just tell them you're still weighing all your options.



I can see why you are upset and why you see red flags, but there is a possibility that it is about money more than about your homeschooling history - or that they just got unusually interested in your child (happens).

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It would be disastrous if the school tells on us. I'm nervous. (I'm a wreck to be honest)


That seems very unlikely. They are still a business, and they probably want to know why you chose not to accept, perhaps not to beg, but to know if curriculum, tuition, or some other factor made your decision. They would probably like to know if you are going to some competitor school, or what your plans are.


Or, maybe they are calling because you left something there...

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They are calling to follow-up and obtain feedback, in my opinion. If there is a reason why you aren't enrolling, they want the opportunity to alter that reason if possible. For example, if you say it is too expensive, they will explain their payment options. To me, it is a sales call, which is why there are no messages.


Typically, a private school will not "tell on you" unless you enroll with them and leave. In that case they would have to believe that you are violating the compulsory attendance law of your state.


At any rate, I would recommend that you fulfill your state's compulsory attendance law by either registering with a school or officially homeschooling. There are penalties if you do not. My real reason for recommending it is because always "looking over your shoulder" just adds unnecessary stress to your day. I'm not judging you or anything, but I can tell you are frightened/worried. I know that cannot be any fun.


Don't worry about those calls. Answer one of them and talk to them. It will stop their calling and ease your mind. Just tell them that you are reviewing other options (or that you are going a different route), and if you change your mind about their school, you'll contact them.

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Because HSing in Quebec is an iffy proposition, legally speaking. It involves lots of hoop-jumping, as I understand it.


I didn't realize she was in Quebec. Anyway, do not worry about that private school as I mentioned previously. I truly believe it is just a sales call to follow-up on why you don't want to enroll in the school.

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We were in the same situation. :D She was accepted, but we declined. Our mistake was in saying that the tuition was just too much for us. I wanted an easy response and that is the one that popped out. They kept calling for a couple of months asking us how much financial aid they could offer to allow our dd to choose their school.


I'll bet they are pursuing you to change your mind and make things look more desirable having your child there rather than somewhere else. Stay strong! ;)

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I agree with the other posters, Cleo. Since you left a message and didn't speak with anyone personally, of course they will want to speak directly to you, if for no other reason than to confirm your decision before removing her from the list. They may even want your signature.


I know how scared you must be feeling. As you know we've been through a few situations where "school info." was required, and my heart was in my throat for a few weeks until everything was cleared up. In the end, everything was cleared up, though, and none of our fears came to pass. I'm sure this will be the case in your situation as well.


At the same time, I was a bit surprised that you chose to notify them now. I thought you would take the rest of the year to think about it, then tell them over the summer if she wouldn't be attending. Hopefully then they would be so busy with preparation for the new school year, new students, etc. that they wouldn't have time to worry too much about you.


Now that it's done, though, plan a calm, non-confrontational response when you do speak to them. If they offer to leave her on the list for now and you can let them know later in the year, just do that. Be relaxed about it, don't let them see your fear ;), and you should be fine.

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:grouphug: Cleo I'd probably be feeling the same way. But as others have said, it's most likely simply an attempt to get you to change your mind. All they're trying to do is to raise their numbers. They know that leaving a message isn't nearly as effective as speaking directly with the parent. Could your husband take the call instead and just say that you're exploring other options? I think that the sooner you talk with them, the better as they'll hopefully stop calling. You could also give them a reason that they will find hard to argue with saying that your daughter doesn't want to go as her best friends are looking at other schools and that's important to her. Well ... her brother is one of her best friends and he is looking elsewhere. :) You can say that she just took the admissions test to appease you, but that after lengthy discussion, she's absolutely not interested in attending there. You can always mention what fond memories you have of the school as a graceful exit. :)

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At the same time, I was a bit surprised that you chose to notify them now. I thought you would take the rest of the year to think about it, then tell them over the summer if she wouldn't be attending.


That was my original idea, but I had till Nov 4th to confirm the spot, with a deposit of a total of 500$ right now to secure said spot. I can't afford to throw 500$ out the window like that, so we had to make a decision now, and not next summer.


So far they haven't called back today. Please pray that they will just drop this.

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Just a thought; some of the private schools around my area are finding their enrollment dwindling due to the economy. A pretty exclusive private 9-12 has even gone so far as to start recruiting - something they've never needed to do in the past.


If the school is hurting money-wise, they maybe calling to see if they can entice you into reconsidering. They may even go so far as to offer some type of tuition discount. It's probably got nothing to do with your homeschooling history. I do agree with the prior poster, though. If they explicitly ask, just tell them you're still weighing all your options.

I'm sure that is all it is. The school person is required to follow through with all applicants, I was told, when my daughter declined to attend an International School. The lady was very nice but told me she was required to talk to me personally and ask a few questions about why we made the decision we did (not nosy, just about my daughter's shadow experience) in order to close the file.


Money is tight these days.

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I had till Nov 4th to confirm the spot, with a deposit of a total of 500$ right now to secure said spot. I can't afford to throw 500$ out the window like that, so we had to make a decision now, and not next summer.


So far they haven't called back today. Please pray that they will just drop this.


In that case, I would directly address the deposit in your response to them. Tell them that you intended to think it over and make a decision in the summer. Since the deposit was required in Nov., and you weren't prepared to lose $500 if she decided not to attend, they forced you to make a decision now. Who knows, they may give you more time, or they may drop it. It puts the ball in their court.


I doubt they will just stop calling, though, so it's better to answer them and get it over with. :grouphug:

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