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Wishbone Dawn, Pencil Pusher

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Anyone feeling dilated?



Actually, anyone heard from WishboneDawn? Haven't seen her this wknd, but then I've been sick and decaffeinated, so I might have missed her posting...


Just wondering if anyone thinks they're on their way to having a very different sort of ToT today!

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If I remember right, she said she was going to be induced today.


Me? I just LOST IT over a bag of colored pencils. Seriously, everybody in the room decided to help 4yo find them. They were *almost* w/in reach on the bookshelf. I pointed. I explained. Finally, I started bawling. I managed not to say it, but really--can EVERYONE be so DENSE????


I might need to be sequestered.


Instead, dh thought it would be a good idea to ask me how to make biscuits. Preheat the oven & let it stand there beeping for 5 min (you have to STOP the beeping). Ds thinks I want to make a battleship costume. 4yo wants a math lesson, of all things. 8yo has forgotten where all paper in the house is kept. And again, dh thinks it's a good idea to ask me.


And his parents are in town. Which is wonderful, except that everybody's acting weird because they're all trying to be polite to ea other. Luckily, everyone's comfortable w/ me.


Mil: So are you dilated?


Me: That's pretty personal, private, don't ask. Plus, mw's don't check that. Plus, it's irrelevant.


Mil: So you don't know? Or are you? :blink:


Now 8yo tells me I should dress up as a witch. Because I'd look really spooky. I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it the way it sounded. :glare:

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If I remember right, she said she was going to be induced today.


Me? I just LOST IT over a bag of colored pencils. Seriously, everybody in the room decided to help 4yo find them. They were *almost* w/in reach on the bookshelf. I pointed. I explained. Finally, I started bawling. I managed not to say it, but really--can EVERYONE be so DENSE????


I might need to be sequestered.


Instead, dh thought it would be a good idea to ask me how to make biscuits. Preheat the oven & let it stand there beeping for 5 min (you have to STOP the beeping). Ds thinks I want to make a battleship costume. 4yo wants a math lesson, of all things. 8yo has forgotten where all paper in the house is kept. And again, dh thinks it's a good idea to ask me.


And his parents are in town. Which is wonderful, except that everybody's acting weird because they're all trying to be polite to ea other. Luckily, everyone's comfortable w/ me.


Mil: So are you dilated?


Me: That's pretty personal, private, don't ask. Plus, mw's don't check that. Plus, it's irrelevant.


Mil: So you don't know? Or are you? :blink:


Now 8yo tells me I should dress up as a witch. Because I'd look really spooky. I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it the way it sounded. :glare:

Man, I thought it was bad that my *husband* asked that! I can't imagine my MIL asking!


Then again, she asked Wolf, "So, has her water broken yet?"


My MIL truly has no flipping clue about the childbirth process.

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Man, I thought it was bad that my *husband* asked that! I can't imagine my MIL asking!


Then again, she asked Wolf, "So, has her water broken yet?"


My MIL truly has no flipping clue about the childbirth process.


I think it was worse because I'd just given another relative the same speech the night before. Said relative confessed that she didn't even really know what "dilated" meant but that her dr had always kept her updated. (3 dc)


So I told her explicitly what it meant, hoping she'd be too embarrassed to ask again. Her dumbfounded response was about like mil's: so are you? :tongue_smilie:


What really gets me is they'll ask in mixed company. :svengo:

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Does no one teach people how to act in mixed company?


Sorry, it's been a long week. Thank you Lord, I am so HAPPY that the world series is over and I can actually go to bed at a decent time. And would someone please explain to my mother and my husband that weekend nights do NOT equal needing to stay up til midnight? Oh, and the baby is sick, so I might be a little stressed and cranky right now.

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Nope, wasn't induced today. Went to an ultrasound to once again confirm that I will have a ginormous baby and schedule an induction if nothing was happening. Nothing is happening so I go in Thursday night to be induced. By Friday I should have a baby and may be posting pics by Sat. or Sun. depending on how long I stay in hospital.


I haven't posted since yesterday because our internet was down. :)


ETA: Even though I didn't get induced I had a fun day. The kids went to my in-laws for a two-day sleepover Sun. night and went trick or treating with their cousins because we wouldn't be able to take them due to the hospital appointment. Husband an I went to the appointment, went out for supper afterwards and then went to the local grocery store and got ice cream and every kind of sundae/banana split accessory known to man. :D We had given our treats for the local kids to a neighbour to pass out so we got to just sit back and make ridiculous ice cream desserts!

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Nope, wasn't induced today. Went to an ultrasound to once again confirm that I will have a ginormous baby and schedule an induction if nothing was happening. Nothing is happening so I go in Thursday night to be induced. By Friday I should have a baby and may be posting pics by Sat. or Sun. depending on how long I stay in hospital.


If I remember right, you like the predictability of being induced, yes? Either way, I hope good things for you this week & a fat, healthy baby. (I had to go let them see how ginormous mine was going to be, too.) :glare:


I haven't posted since yesterday because our internet was down. :)


ETA: Even though I didn't get induced I had a fun day. The kids went to my in-laws for a two-day sleepover Sun. night and went trick or treating with their cousins because we wouldn't be able to take them due to the hospital appointment. Husband an I went to the appointment, went out for supper afterwards and then went to the local grocery store and got ice cream and every kind of sundae/banana split accessory known to man. :D We had given our treats for the local kids to a neighbour to pass out so we got to just sit back and make ridiculous ice cream desserts!


That sounds wonderful! Dh had to work, & my ils are in town, so we took the kids to a church thing together. Sat in the floor of the church gymnasium for 2-3 hrs to watch a movie w/ kids who wanted to sit in my lap. My hips are KILLING me now.


But dh brought giant sunflowers when he got home. Sometimes the time for flowers is when you still haven't had the baby, huh? And when you know that grown-ups are in town to babysit YOU. ;) :tongue_smilie:


(On another note--I did tell a couple of people tonight that I wasn't pg; this was just a costume. I don't usually have the guts for that kind of joking, so it must be the hormones that made me derive such pleasure from it. I did go ahead & tell them I was due last week, but one old lady...hehehe...by the time she understood what I was saying, she'd already spent a few minutes trying to figure out how I'd made such an authentic-looking costume. Which I thought was pretty nice, given the fact that strangers in the bank, WM, etc have argued w/ me that I'm not having ONE baby but triplets. :glare: Iow, not everyone thinks it's so authentic-looking.)


I'm glad you had a fun night, though! The sugared-up crying kids are awfully hard to deal w/ alone at this point. :svengo:

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I'm kinda bummed.


My Dad's birthday was the 30th, my brother's, Hallowe'en...I was really hoping this baby would land on either one, but no such luck.


Go see the OB tomorrow, discuss a csection/induction. Eeep.


The Creeping Crud is still in full effect here. Wolf's still too sick to go into work. I have visions of everyone having to wear masks for the first two wks of baby's life!

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I'm kinda bummed.


My Dad's birthday was the 30th, my brother's, Hallowe'en...I was really hoping this baby would land on either one, but no such luck.


Go see the OB tomorrow, discuss a csection/induction. Eeep.


The Creeping Crud is still in full effect here. Wolf's still too sick to go into work. I have visions of everyone having to wear masks for the first two wks of baby's life!



I'm so sorry IMP! Joshua...you are not cooperating...LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER PLEASE!


My brother can relate to Wolf. When his first child was born, he had pneumonia. At first they weren't going to let him anywhere near his wife during labor and delivery, but then decided he'd been on antibiotics long enough to be safe. He had to wear a mask. The nurse acted like she would have been only too happy to douse him in bleach!



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I'm so sorry IMP! Joshua...you are not cooperating...LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER PLEASE!


My brother can relate to Wolf. When his first child was born, he had pneumonia. At first they weren't going to let him anywhere near his wife during labor and delivery, but then decided he'd been on antibiotics long enough to be safe. He had to wear a mask. The nurse acted like she would have been only too happy to douse him in bleach!



I wonder what they'll do with me, since I'm still hacking and sneezing and wheezing? :lol: "Hold your breath!!"

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C'mon, ladies, it's November already. Chop, chop! (I hated end of the month due dates, even though I usually went early ... people always decided I should go on the first.)


Sorry about all the yuck going around your house, Imp. I hope that it resolves itself before the little guy comes.

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