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Caramel Coating for Apples: HELP!!!!!!! (no, I'm not kidding)

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DH went to Wegman's earlier to get some stuff I need b/c we are going to NJ tomorrow to celebrate a bunch of birthdays. I sent him for WEBKINZ (yes, we need those), pumpkin carving kits (I am leading the pumpkin carving activity), and a bag of Kraft Caramel candies so we can melt caramel and coat apples and decorate them. We did this at the twins' birthday party a few years ago (we had 35 kids - I don't recommend doing it with 35 kids) and it was really fun!


I just checked the Wegman's bag, and he bought some 'caramel apple wraps.' HUH?


He said that he and one of the managers looked and could not find Kraft caramel candies anywhere in the store.


I am not happy (yes, I know in the great big scheme of things, this is not important), but I do not want to wrap my apples, I want to DIP them! Is that too much to ask?


Besides, dipping and decorating is the most and what if these stoopid wraps aren't 'wet' enough so decorating stuff will stick to them?


and, yes, they looked in the bulk/loose candy section and they weren't there and dh says the manager made three phone calls and came to the conclusion that WRAPS are all they have.


Off to WalMart in the a.m.:auto:

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(smooths freshly licked fingertip over eyebrows,...)


Why, yes, Ma'am! I LOVELOVELOVE caramel apples. (Please read Laurie Notaro's book, "Idiot Girl's Action Adventure Club" if you havn't already. She discusses HER love of caramel apples, too! ;)


I love them much more than words can describe!!!!!!! I can't even remember the last time I've had one.


Do they taste better with groomed eyebrows?:smilielol5:

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I love them much more than words can describe!!!!!!! I can't even remember the last time I've had one.


Do they taste better with groomed eyebrows?:smilielol5:


Yes and naked toes. (Compeletely off-topic, but last night I took an Ambien and texted a picture of my broken purple bent toe to my friends. Laurie Notaro also writes about her exploits on Ambien. She understands me.) :001_smile:

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You can put those wraps into a crockpot and melt them then add a couple of large marshmallows.


YOU are a GENIUS!!!!!!!


And, I have marshmallows!



Ok - then we only have to go back to Wegman's for their 'backyard bonfire' log!


BTW, I say to DH: 'it's okay. we can put the wraps in the crockpot, and melt them.'smiley28.gif





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I love them much more than words can describe!!!!!!! I can't even remember the last time I've had one.


Do they taste better with groomed eyebrows?:smilielol5:


WHY wouldn't your eyebrows be groomed? huuh? :toetap05: You are going to have a new gorgeous kitchen -- you have to dress the part, y'know!




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YOU are a GENIUS!!!!!!!


And, I have marshmallows!



Ok - then we only have to go back to Wegman's for their 'backyard bonfire' log!


BTW, I say to DH: 'it's okay. we can put the wraps in the crockpot, and melt them.'smiley28.gif








What kind of stove are they cooking on? ;):lol::lol::lol:

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This is the most heavenly caramel apple recipe ever!

It seems like it'd be more work, because of the number of ingredients, but really, it's easier than unwrapping all of those candies, and *so much tastier.* :tongue_smilie:




Oh, Julie -- This sounds divine. I have a problem though -- as wonderful as I am in the kitchen (i know -- blowing my own horn) I have NEVER NEVER NEVER cooked anything using a candy thermometer that has turned out correctly. I am a total loser when it comes to a candy thermometer.


And, I would be doing this in my sister's kitchen and flubbing in front of her would be anathema!


I will have to try this at home when I've had a fair amount of xanax -- it sounds too good for a bunch of little kids.

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It's horrific. At least to me who feels it from the inside. I sent it to Nakia (ya know, since she's a nurse and all and what nurse WOULDN'T want to see that?) She was decidly un-thrilled with it.


I'm off to figure out how to get it from my phone to my Hive. ;)


I would also be unimpressed if the purple was due to toenail polish. If, however, you have a clearly misshapen toe, purple in color and at least twice it's normal size, I'd consider it impressive depending on the pain level. Must be above a 9.


Of course this is subject to change. I need to see a photo.:lol:

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Oh, Julie -- This sounds divine. I have a problem though -- as wonderful as I am in the kitchen (i know -- blowing my own horn) I have NEVER NEVER NEVER cooked anything using a candy thermometer that has turned out correctly. I am a total loser when it comes to a candy thermometer.


And, I would be doing this in my sister's kitchen and flubbing in front of her would be anathema!


I will have to try this at home when I've had a fair amount of xanax -- it sounds too good for a bunch of little kids.


this changes things. I vote for melting the wraps.

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This was Day 3 Post-Injury. (I tripped walking across the kitchen floor. I have logged literally MANY miles swimming, running and biking this past summer, but walking across the room proved challenging.)


I will admit that if I saw this on someone else I wouldn't be horrified. I think it is more the memory of the toe bending under. (shudder) Yes, the little piggie on the end is black. I lost half the nail last week. Since dh left I have changed my name to ThatCalamityCyndiGirl. :001_huh:



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This was Day 3 Post-Injury. (I tripped walking across the kitchen floor. I have logged literally MANY miles swimming, running and biking this past summer, but walking across the room proved challenging.)


I will admit that if I saw this on someone else I wouldn't be horrified. I think it is more the memory of the toe bending under. (shudder) Yes, the little piggie on the end is black. I lost half the nail last week. Since dh left I have changed my name to ThatCalamityCyndiGirl. :001_huh:


:scared: having had a broken toe myself, I can commiserate!!!:grouphug:

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This was Day 3 Post-Injury. (I tripped walking across the kitchen floor. I have logged literally MANY miles swimming, running and biking this past summer, but walking across the room proved challenging.)


I will admit that if I saw this on someone else I wouldn't be horrified. I think it is more the memory of the toe bending under. (shudder) Yes, the little piggie on the end is black. I lost half the nail last week. Since dh left I have changed my name to ThatCalamityCyndiGirl. :001_huh:


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:scared: having had a broken toe myself, I can commiserate!!!:grouphug:


Thanks. Nakia has broken a toe, too. She can commisserate, she just doesn't want to have to SEE it, bless her heart. ;)



I've had a broken toe twice -- once on each foot -- good grief----why doesn't anyone tell us that if your toe is broken, you cannot walk! Who knew?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Just to make her feel good, though, I never fail to mention that she had countertops and I went for 18 mos with contractor-grade plywood for my countertops. THAT makes her feel better.:glare:

Countertops come and go.


An Aga (esp a RED one) is a thing of adoration forever!

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Some actor was being interviewd on the Craig Ferguson show last week and he said,"As you know Canada doesn't HAVE a Southern coast" and that comment made me :lol: everytime I thought of it.


Like when a dunderheaded young girl asked me incredulously when she found out that I was from Illinois and had grown up having never seen the ocean, "you mean you lived in Illinois and NEVER SAW THE OCEAN?!" I believe I answered thusly::001_huh:

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Yup. I'm torn betwixt posting on this thread, hacking Nakia's fb account and lovingly stroking the Aga pic on my computer. :tongue_smilie:


Another one lost to the dark side of Aga p*rn.


Once you go AGA, you never go back!:lol:


Oh. My. Word.



And now I need to pee.


Is that NOT the greatest photo considering we were talking about SPALOOSH????!!!!!!

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Well, Wolf thought it was hilarious! :lol:



Good enough for me! :D After all, there is a very nice stove named after him:




I'm signing off - have to be up early -- dog to Petsmart PetHotel and I have to get b-day presents and get on the road (3 hr drive). I'll check in here tomorrow afternoon.

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Good enough for me! :D After all, there is a very nice stove named after him:




I'm signing off - have to be up early -- dog to Petsmart PetHotel and I have to get b-day presents and get on the road (3 hr drive). I'll check in here tomorrow afternoon.

Meh. Compared to the Aga, its just...meh.


I'm off too. Sleeeeeeeeep.

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I will have them tomorrow -- I am planning in my head how to decorate with caramel and chocolate OR -- I could send you one of those gorgeous 'designer' ones? :drool5:


I'm a purist. Apple+caramel+my mouth=bliss. (You MUST read Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club soon!)


Could you be a dear and swing thru Oklahoma on your way to New Jersey? Thanksomuch!

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