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Sick days?


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What do you do on days someone is sick? How do you get school done with the rest of the crew or do you even try? When and how do you "make up" school work? What about longer sicknesses? My youngest had his tonsils out this week and I have no idea what we should do.




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I'd probably take off for a surgery, but I have extra days scheduled (215 total for the year), so if we take off a couple weeks for illness, that won't affect much.


If it's just a cold and the kid is not laying in bed sleeping all day, we school. So far, I've only called off school for ME being sick once in the last year.

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I don't do school while I am sick, but will do it if a child is sick. If they are sick enough to stay in bed all day they don't have to do school, but the other children do. If they have enough energy to run around and play there is no reason why they can't do school.

For a surgery, if your child is super needy I might just take a break til Monday.

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I'm doing HOD, so they are together for the history, science, Bible, etc., but each does his own Math, Reading, and Language Arts. If one is too sick to school, the well-child still does his self-paced stuff, but the rest of the stuff is pushed back until they're both well enough to continue. Then we just continue from where we left off. I've also got extra days in our schedule.

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I generally schedule core subjects a bit more per week than the curriculum schedules them in case we miss a day here and there (not often). And if a child is sick, they're generally still o.k. to sit and listen while I read. For written work if they're feeling bad, I'll let them skip some/all (depending on how sick) and watch educational videos and still call it a school day. We just make sure we keep up on everything to finish our curriculum in a year. HTH some:) Gina

P.S. For surgery, I'd definately take time off!!

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We are sick a lot (including me), so I have definitely thought this one out. For 3Rs, we just pick up where we left off when everyone is healthy since all this material is a "do the next thing" type. With content like Bible, Science, and History we either make it up or I cut it out just like I did when I was classroom teaching. I like to keep to a 36 week schedule with content and cover a certain amount of topics or time periods each year without going into summer so cutting or making it up works best for us.

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I struggle with this too, since I have twins who are working together on all subjects. If one is sick I cut back what we do that day to reading to me and reviewing any subject areas where one could use the practice (writing for one, math fluency for the other). If it is not too serious we can sometimes do a subdued, passive lesson all together - read history, review spelling, play a math game.


I've scheduled extra days so I shouldn't hesitate to take one off, but for some reason I really have to talk myself into just doing nothing (formal).

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We don't make up sick days. We just pick things up when everyone's healthy and move on.


Same here.


I try and keep the other kid doing the basic math (a MUST everyday) and any really necessary subjects. Having said that, some sick days (unless it is really, really bad) have been awesome learning times for us.


I always seem to have some videos around that I want us to watch, but we never seem to get around to ("The President's" series comes to mind right now.) I also have made a list of the Netflix instant downloads that I would like us to see someday. I will pick documentaries I want them to see or something that goes with an area of science, history, ect. that they are studying.


I like being able to baby my "sickie", but still feel as if we are learning something.

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I purposely stagger our subjects throughout the year so that I have some time at the end of the year when we are done with all but the core subjects that I know I want to get done. I also am apt to throw out anything that is not one of the 3 R's. If we miss a day of history or art, we just skip it and forge ahead. And we always do math unless we are really, really sick, even on days like Columbus Day when everyone else gets it off (so we can take a long break from school at Christmas).

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Here it all depends on the sickness, how independent the non-sick kids are, etc.


When my then 5yo (now 7yo) was throwing up because of a ruptured appendix (that we did not know about yet), my older kids did their schoolwork while I shuttled bowls back and forth to her.:glare:


Yesterday my 9yo came down with a fever. Nothing major so I had him sit with us and listen to our history read-aloud.


If it's just a COLD with no fever, etc., they do school anyway, just with a box of kleenex handy LOL. But usually we have fevers and just BLECH associated with it all, and they DO just want to stay in bed. I don't make them do school then, but I do make the others. The problem DOES come in with anything that I have them combined in - we skip those things too. This does push us a bit behind on those subjects since I don't have them "make up" the work. So the non-sick kids do end up with lighter days sometimes.


When I'm sick a lot depends on how I feel, particularly at night because that's when I get their stuff ready for the next day. I'm about to have a baby, and post-baby that is what will dictate how much we get done: how much I'm able to do the night before.

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If someone is throwing up, I take the day off. I just don't do well with cleaning up puke and supervising penmanship at the same time. Nope. And odds are that I'm going to end up catching the bug, so I take the time to try to get the laundry caught up and make a few meals in advance so when I get sick my life won't fall apart.


Individual kids stay in bed, healthy kids do school. If I had a surgery coming up for someone, we'd take the day of the surgery off and quite possibly the next day because it would be so much extra work getting all of that squared away. Then it'd be back to business for the non-operated-on kids and I'd play it by ear with the patient.


I schedule my year into four ten-week quarters, with a lesson plan for nine of those weeks and the tenth week marked off for "make-up, review or choice." That way when the inevitable disruptions happen, it doesn't cause me to have a nervous breakdown over how far behind we're getting in the lesson plan. If we're behind, we do the extra work then. If we're on schedule, but not grasping everything, we review. If we're on schedule or ahead and everyone's fine, we do something awesome that we usually don't have time for.

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I schedule my year into four ten-week quarters, with a lesson plan for nine of those weeks and the tenth week marked off for "make-up, review or choice." That way when the inevitable disruptions happen, it doesn't cause me to have a nervous breakdown over how far behind we're getting in the lesson plan. If we're behind, we do the extra work then. If we're on schedule, but not grasping everything, we review. If we're on schedule or ahead and everyone's fine, we do something awesome that we usually don't have time for.


That is brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? I'm definitely stealing this idea!!

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I'm doing HOD, so they are together for the history, science, Bible, etc., but each does his own Math, Reading, and Language Arts. If one is too sick to school, the well-child still does his self-paced stuff, but the rest of the stuff is pushed back until they're both well enough to continue. Then we just continue from where we left off. I've also got extra days in our schedule.



This. Except I'm not using HOD. :D

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