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Teachers Lodge 10-20-2011

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Morning! It's Thursday and the Field Trip of the Day is:

Exerpts from Cinderella, the ballet.:auto:



What's for lunch/breakfast today? Working on some Irish Morning tea right now. As for foodstuffs, that has yet to be determined.;)


If you drink coffee, what's your favorite brand and/or flavor? Do you prefer ground, freshly ground, or instant?


Here: I do not like instant unless it's Starbuck's VIA; that's pretty good. Other than that I'll drink either ground or freshly ground but freshly ground tastes MUCH better. Not sure I have a favorite brand, although I some I like more than others.


If you drink tea, what's your favorite brand and/or flavor? Do you prefer looseleaf or bagged?


Here: looseleaf tea. Once I had been drinking loose leaf for awhile then tried bag tea again, oh, ugh. The difference is HUGE. There is a tea shop here called Souvia and I really like their teas. I've tried Tea-Lightful and a few of the direct sales companies but they really don't compare.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning! You sound so cheerful today. I needed that. :)


Breakfast has been coffee and biscotti; lunch will be whatever I grab on my way out the door to take DS to swim. He eats in between his swimming lesson and swim team practice, so I usually get him something with a lot of calories.


DH is the coffee drinker here, and he likes to grind his own. He will only purchase the Dunkin' Donuts brand. I don't care what kind it is because I flavor mine with creamer. Rumor has it that the peppermint mocha is already on the shelves, but I haven't seen it personally yet. I'm on the hunt.


I do enjoy the odd cuppa when I host my ladies' teas, but really I'm not a big tea drinker. The kids love herbal tea, though, so I keep apple cinnamon and a box of assorted herbal teas on hand for them.

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Rumor has it that the peppermint mocha is already on the shelves, but I haven't seen it personally yet. I'm on the hunt.


I think I saw this the other day at walmart. Not with the regular creamers but closer to the chocolate milk. They had pumpkin and mom peppermint.


Breakfast has only been coffee for me and iced tea for the kiddos.


Lunch is still not determined but it will be an early one. We don't always eat breakfast so lunch gets eaten early on those days.


Coffee is usually maxwell house or folgers or whatever is on sale, but not instant. Oh and loved flavored creamers.

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Hello, again, all!


Slight change for today: my oldest asked to NOT go to on the field trip this morning. After thinking it through it awhile, I decided that was probably best for all of us. It wasn't until last week that I discovered I'd scheduled 3 field trips in a row this week. That's a lot for my Aspie daughter! After I really knew our schedule, I figured that might happen, so I'm okay with it. We have a full day tomorrow, too, with co-op and drama classes, so a day mostly at home is probably a good thing!


The only outing we will probably do today is take ds7 to his dress rehearsal (performance on Saturday) and, while he's there, dd13 and I will finalize details on her Halloween costume. She wants to be a mermaid, but she's 13, so we have to figure out how to make a tail for her. Should be interesting!


OT: as for the Peppermint Mocha creamer, not only have I seen it on the shelves in the grocery store, I've bought it and partaken. Yum! It did surprise me, though, because this is REALLY early in the season for it. But I'm not complaining! :D

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Happy Thursday Everyone!


Breakfast - leftover kashi pizza from last night. I was afraid that it would taste like cardboard like all the other low carb pizzas I've had but it was pretty good! I'm not having eggs this morning because I'm out and our milk man doesn't deliver more until later in the morning.


I don't drink coffee.


I like loose leaf tea best. Murchies in Victoria B.C. has the BEST tea. You can order it online but I prefer to take a very long field trip to go there in person. I like Empress Afternoon tea which is what is served at the Empress Hotel in Victoria. I also like a good strong Darjeeling.


Today we will be homebodies. That is until evening when I go to the Y for Zumba!

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Good Morning.


breakfast is granola with yogurt and berries for me and oatmeal for the girls. Lunch will be pb&apples for me and leftover burgers for the girls. Dinner will be pot roast if I can remember to get it on the stove before my next meeting.


My favorite coffee is freshly ground and in a french press. My daily coffee is Yuban dark roast.


Not going anywhere until afternoon judo, but my friend will bring her kids over for science experiments in about an hour. We doing experiments with worm senses this week.


Not to spoil any coffee creamer fun, but have you read the ingredients on those flavored creamers in the store?

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No field trips scheduled for us. We're spending the day rotating between schoolwork and decluttering. Both are making me want to bang my head on the wall.repeatedly.:banghead::banghead::cursing::banghead:

We won't leave the house until about 3:30 this afternoon, when it's time to take dd14 to dance. We'll drop her off and then head back home for my "daycare child" to get picked up and for my other 3 kids to eat dinner before we have to leave for soccer at 5pm. We have soccer until 7:15 and then it's time to head home to get the youngers ready for bed. I also have a dad from Scouts coming over to pick up some of the popcorn for their sale this weekend. DD14 has an extra dance practice this evening and won't be done until 9:15. It will be 9:45 by the time dh gets home with her. :tongue_smilie:


Breakfast was bagels or waffles for the kids and a leftover cinnamon streusel muffin for me. Lunch was leftover tacos for the kids. I think I'm going to make spinach & ricotta wontons for myself once I get the littlest one down for a nap. Dinner--hmmm...I guess I need to start thinking about that since we have a short window of opportunity to eat before soccer.


I don't drink coffee or tea.


I am in a funk today. :confused::001_huh: I think I need to :auto: and :chillpill:. Either that, or I need a vacation. Or a stay at the funny farm.

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MamaA - who is your daycare child? Is it someone you watch during the day? Or does your 4 year old go to day care? (Yes, I'm nosy.)


I'm sorry that you're in a funk. Do you drink hot chocolate?



Jean, I provide childcare for two other families in my home. I watch two extra girls--one just turned 2 and the other is 3. I also have my own 4 year old, a 7 1/2 year old, a 10 year old, and a 14 year old.


Thanks...I'm sure the funk has been brought on by not enough sleep and being in a "rut." I need to get outside and enjoy this beautiful fall weather.


I will drink hot chocolate if it's really, really cold outside and I've been outdoors for a long time. Other that that, I'm not much for hot drinks.

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If you drink tea, what's your favorite brand and/or flavor? Do you prefer looseleaf or bagged?


Talk to me! :bigear:


Lipton Orange Spice


When the local stores stopped carrying it, I started ordering it on Amazon. Now it is on instant delivery, which is wonderful!


Why is it the "lodge"? It seems like it should be the "lounge". It bugs me so that I don't usually even read the thread. I only came in today to point that out, but then I had to answer the tea question.

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Amy, you're as anal about grammar as I am! Welcome! Yes, it would make more sense to say, "Lounge" BUT I got tired of the lounge and wanted something different. For now it's Lodge. This summer it was Cabana. I may be changing it to something different here shortly so don't break out into hives if the name changes again. :D


MamaAkins, so sorry you're not feeling well. I totally understand the "funk" feeling. I suggest eating some dark chocolate. It really does help! Or if you can't or won't do that, maybe some high quality ice cream (ie, Breyer's or Dryer's). Hope you feel better!


Off to make phone calls. Later, y'all!

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Breakfast, fresh fruit and chocolate- chip scones with big mugs of hot chocolate. I don't normally make scones for them, but the weather has been windy, rainy, gloomy, and depressing for three days and I thought this might help improve their morning mood.


Lunch - homemade baked french fries, leftover barbecue chicken, carrot sticks, bananas or apples, and homemade granola to help fill them up!


Supper - Clam chowder and shrimp scampi with steamed broccoli over rice and homemade applesauce (I have extra apples at the present time).


Coffee - for everyday use, I really like Tim Horton's. But, since I don't get near one often enough to have it around for everyday and we drink a lot so it would be a budget buster anyway, we keep plain old folgers around. I do not like instant.


Tea - I am not a big tea drinker. Plain green or white tea, or green tea with lemon. That's it! But, I do love a good unsweetened iced tea.



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Afternoon, all!


:closedeyes: <-- This is me, contentedly relaxing. (I just spotted this cute smiley and thought it underused. LOL)


Today's breakfast was scrambled eggs and toast made by MrTea. They were lovely and perfect, mostly because of the cook.


Lunch was shredded pork and sauteed veggies, with some Spicy V-8 to drink.


No school for us today. We made a library and grocery run instead, and this afternoon we will hunker down with blankets and books.


Coffee? None for me, thanks! I LOVE the smell of it brewing, though.

And I like a scoop of coffee ice cream once in a while.


For my tea, I'm okay with a standard bag of black tea. Red Rose is my usual brand for daytime use, and I love a cup of Earl Grey in the evening.

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I had tea this morning. Irish Morning. Yum.

Pepsi this afternoon, just to keep me awake while driving home.

Now, methinks I really need to find that nap room.

Okay, Jean, where did you put it?? Or maybe EternalKnot took it? Wouldn't put it past her! :D


I haven't seen the nap room in days. But then if it were lost in this house, you might never see it again!


(P.S. Scrap, you are welcome to come and visit me for Darjeeling tea and crumpets anytime.)

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