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The Teachers Lodge 10-31-2011

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It's MONDAY! Yep, it is.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast for me was Quaker Corn Bran. It will soon be followed by coffee or tea, not sure which just yet. Lunch: no idea. Maybe I'll go to Jean's house. ;)


What's going on in your world today? Here: waking up, shower, plodding through school, etc. Oh, and laundry because I need something to wear when I take the kids to a Harvest Festival tonight.


Is anyone getting snow today/this week? I'd like some snow but I live in the desert so I'll live vicariously through all of you!:)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning Scrap and Everyone!


Breakfast will be the reheated eggs that I made for dh but he left without eating.:glare:


Lunch - Ack! Scrap is coming? Quick everyone! Push all the clutter under the couch!


Today - Normal a.m. wake up stuff, school, I'm hoping to still make a tiny bit of headway in decluttering/cleaning, laundry of course. . . Tonight we've having our usual Reformation Day/Halloween family night: pizza from Papa Murphy's, a private screening in our living room of "The Spy Next Door" with Jackie Chan.


ETA - Snow - no snow here. Drizzle followed by sunshine followed by drizzle followed by. . .

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Breakfast/ Lunch? Kids got their own breakfast. Not sure what I am getting for myself. Not feeling hungry.


Plans for today? School, I guess. (Feeling kind of blah and "whatever"-ish today.) Then taking ds 10 to see the new THree Musketeers movie for our biannual mother/ son date. It's in 3D. I don't like 3D movies, but ds has been looking forward to this since he finished reading The Three Musketeers a few months ago, so his excitement will be enough for both of us.


Snow? No snow here, but my folks and my sister got about 6 inches. Sister's power was only out for about 12 hours. Who knows when my folks will get theirs back on (it took over a week after hurricane Irene).

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Breakfast: Glow-in-the-dark Captain Crunch Halloween cereal for the kids. No, wait. It doesn't glow, it just turns your milk green. Well. "That would be really scary," dh points out to me like I should know that. Like, who would BUY glow-in-the-dark cereal. :001_huh: Pregnant women, that's who.


Life cereal w/ a large nail for me.


Lunch: Pumpkin-shaped macaroni.


Thinking of all the things that don't work to start labor. Thinking of trying them. Or just scowling at everyone all day. I think I've made it plenty long enough being nice.


On the other hand, I don't feel pg. I can't wrap my head around the idea of another person on his way.


Also throwing food at dh. Just to scare him a little.


Snow Weds & Sat. 40% chance has jumped to 70%. But I think they just recycled the warning from last week, because the days of the week they're posting...well, technically they're *right,* but they posted them today instead of tomorrow. Telling me TODAY to watch out for snow after midnight TOMORROW seems weird. But I don't know. Maybe it's for the low-on-chili-&-hot-chocolate crowd. We're stocked here.


The kids are going to a church Halloween thing tonight. I'm waiting to see if I have to go. I have a feeling...it's expected. I think I need to do my walking at Target & get a set of real-looking fangs. Just, you know, for fair warning.

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Jean, even if I start NOW, I'd still only arrive WAY AFTER lunchtime! Besides, if you leave the clutter where it is, I'd probably feel right at home! ;)


Tutor, I'm feeling kind of "blah" about it, too. A movie is good idea.


Okay, I really need to go take a shower. Be back later!

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I just ate a pumpkin sugar cookie while waiting fro my tea to cool - does that count as breakfast - it was frosted with sprinkles :D.


Yesterday I decided that after 7 weeks of school (with only 1-3 days without major whining over everything) - no school this week! Mommy needs a break and they get a break because of that. :party:

So, we are cleaning in anticipation of friends coming over tonight after a latish start (I'm showered but haven't started yet)

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Pencil Pusher, you're just having a rough day all around, aren't you? I think the fangs would be a hoot!


May you get the rest that you need!


Am I? I just reread my post, & it sounds to me like dh is having a rough day. I'm armed w/ tiny biscuits that he cooked w/out my input (thank goodness) & the possibility of fangs. I can't imagine a better Halloween. ;)

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Oh yeah, here in the Denver area we are expecting a nice day today and snow and cold for the middle of the week.


I would be quite happy with enough snow between midnight tonight and 7 in the morning that we wouldn't have to go to bible study (which I love, but I don't really want to leave the house this week).

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Happy Monday! (Yes, it is.)


Breakfast was yogurt with banana, peaches and wheat germ. Oh, and green tea with ginger.


Lunch: Hmm...I just ate a mini Hershey bar. I should probably follow that up with some leftovers. Bean soup sounds good.


What's going on today? We're getting quite a bit of school work done. When I'm not needed, I've been washing bedding, dashing out to check on my chickens, moving jack o'lanterns around on the front porch, and vacuuming up the pumpkin seeds that got tracked in Friday and Saturday night when we had little mad carvers come a-visiting. I may need more of those Hershey bars, come to think of it!


NO SNOW. PLEASE, NO SNOW. Not yet. I just took the sand toys out of the sandbox and the wicker furniture is still on the front porch.


Jean, I am impressed you can fit all your clutter under your couch. Friday afternoon when I was getting ready for visitors, I just opened up my junk drawers and added more junk. The rest had to go into a laundry basket for sorting another day. Unfortunately, today will have to be that day because I've been looking for Important Things ever since.

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It's MONDAY! Ugh.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was waffles, cinnamon toast, or pancakes and oranges for the kids. I ate a donut.


What's going on in your world today? I am just not in the mode to get anything done today. I feel like I'm "hung over" from the busy weekend. We're muddling through schoolwork. I'm making loaded baked potato soup in the crockpot to go along with our "mummy" dogs for dinner. If it doesn't rain, we'll probably go "trick or treat" at a few of our neighbor's houses. If it does rain (which is likely), we'll probably rent a movie and make some treats at home.


Is anyone getting snow today/this week? um, no. It was a chilly weekend here in NC, but it's supposed to be in the 50's/60's this week.

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Jenn, can you give us the recipe for "loaded baked potato soup"? I have some potatoes that need to be used and that sounds yummy! and how do you make "mummy dogs"?



The recipe for the loaded baked potato soup is the "Crockpot Monday" recipe at crockpotgirls.com


Mummy dogs are hot dogs wrapped in crescent roll dough (with a little space left open to make it look like a mummy). We may add cheese & bacon to ours! LOL!

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?


Today is not a day to be proud of in terms of food. Breakfast for me was coffee. Ds grabbed some dry Cheerios. Lunch was personal pizzas at the Pizza Hut in our Target store.


What's going on in your world today?

Ds had a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning this morning. Guitar lessons later this afternoon. Trying to squeeze in some schooling in between. We'll be heading to a friend's tonight for a hayride style TOT.


Is anyone getting snow today/this week? I'd like some snow but I live in the desert so I'll live vicariously through all of you!:)


It's been raining all day. I hope it stops soon. Snow is not something we think about here either. :)
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Ugh. I need some DEmotivation so I don't turn my house inside out without the possibility that it'll get put back together again.


I had broccoli/rice/cheese soup for lunch and followed it up with Chex Mix. DS had a veggie burrito and yogurt. We're both out of here in a minute or two to go to DD's class Halloween party, then back home for chores/homework/dinner before we head out to go to a friend's house for trick-or-treating.


No snow here. I'm glad in one way because DD's costume involves a dress and she doesn't need to be out in such cold weather barelegged... but in another, I'm ready to be cooped up for a couple days so I CAN tackle the clutter!

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Thanks, Jean!


I decided this morning that I'm just NOT going to worry about it. . . anything. . . and I'm just going to get done what I get done. It's much more peaceful that way.


I've also realized that not a one of us likes our day when we're NOT doing history. It just seems to be much more peaceful on those days when we get to do it. We're currently in the Byzantine Empire, moving into Medieval Indian Empire.


We recently read a story about St. Nicholas and today talked about what nice thing we can do for someone, anonymously. It's interesting to see what the kids thought of!


I'm going to take a look at that soup recipe. Maybe I'll make that for dinner!

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?

We had cracked wheat for breakfast and for lunch the kids had leftovers. I still haven't decided what I am eating for lunch.


What's going on in your world today?

Apparently not much because it is Halloween. When my kids are distracted it is virtually impossible to refocus them. I thought we'd push through school anyway and then I remembered that every single time I do that I have to re-teach whatever I taught that day because no remembers any of it.


Is anyone getting snow today/this week?

It is forecasted for tomorrow. I'm trying to adjust from winters in the PacNW. It does not seem right that it should snow in Oct or Nov!

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DS and I are heading out soon to get the makings for that Loaded Baked Potato soup! When we come back we will have lunch, then I will probably read another chapter out of SOTW Vol. II then whatever the next chapter is in The Hittite Warrior. After that it will be quiet time for all. I may try to do Language Arts after that. WE'll see. Then we'll be done. I really need to get a weekly menu together!

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Heading out to pick up a friend of ds's and then coming home to make Loaded Baked Potato Soup with my daughter. (An easy lesson in fractions. :D )


I ended up having to do ours in a pot on the stove. Even after 4 hours on high, the potatoes were not soft enough in the crockpot. I did it on the stove and then added 1 cup half-and-half cream, 3 ounces of cream cheese, along with 1 cup of shredded cheese and some chopped up (cooked) bacon after mashing the potatoes. Looks yummy!

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Thanks for the input, Jenn! It's in the crockpot now. We started it too late to be dinner for tonight anyhow. Think I'll turn it down to low and put it away for tomorrow when it's "done". Off to finish cooking the bacon (for other use) and to get the kids ready to go out.


Have fun, y'all!

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