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How do people seek jobs nowadays?

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I hope I don't sound like a complete bonehead, though I probably do. I'm just curious about this. My dh is self-employed, so he has not looked for work with ABC company in 30 years and I have been at home or working for dh for the past 15.


What routes do the average young person or new college graduate take to seek available employment? :bigear:

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Probably depends on the work you are going for. I've found most of my office work through agencies - either temp agencies or employment agencies. Many of the businesses around here will only hire through agencies - at least those with more than 50 or so employees. Some of the biggest companies have online applications but I've never known anyone to get hired that way and when called, HR usually will refer you to their preferred agency.


Retail work - by walking into the store and filling out an application. A lot of the bigger stores (Target, Walmart and our local grocery stores) have kiosks with computers where you can fill out an electronic application. Our mall posts jobs for the smaller stores on the window to the business office so they are all in one place.


My oldest found her job because I noticed that the program at last years recital included a congratulations on her graduation message for the girl who worked the desk and I had my dd ask the owner if they were looking for a replacement.

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I think it all depends on what type of job. I found my job through a friend. I work for a large hospital that can be hard to get your foot in the door. My husband got his job b/c I worked there and he started out in the Data Entry department while he was still in school and now he is in charge of the IT department. My friend works for a staffing agency and finds her jobs thorugh them. I also look on craigs list and DH uses Linkden and other networking sites.

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What routes do the average young person or new college graduate take to seek available employment? :bigear:


All of the recent college grads that I know (BA or MA) have received interviews for jobs because they knew someone or their parents knew someone in the company. My sister does not have a degree, but when her company moved to California, she got her new job through a temp agency and was hired on for a permanent position after 90 days.

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All of the recent college grads that I know (BA or MA) have received interviews for jobs because they knew someone or their parents knew someone in the company.



Most of the people I know recently who got jobs got them because they knew someone. A few people have gone through temp agencies.

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Most of the people I know recently who got jobs got them because they knew someone. A few people have gone through temp agencies.


This is what I have seen a lot of, but I was wondering if that was a national trend or just what I've happened to see. :glare: i think it's a bit disconcerting, actually.

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DH got his first permanent job out of college three years ago through either Monster or ClearanceJobs, can't remember. He has changed jobs three times since then, all in the past year (on his own terms, not layoffs) through networking - former coworkers and recruiters at various firms he keeps in frequent contact with. Getting the foot in the door was the hard part.

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The best way is through networking. It is not what you know it is who you know. It was true 20+ years ago when I was a graduate and it is still true today. It was also true 50+ years ago.


That said, it is still possible to get your foot in the door through temp agencies and/or a headhunter. For certain, utilize the online job sites such as monster.com. Some professions have industry specific websites such as dice.com for IT jobs. Many smaller companies use Craigslist for job openings.

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Networking is definitely the big one. Joining organizations related to your field if that applies. Get the word out! Also, there are recruiters for certain industries and/or professionals.


If there are companies that you are interested in, many will have a place online to submit your resume even if they aren't actively hiring.



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Depends are the area you are looking. My last three jobs before leaving the workforce were through recruiters. It is much easier for the companies not to have to sort through 100-500 resumes (since the economy is so bad there are a lot of people looking). Craigslist as well, as walk ins. I would also be calling the HR departments back if you have applied. The people who really want the job will follow up.



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