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Do your kids study for tests?

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Uh-oh. Were they supposed to be studying for all of these tests?

ie. For Saxon 3, there is a test every 5 lessons. Should I be teaching DD how to study for a math test? Same for GWG, science, etc.


If you do have them study, do you schedule that into their day or do they do it at night?


At what age/grade do you have them start studying for these types of things?


They haven't been studying for tests at all. :leaving:

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Yes. My dd (3rd) has been learning how to study for latin and history tests. We have also started a little grammar studying, but I prefer grammar and math to be assesments so I hesitate to enforce it. We use R & S and so the review is built in before the tests. I mostly just have her review lists and rules.

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My kids are way too young to even be thinking about it yet. But I have ;)

When they get to junior high level work then I will teach study skills and start giving tests that would require studying. It remains to be seen if that will actually work, but that's the plan.

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I do not think one can study for a math test - either you have mastered the math, then you will be able to do it, or you have not.

We give only comprehensive exams in math at the end of a semester; the kids "study" by reviewing the material of the semester.

But studying for a test that is at the end of one week of material makes no sense to me; the daily problems should have accomplished short term mastery of the material.


ETA: DD had her first serious tests when she took a college physics class. Even there, having done all homework, completing her test preparation homework the instructor had assigned was sufficient.

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ds is in 3rd now and at the moment the only "tests" I've been doing have been spelling---and he told me last week that he didn't have to study them because he already knew how to spell EVERYTHING! (I had been making him write the words to help him study them) so I've been going with that but if he misses any words then he does have to write those extra LOL (meanie mom)

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