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Seriously? What great timing...Ugh.

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I am due with baby #3 in 6 days. I'm being induced on Tuesday if I haven't had baby before then. Right now, labor feels like it could be any time. I'm crampy, having contractions off and on (nothing too regular yet) and having other signs that point towards labor.


DD4 crawls up on the couch with me about an hour ago, tells me her throat hurts (aka...nauseous) and proceeds to fall asleep. I take her temp and it is 102.5. Seriously? Seriously???!!!!! :glare: Of all the times to come down with an illness, it has to be NOW?


Now I'm afraid that one of these things will happen.


A. I'll go into labor and one of the kids (or both) will be sick and I'll worry. My mom, who is supposed to be in the delivery room with me, will have to care for them. The kids will miss out on the delivery too. They won't get to be around the baby at first.


B. DH will get sick. If DH and the kids are sick, who in the world is going to be in the delivery room with me???


C. I will get sick. I don't even want to imagine combining labor and a virus....I just really don't even want to think about it. And what about exposure to the baby?



Could the timing be any better?


Then again, maybe baby will hold off until the induction, no one else will get sick, and all will be well. I *really* hope that's the case. Earlier, I was hoping to go into labor tonight or tomorrow.....now, not so much. :glare:

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I am so sorry. We went thru illness during labor and delivery of DS#2. Dh and I were in med center hours before he was born. (Dh was seriously ill with that winter';s version of the flu.) Thankfully labor was quick and Dh was home less than 2 hours after getting me to the hospital. I will pray to that end for you.

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The night we brought our newborn twins home from the hospital dh and I both got a violent case of the stomach flu. Premie twins, a just turned 1 yr old, and vomiting parents. Oh, and we had no help!!!


I remember calling 3 people from our church and no one could help. Used the rest of my will power to barcade toddler in living room with us and literally just survived. That was fun. :glare:


:grouphug: You are going to be fine!!! :grouphug:

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The night we brought our newborn twins home from the hospital dh and I both got a violent case of the stomach flu. Premie twins, a just turned 1 yr old, and vomiting parents. Oh, and we had no help!!!


I remember calling 3 people from our church and no one could help. Used the rest of my will power to barcade toddler in living room with us and literally just survived. That was fun. :glare:


:grouphug: You are going to be fine!!! :grouphug:


That sounds terrible! Glad you made it out the other side!

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I got sick right about my due date with my daughter. I was terrified I would go into labor while sick. that sounded awful!!! But I guess my body knew better, and she was born at 41 weeks 5 days, a full week after I got sick. I felt fine by then. I guess if you are feeling badly on Monday you could postpone the induction by a few days, right? That's the nice thing about inducing I would think, that you could time it to be convenient for your family and maximize your sleep and health going into it.

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I am due with baby #3 in 6 days. I'm being induced on Tuesday if I haven't had baby before then. Right now, labor feels like it could be any time. I'm crampy, having contractions off and on (nothing too regular yet) and having other signs that point towards labor.


DD4 crawls up on the couch with me about an hour ago, tells me her throat hurts (aka...nauseous) and proceeds to fall asleep. I take her temp and it is 102.5. Seriously? Seriously???!!!!! :glare: Of all the times to come down with an illness, it has to be NOW?


Now I'm afraid that one of these things will happen.


A. I'll go into labor and one of the kids (or both) will be sick and I'll worry. My mom, who is supposed to be in the delivery room with me, will have to care for them. The kids will miss out on the delivery too. They won't get to be around the baby at first.


B. DH will get sick. If DH and the kids are sick, who in the world is going to be in the delivery room with me???


C. I will get sick. I don't even want to imagine combining labor and a virus....I just really don't even want to think about it. And what about exposure to the baby?



Could the timing be any better?


Then again, maybe baby will hold off until the induction, no one else will get sick, and all will be well. I *really* hope that's the case. Earlier, I was hoping to go into labor tonight or.....now, not so much. :glare:



Oh man, I'd be so stressed. I'm sorry you're faced with this. :grouphug:


I don't even know what to say! Ack. I'm just so sorry. :grouphug:


I'll say a prayer for you and your family. We've had the cruds around here too. :glare: My baby is not newborn but I'm just so thankful that I held off on solids and am still exclusively b-feeding. Mama's milk is like liquid gold for those little ones' immune systems.


Try not to worry too much (I know, easier said than done & I'd be :willy_nilly myself, quite honestly). Somehow this will work itself out and you'll come out on the other side.


Maybe you can put off the induction for a couple of days? (((hugs))) to you, mama. Get as much rest as you can.

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