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chores for your 6 yo male

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starting to add chores and expectations to our 6 yo day (OK 6 in 2 week) is he more of a 5 year old actually -- his attention and maturity are 'delayed' -- he just generally seems younger than he is.


he has always done stuff upon being asked -- but I am trying to make him a chart of things to be routinely accomplished -- he is very helpful 'as needed' but i want him to start to have some ownership of his tasks.


what chores do you expect of you 6 yo boy?

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Mine is responsible daily for putting away his laundry, making his bed, picking up his side of the bedroom, cleaning up any toys he has in common areas, and walking to the post office to collect our mail. Cleaning the den, sweeping the walk, putting away linens, and setting the table are chores he alternates with his sister.

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My DS5 does:

-Organize shoes (we have a huge pile of shoes by the front door,so he puts them in pairs, in a nice line)

-Cleans his own room

-Washes windows

-Dry Swiffer the kitchen floor/bathroom floor

-Hoses out Recycle bins

-Picks up all toys that are not in the toy room, and puts them back to toy room.

-Cleans my room (for some reason, toys, water bottles,stuffed animals, etc all tend to migrate to my room...so he's not cleaning my stuff, only stuff that belongs to him and his brother)

-Wipes off bathroom counters.

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Beginning of last year I expected him to clean his room on his own, help w/ setting table, unloading dishwasher, taking out trash. He is expected to do a lot more this year at 7 though, the maturity comes I think. You have to look at what they can do, set reasonable expectations and keep at them. I know for the longest time I read that they should be able to fold clothes at 3 or something, he couldn't. Now at 7 I did laundry the other day and he folded all of his own clothes(sorted and put them away in the appropriate drawer), but that just came along in the last year. My 4 yo can fold most of hers, she has the skill but not the endurance and patience.

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DD 5's only unsupervised chore is letting out and feeding our chickens in the morning (they free range during the day). She also brings in eggs but she doesn't consider that a chore, the excitement never gets old lol. Anything else is on request and usually done with me. Actually she's pretty good at mirror and window cleaning, we should talk about adding that. Could your boy do mirrors? They are pretty easy and fun with a spray bottle and squeegee.

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If you are just getting him started on chores


Sort laundry

Fold towels

Match socks



At 6 the only regular chore was feeding the dog, cat and rats 2X's a day.


Other than that I had him help me out as needed so that he could learn to do things.

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We're on a 4 week rotation of zones. My 6 year old doesn't do ALL the jobs in her zone (in a good month, I use her rotation to do a deep clean of that zone), but the parts she does, she has been doing since she was 4 1/2.


Her portion is:


Upstairs Zone:

Clean hall bath

Put away hall bath towels

Vacuum upstairs hallway (I do edges)

Pick up any trash on the schoolroom floor

Take down all laundry in hampers

Take out all trash from bedrooms, upstairs bathrooms, schoolroom


Downstairs Zone:

Sweep entry

Pick up and put away family room clutter

Vacuum Family Room

Straighten Library

Clean downstairs bathroom, check through the week for TP, etc. and replace when needed


Dining Room Zone:

Set and clear the table after meals

Change tablecloths as needed (including shaking out the old one outside)

Wipe down kitchen table

Sweep kitchen eating area

Vacuum the dining room


Kitchen Zone:

Unload dishwasher

Sweep kitchen floor

Wipe countertops, stove, etc.

Wipe appliance fronts

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Each day, DS(5) must:

- Feed the dog (2x/day)

- Make his bed

- Brush his teeth (2x)

- Straighten up his room

- Straighten up the playroom

- Straighten up the living room

- Clear the table after every meal


It can be hard to start chores with kids. Sometimes they are eager to help, but other times there is a lot of resistance and it can be easy to get frustrated and wonder why they don't just do XYZ which they are clearly capable of doing. I've decided that DS really does require supervision for most things (particularly straightening up toys), to help him stay on task. I try to keep the supervision very helpful and very cheerful - not nagging and never getting frustrated or yelling. Sometimes I read to him while he is cleaning up, which he really enjoys. I want him to see that these activities are part of our responsibilities that come from the blessings of having a house, toys, pets, meals, etc., and that we are to do them joyfully. Anyway, I know you weren't asking for advice but I just wanted to share with you since I have learned a few lessons since starting our "formal" chore program a year or so ago!

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