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Baby Legs and Robeez Soft Shoes- do you know what those are?

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I am so curious now because I have never thought anything of it, but some family members and friends have been surprised by what my baby is wearing sometimes in pics on FB.


So do you your babies wear Baby Legs or soft shoes? Do they look strange or normal to you?


Yes. Counterculture normal.

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Yes, my babies wear/wore both of those. I did have a friend tell me a couple of weeks ago that she thought baby legwarmers were dumb. :lol: Oh well. Can't please everyone.


My little guy wore some legwarmers on our outing today to keep his ankles and calves warm just in case his pants rode up while he was in the Beco. They worked wonderfully.

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I just wanted to add that Baby Legs were originally created to keep legs warm during diaper-less times (if you were ECing or just giving baby some fresh air so to say) but many people discovered that they kept their crawlers from getting sores or rug burn on their knees. )


They're also great for keeping little legs warm when pants ride up in a sling/wrap/mei tai.

ETA cross posted :)

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  • 1 month later...

I know this thread is a couple of months old, but I just saw it. My dd is wearing babylegs and soft soled shoes today (as almost everyday).


I put the babylegs under her pants b/c we live in MN and her legs get cold in the house when her pants legs ride up. The soft soled shoes (made of velour/knit) are to keep her feet warmer.


I also sometimes cloth diaper (when I'm not lazy...I seem to take A LOT of breaks from it though lololol) too.


Gotta go...we're going ice skating. First time for two of my kids!

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My babies, including my boys, live in babylegs. We use the SoftStar soft shoes, but they're pretty similar to Robeez. I do get a LOT of comments, especially on the babylegs.


ETA: Soft shoes of some kind seem pretty common around here, the only negative comment I've gotten was from an uncle who was sure my kids would never walk right without hard soled shoes with ankle support. Babylegs are very uncommon. A few people seem to think they are weird on boys. Not that I care, but I don't quite get how glow-in-the-dark monsters or blue and orange stripes are girlie.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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My baby wore both. He is 2.5 now and has a pair of new balance shoes. He has narrow heels and these were recommended by the shoe expert. They were the only ones that would stay on his feet. He still occasionally wears his baby legs. I assume we will wear them again when we start potty training again because we cloth diaper and this will make it just a bit easier on my little.

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