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Trying new lunches "bento style" way..does anyone actually DO this stuff??

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You know, I've been sticking to a budget lately, but looking at all of these blogs has convinced me of my deep need for little plastic picks in the shape of witches hats. And maybe pumpkin shaped silicon cups. I'm pretty sure my life would be better if I owned those.



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I prefer to cook, rather than cut and decorate.....


Me too. I love cooking, and even like making the meal look good on a plate. But I just can't get into decorating with food. I love looking at the pictures though, and if someone made a bento lunch for me, I'm sure I'd enjoy it. :D


I think there's a line somewhere between doing it in a way where it's cute but doesn't take more time (or only marginally more) than a sandwich and so forth and where it's completely INSANE.





I think parents with only one kid may do it....


Um, I have only one and still don't do it. I think it has to be something you enjoy, otherwise it's just another unpleasant chore.


I thought about doing bento boxes and then remembered who I am. So, I found the greatest product - Planetbox.


I liked the Planetbox right up until I saw the price. I just can't bring myself to pay $35 for a lunchbox. And that's before shipping. :eek:



Maybe it's because ds has always liked fruit and vegetables and other healthy food, but I never made cutesy food. I suppose I'm lucky that I never had to.

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Ok, it's official. I have been living under a rock. I've heard the word "Bento" before, but thought it was a game like Pokemon.


I can't imagine having time to do this. The ideas do look cute, though.


The only time I heard the word "Bento" was for the iPad app....LOL

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And please, you know you have time for this.




Oh, but the GUILT you could engender in your kids with regards to how they better practice their music lessons for several hours because obviously it means so much to this family that you're a musician! LOOK! HERE'S PROOF!


(I just read Tiger Mom, and for some reason these bentos remind me of her.)

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Where can i find inexpensive plastic sectioned containers to do these?



I use Easy Lunchboxes for the containers. They are awesome and easy. They come in a four-pack for under $14. I can make four lunches in minutes. And I don't do anything fancy. ;)






Disclaimer: I am an affiliate seller with Easy Lunchboxes. This means a small percentage of profit goes to me. I do not pocket this money. Instead, I use this profit to add to the grant for the orphan my family sponsors on Reece's Rainbow. You can see him here: http://reecesrainbow.org/isaiah-3g

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:) Ok, what do you do with the app? Design compartmentalized lunches? Cut up virtual food to look like penguins and flowers? Collect rice balls with smiley faces on them?



noooo...actually, it's a really cool app..kind of like a database for different "libraries"...recipes, projects, contacts, etc. Definitely check it out!

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