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My daughter struggling with Algebra...

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Any suggestions on online help. She is struggling with Apex/K12. Always looking for good sites that give better explanations on concepts.


Any ideas? We have to do summer shortened semester. Going to be a monster.



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for perhaps http://www.aleks.com, and you may not want to invest a lot of $$ in a program right now, but I'll toss this one out, for what it's worth:


I've been using Chalkdust with my oldest for geometry, and Dana Mosely's teaching is very, very good. I would imagine his instruction for algebra would be the same. Should you decide to invest in such a program, I would recommend watching the DVD's with your daughter.


Algebra is difficult for a lot of kids, and having to re-learn algebra as a mom can be tough, too! Best wishes to you!

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http://www.hotmath.com does have a fee for videos, about $26/yr (can't remember the exact fee). I wouldn't feel badly taking algebra more slowly than over the summer unless you're confined to through a cover school or some other restriction. The last half of algebra is were it gets difficult and is the basis for all the other higher maths.

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I am at a loss. Michelle you are totally right. K12 independent wont let me take second semester Alg. with them, which would be easier. How do you finish off second semester with someone else and get credit for it for high school. I would like to get it done in summer. But Apex is way tooo hard.



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Maybe you could call and talk with someone from Teaching Textbooks. Tell them what your daughter has covered, and what level of success she has had with those concepts. TT is on the light side (still adequate, I believe) and has very, very clear explanations. You can find it used for less. I'd call and talk with them to see what they say.

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I would also suggest Chalkdust. We used Chalkdust SAT math review and found Dana Mosely's style helpful and effective. I think they have samples on their website and you could purchase just on DVD instead of the set to see if it'll work before making a huge investment.


Good luck!



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My son was really struggling too. This past month or so, we have taken a step back and he's using the Key to Algebra series. I'm really amazed at his progress. It's really clarifying certain concepts for him and solidifying them. A month or so ago, I was so disheartened because he seemed so lost. After he finishes the series, I'm going back over certain topics he needs review in percentages,ratio, rate word problems.

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My dd is also struggling with algebra. I'm debating about a couple of things, but one thing I am doing is continuing algebra into next year. This year I'll call her course, Algebra IA. Next year it will be Algebra IB. This is what the local high schools call their algebra courses with students struggling in algebra. The only bad thing is that this will mess up her chances with the PSAT because she won't have covered geometry. I have thought of the possibility of doing a block schedule and finish algebra by Christmas and then having her do geometry the second half of the year.


If you do go with a video program, then I highly recommend that you sit down and watch each video with your dd. I didn't do that this year, and it has meant backing up a lot!! I'm debating to going with either Math U See (notorious for helping math struggling students) or going back to Foerster's Algebra and using a video with it (Math WIthout Borders).


I hope you find out what you need to do. Let us know how it works out.



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Thanks for all your advice. Do you really need Geometry for SAT, did not know ,thought we were done.


I am going to try and get her in Keystone for this summer and finish it up. Now if I gotta add Geometry, guess next summer.


I was going to do Pre Algebra, but the sales rep said we wouldnt need it, big mistake.


Well, have another girl coming up the ranks, will make sure she does Pre Alg. Math genes just dont run through family.



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Thank you for the heads up. I cant believe we have one more year of math. Well, she might do better in geometry.


Thanks again,



I have seen that kids who do not like algebra sometime excel at and even love geometry. There is some basic algebra involved in geometry, but as long as you don't call it algebra (I made that mistake the first time I taught geometry and lost a student right then and there) maybe she won't notice? And it will reinforce those hard fought for algebra skills.


Good luck.

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Geometry is needed for the SAT. My ds had Algebra 2 his junior year, and he had forgotten a lot of geometry. I regret that I didn't "make" him go through our Standard Deviants Geometry videos. I've heard good things about Chalkdust's SAT dvd for math. THere is much review in it.



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