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Charlottesville VA

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Great place to live! I went to school there and stayed for years after b/c I loved it so. Small city with a university is usually a good bet. Hard to fly into. Beautiful, close to the mountains and not far from Washington and loads of American history!


No clue on hs now. 20 years ago there were at least 10 families in our church of 800 members.

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Charlottesville is a wonderful town. There are plenty of homeschoolers and several different co-ops to choose from. There are also homeschool classes through parks and recreation and there are different sports organizations that offer homeschool classes too. I think the amazing amount of conveniently close activities is what we miss the most about C-ville.


There is an airport in Charlottesville, it's just a small one that usually requires connections to get to most places. The connections are usually out of D.C. or Charlotte,NC.


We would always fly out of Dulles International Airport in Northern Va which is about 1.5 hours away. Richmond is an hour from C-ville and also has an international airport.

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Rebecca, I typed up a LONG post all about Charlottesville but it disappeared. Ughitty, ugh, ugh, ugh. Instead of typing it up all over, I'll answer briefly and then you can ask me more questions:


We did live in Charlottesville for 14 years and loved it.


What makes Charlottesville a great place to live:

1. Great vibe - small town feel with large town amenities

2. Beauty - historic, natural, architectural

3. Hiking opportunities

4. Downtown Mall

5. Barracks Road

6. Youth Orchestra

7. UVA

8. Shenandoah Joe's

9. Close to D.C.

10. Apple, berry, and peach picking

11. Local vineyards

12. Close to Richmond

13. Close to Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive

14. Lots of local farms

15. Homeschooling community (more about that below)

16. City Market

17. Great running community. Ragged Mtn Running Shop, C-ville 10-Miler, Women's 4-Miler.


What's not to love:

1. Driving on 29N

2. Sometimes feels snobby

3. Some people have a hard time finding a church

4. Some people complain about shopping

5. No Trader Joe's

6. No affordable gyms. ACAC dominates and is very expensive.


Homeschooling in Charlottesville:

1. ACTS - http://www.actscoop.org/. I taught there for several years and still have many friends involved.

2. Classical Conversations - a new group

3. PVCC - the community college. MANY homeschoolers take high school classes here.

4. Part-time enrollment in public school for middle/high schoolers.


Let me know if you have specific questions.

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Cindy didn't mention this in her public post, but yes, it is an expensive place to live. More affordable housing can be found in outlying counties (Greene, Madison, Orange, maybe others) or over the mountain in Waynesboro. That said, it is a GREAT place to live for all the reasons everyone else is mentioning! The public libraries are awesome! And the thrift stores are good, too. There is also a huge twice-a-year children's consignment sale called The Lollipop Shop. I miss living there.

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I grew up there and went back for most of my 20's, and my mom and sisters still live there. I have a love-hate relationship with Charlottesville. The traffic is horrendous, the housing is expensive, and the overall tone of the town can be a bit snobby. It is a liberal town (it is a university town after all), but the outskirts and surrounding counties tend toward conservative. BUT, it has great restaurants, lots of things to do and get involved in, and manages to have a sense of community. The shopping has improved since I lived there, but Richmond and DC are so close, if you want to do mega mall shopping, it is not too far to drive. Those are the places to go when flying, too. I foresee myself moving back eventually.

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Cindy didn't mention this in her public post, but yes, it is an expensive place to live. More affordable housing can be found in outlying counties (Greene, Madison, Orange, maybe others) or over the mountain in Waynesboro. That said, it is a GREAT place to live for all the reasons everyone else is mentioning! The public libraries are awesome! And the thrift stores are good, too. There is also a huge twice-a-year children's consignment sale called The Lollipop Shop. I miss living there.


LAS is right. In my original, I mentioned cost of living. In Albemarle County, expect to pay more for housing. However, in this market, that might not be the case. We have quite a few friends who live in Greene and Fluvanna, but do most of life - church, co-op, etc. in C-ville.

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