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Cancel vacation or not?

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Out of the blue, DH brought up taking a vacation to Colorado this summer. I was not thrilled at first. I wanted to go, but we are saving up for a trip to Disney this fall when they drop the rates for off season. Florida is far enough away that we will need to buy plane tickets for 6. But dh figured he could get travel points from his mother for the trip so all we would have is driving to Colorado (we think 12 hr drive) and our actual costs once there.


DH kept forgetting to ask for time off and I needed to commit to times and all for summer activities. The things that have concerned me the most is Church summer camp which is June 30-July 3 for DD (who is going with neice) and Church Day Camp and VBS for my younger boys which is June 16 for that week for VBS and the next week for day camp. I asked dh what I should do as I was not hearing from him. He told me to go ahead and sign them up to go and we would plan the vacation around it.


Time has gone by and DH tells me last night that he put in for vacation the last week in June. I told him it cannot work, daycamp. He said how about the week before, I said also won't work, VBS. (dh does not like this much as he is not a Christian, but we already signed up to volunteer as have my older children). DH said that is fine, we can just cancel our trip.


To top it off, MIL made it clear today that she won't give up the travel points anyway (she is bipolar so when she offers something one day, until you actually receive it, you do not really know if you will have it).


Is this just God saying the trip is not right for us now? DH was looking forward to the trip. But he seems fine with not going. I am torn because I always want to do the right thing and I am never sure.

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It sounds like canceling is the best plan at this time. Your dh didn't plan ahead so the schedule is difficult, you don't have the free accommodations you had expected so it will cost significantly more, your dh doesn't seem devastated, and you have another family vacation coming up in the near future.


It sounds like one of those good ideas that just didn't pan out this time. That's disappointing, but it's time to move on. Have a great summer, and look forward to the Disney trip instead.

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I am torn because I always want to do the right thing and I am never sure.


The right thing would have been your hubby making up his mind back when he ought to. That, in my opinion, absolves you from all responsibility and guilt. The job description is wife, not miracle worker. If God is saying anything about it, I think he's telling your hubby that it's his job to organise his own holidays!


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But when mine says something is okay, he really means it. Even if he had wanted to go on the vacation, he may have recognized that it just isn't working out. I know sometimes I carry guilt and feel this pressure to try to be "miracle worker" even when it is NOT what dh is looking for. Take him at his word - maybe you can spend the vacation time (a different week) a little closer to home...

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Well, I'll be the dissenter here. VBS is fun, but my kids have been to many VBSes at many different churches, and frankly, it's a social activity. They never walk away learning anything. VBS, imo, is an outreach for unchurched kids. (That's not to say I don't like VBS!)


I would find it much more important and gratifying to spend the week together as a family. Your kids probably have been to VBS in the past and will in the future, but this would be a memorable trip. It might soothe some of the hard feelings about church too that your dh may have?


I know you've volunteered already, but I would make the family time, and your ministry as a wife and mother, take precedence over VBS. If you can imagine looking back in a few years, which do you think you would wish you'd done? (Now that's a sentence that could use some improvement!)



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The job description is wife, not miracle worker.


I am adding mother to the job description and then pasting this quote on the fridge!


Not necessarily as a reminder for the dh and dc, but for myself. I kill myself trying to balance the needs and wants of my family and feel like a failure when someone is disappointed.



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