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How do you know when to take your dog to the vet?

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My dog is acting puny, for lack of a better word.


He's had a couple of spells over the weekend during which he appeared to be shivering. They passed quickly. Seizures crossed my mind, but he didn't collapse or lose bowel control. He hasn't had any accidents in the house (though I can't be sure whether he's taking care of his regular business outside since I don't follow him out). He's walking slowly. Stiffly. Kind of like someone would walk if their stomach was upset, I think. Or maybe if their back was sore.


He's eating regularly. He isn't whining. He is lacking in energy but is following us around the house like he usually does. He just barked at the man who's trimming our trees out front. When I'm sitting and working on the computer, he lies down near me just like always.


In short, he just seems like he's not 100%.


If he were my dc, I would probably give some Tylenol for pain or Pepto Bismol. But I can't tell what he needs.



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Oh, and what kind of dog is he? That might make a difference as some breeds are more prone to certain problems. My dog is a dachshund. They are prone to back problems. One day I noticed he was acting very strange. He was walking slowly and stiffly and wouldn't even walk up his steps that lead to the couch. He just sat on the floor and wimpered a bit. When I called my vet, she said to get him in immediately, and sure enough, it was his back! At least I know what to look for now. Poor guy! He'll be 3 years old in December.

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His nose is cool and moist. He's a 3.5 yo yellow lab mix from the SPCA. He spends his days following me and the dc around the house, and they spent a lot of time in the backyard this weekend since the weather was beautiful. I hope he didn't get injured. I do remember little dd saying she thought he was choking (maybe he was having a shivering spell) once, but he looked fine when I came to check . . .


I called and made an appt.


Thanks to you all. I hope it's nothing serious.

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The nose thing is an old wives tale....has no relation to their health. I do think an appointment is needed. Dogs are masters at hiding illness or injury. If you are noticing something it is usually pretty bad already. Sounds like maybe a hurt back or a belly ache. Try to follow him outside when he goes to see if he is having any diarrhea.

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I would probably take him in for a check.....I feel the need to take them in if there is anything obvious that is "out of normal"--took tinkie in last week because she was scratching ears alot more and I thought she might have a uti...ears were clear but they said it probably was a uti and gave her antibiotics.....wouldn't hurt to get a good check up.....

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His nose is cool and moist. He's a 3.5 yo yellow lab mix from the SPCA. He spends his days following me and the dc around the house, and they spent a lot of time in the backyard this weekend since the weather was beautiful. I hope he didn't get injured. I do remember little dd saying she thought he was choking (maybe he was having a shivering spell) once, but he looked fine when I came to check . . .


I called and made an appt.


Thanks to you all. I hope it's nothing serious.


:grouphug: Let us know how it works out. A lab of that age lethargic would be symptom enough. My 7 year old lab follows me everywhere. Another issue could be he ate something incorrectly, labs eat everything don't they?


I would go out and make sure he is doing his bathroom duties correctly.

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My sweet dog has Intervertebral Disk Disease. Sigh. Poor fella. Those symptoms were signs of his pain. And the vet thought he's a very stoic boy after he saw the discs affected.


We'll go back after a couple of weeks of anti-inflammatory treatment. I'm crossing my fingers this helps him heal, because I can't even imagine what surgery would mean . . .


Thanks for all your input. I'm glad I took him in and I surely hope he's back to normal soon.

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My sweet dog has Intervertebral Disk Disease. Sigh. Poor fella. Those symptoms were signs of his pain. And the vet thought he's a very stoic boy after he saw the discs affected.


We'll go back after a couple of weeks of anti-inflammatory treatment. I'm crossing my fingers this helps him heal, because I can't even imagine what surgery would mean . . .


Thanks for all your input. I'm glad I took him in and I surely hope he's back to normal soon.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If you don't already I would at least get him elevated bowls. I would also make sure he has a well-padded bed and try to limit his jumping (if he does). Once the pain meds kick in he'll think he's better, but you want to minimize further injury.

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