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The Teachers Lodge 10-3-2011

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It's Monday! And I totally overslept! Looks like it will be light schoolwork with heavier household work today, regardless of what my kids think about it! The house needs a thorough cleaning/decluttering, anyway. :D


What's for lunch today? We're having more of a brunch, although it's lunch type food: tacos accompanied by cherry tomatoes.


How was your weekend? Here it was okay. Couldn't talk my husband to going up north out of the heat, nor could I talk him into going on a movie date with me. :glare: Wound up going to an "okay" movie with a friend of mine. Sunday I did not go to church because I wasn't ready to go back out into the heat just yet (due to heat rash). Sunday afternoon I played Scrabble with friends.


What have you been dreaming about the possibilities of lately? I've been dreaming about the possibility of moving out of the desert!:auto:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Monday.


Lunch today is leftover sausage and kale.

My weekend was fabulous. We went hiking and then took a narrow gauge railroad ride to enjoy even more glorious fall. That was after two parties Friday night, a party Saturday, and dinner out at our favorite restaurant.


This morning, I was looking at real estate listings up in the mountains. I really want to live on a dozen acres near a national forest high above everything tucked into an aspen grove. Somewhere near here.


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Karen, you really are rubbing it in for Scrap!:D Beautiful picture.


Lunch - salad with protein. I've had more social obligations lately and my blood sugars have taken a hit.


Weekend - too busy! I attended a wedding shower for a friend that I've known since I was 11. That was fun.:) Then it has been busy busy busy with church related stuff.


Dreaming about - a vacation all by myself. It won't happen but I do dream about it.

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Lunch - Well, I'm trying to go out of my way to make Mondays nice since it seems to help everyone recover from the weekend and get back in the swing of things. So, I make a hot breakfast and then a special lunch. Today was bay scallop and shrimp scampi with mixed veggies over rice and homemade applesauce on the side. It was a big hit.


Weekend - We met with the competitive rocketry team and had the kick-off organizational meeting. The kids were VERY excited. So, my saga as rocket mom continues after a five month hiatus. Sunday - church and some relaxation...it's generally rare for dh to not get sucked into something for work in the afternoon, so it was really, really sweet to have an afternoon not punctuated by phone calls from his co-workers.


Dreaming - Ds, the 13 year old, is fairly determined to try to visit Iceland. I've made him a deal. If he saves $1000.00 (he's begun doing farm chores and "chicken flock sitting" for money), I'll contribute $2500.00, and take him to Iceland...cheap hotel, cheap airfare through Icelandic Air (have to get ourselves from Michigan to Minneapolis/St. Paul - thank goodness for relatives living within a reasonable drive and cheap fares from a local airport), and cheap, cheap food. You know...go to the market, buy some bread, cheese, fruit, and summer sausage, and then eat out only once per day at the least expensive place within walking distance of the hotel. It's a mostly hike around, see what we can see in Rekjavik and ferry over to Videy island and hike around there, and a splurge visit to the Blue Lagoon. No frills, all the excitement of actually being able to be there. He's an adventurous kid, so a no frills we.have.no.idea.what.lay.in.store. type excursion is just fine with him. We've been dreaming, looking up hotels on Expedia, and drooling over pictures of the area. Good dreaming.


Other than that, I've been unsuccessfully attempting to book a hotel for our trip to Michigan Technologial University. Something is wrong with Expedia's website and it can't confirm our reservation at the Magnuson Copper Crown (Best Western chain - independently owned) hotel...the only one that will put five in a room for a decent price and is refundable or changeable. Grrrr.........



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It's Monday! yes, yes it is.


What's for lunch today? The kids had peanut butter & nutella on ritz crackers, apple slices, and a pudding. I had some dried mango.


How was your weekend? Busy. We had 3 soccer games on Saturday, plus I took dd1 to the International Festival. Sunday-we had church, Sunday School, and then evening church activities. But, I finally shook the headache that had been plaguing me for almost 10 days and got a decent night's sleep last night...so I feel like a new woman today!


What have you been dreaming about the possibilities of lately? a vacation. We desperately need one. Actually, we need two. First, dh and I need a weekend away...just the two of us. (That hasn't happened in 10 years). Then we need a vacation with the kids...maybe a long weekend in the mountains? It doesn't need to be fancy...just relaxing!


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Karen, that photo is gorgeous!


I just finished off some pita chips and spinach dip for lunch; DS had a sandwich and a clementine.


My weekend was pretty good. On Saturday the kids and I decorated the house and front yard for Halloween (this is an all-day affair as we're the freaks in the neighborhood with the lights and sound system for Halloween... we do this at Christmas, too) and I cleaned the house for what turned out to be a very small Girls' Night In. Hence the leftover spinach dip. On Sunday we went to brunch with my MIL and then came home, climbed back into pajamas and spent the rest of the day on the couch vegging in front of the TV. Hey, at least it was educational TV... we were watching "Wild Russia." ;)


Dreams... oh, well, I want to move out of this house in the next year or so. I also think I'll be bringing DD home next year and have been mentally working on details for that. Bringing her home would also making moving more realistic since we'd be able to save most of the money we currently spend on school tuition!

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Lunch: Lunch is sandwiches and peaches.


Weekend: This weekend was pretty good. We pulled in a decent amount of money at our yard sale, but didn't get rid of enough things that take up space. I actually made it to church instead of oversleeping like I have the past month.


Possibilities: Moving to Oregon in 3 weeks ad 1 day!

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Good afternoon!


Lunch was catch as catch can. I worked a 12 hours shift last night, getting off work at 7 AM this morning. I am not highly motivated for anything. We did clean the questionable stuff out of the refrigerator though.


Weekend was blah since I worked last night and Saturday night. I am supposed to be off of this night stuff but we have someone out on medical leave and I switched a few of my shifts around to cover hers. It is more money so I will take it but boy does it abuse my body.


Dreaming: In two weeks, we will make the last payment on our debt management plan and be free of crippling credit card debt. There are so many possibilities. Right now, I am looking forward to a Christmas where I don't have to squeeze the belt quite so tightly.

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Checking back in with my fellow Lodge-mates...mostly because I'm starved for adult conversation lately!

We're wrapping up school for the day. I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped, but we did a good deal of it, while also getting some much-needed grocery shopping done and some housework. I guess I can call the day a success!

I just got dinner prepped, so I can heat it up for dh and I when he gets home tonight (he has to work until 8). I tried a new recipe, so I'm hoping it turns out okay---Spinach, Mushroom & Ricotta stuffed shells. I'll be serving it along side of a salad and some garlic bread. The kids, who hate ricotta cheese, will be having macaroni & cheese, salad, and a hot dog. Not a great meal, but it will be quick and easy, with no grumbling from them!

DD2 has Girl Scouts this evening, so we'll be headed out shortly after dinner.

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Hey, Scrap, we're having a similar day here. I actually didn't oversleep (because I sleep in EVERY morning!) but we're having a major declutter and clean day. Fun, fun, fun.


Today's lunch: soba noodles served with reheated, roasted veggies from a meal this weekend. We had asparagus, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, and zucchini.


Our weekend was nice enough. I babysat my two year old nephew Fri-Sun so because we think it's funny -and because it annoys my brother- we like to use him for our personal entertainment purposes. This weekend we dressed him up as Yoda (found a cute costume at Target) and took his picture everywhere we went, sort of like the garden gnome thing? Then we sent regular updates to my brother's phone :D because you never really outgrow an immature sibling relationship!


Bummer about the trip north and the movie with your husband :( which movie did you end up seeing? More importantly, did you win at Scrabble? LOL


Lately I'm dreaming of the possibility of sending my son to an all-boys, Catholic private school. It's one of our area's top elite schools, so who even knows if he'd get in but he's their perfect candidate so ... maybe. We're going to check it out later this week. It's more to see if I want to keep it on my radar for high school. Current year's tuition is $17K, so ... that's where the dreaming comes in LOL. The possibility has always been there, as we've always taken homeschooling on a year-by-year case :).

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It's Monday! And I totally overslept! Me too! I didn't get up till 7!


What's for lunch today? Leftover flank steak and salad.

How was your weekend? Busy. Full of errands. Nothing really fun. Aldi AND Walmart in the same weekend. :glare: Plus a bunch of other little stuff.


What have you been dreaming about the possibilities of lately? Hmmm. Getting pregnant.


On a completely unrelated note - is it totally wrong that I feel SO accomplished because we had a Spanish lesson today? FINALLY - 10 weeks into the school year, I think I might have figured out a schedule that works! :party:

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Dreaming - Ds, the 13 year old, is fairly determined to try to visit Iceland. I've made him a deal. If he saves $1000.00 (he's begun doing farm chores and "chicken flock sitting" for money), I'll contribute $2500.00, and take him to Iceland ...


Very cool. My parents did something similar with us, and we all had such amazing experiences (and appreciation for a vacation budget!) I hope he reaches his goal quickly! That's wonderful of you to support him like that.


Weekend: This weekend was pretty good. We pulled in a decent amount of money at our yard sale, but didn't get rid of enough things that take up space. I actually made it to church instead of oversleeping like I have the past month.


I live in the Bible Belt so many yard sales are Fridays and Saturdays; none on Sundays. Yard Sale-ing on Fridays is, like, my #3 reason for loving the homeschool gig (one being sleeping in, two being doing school at starbucks). Have you put your bigger, leftover stuff on Craigslist, or will you run another sale next weekend?


I tried a new recipe, so I'm hoping it turns out okay---Spinach, Mushroom & Ricotta stuffed shells. I'll be serving it along side of a salad and some garlic bread.


I hope it tastes as good as it sounds! We have scouts tonight, too, so we're eating dinner out :blush:.

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Good afternoon!


Dreaming: In two weeks, we will make the last payment on our debt management plan and be free of crippling credit card debt. There are so many possibilities. Right now, I am looking forward to a Christmas where I don't have to squeeze the belt quite so tightly.


That is AWESOME!!!! Congratulations!

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It's Monday! And I totally overslept! Looks like it will be light schoolwork with heavier household work today, regardless of what my kids think about it! The house needs a thorough cleaning/decluttering, anyway. :D


What's for lunch today? A burger from the hospital cafeteria


How was your weekend? Just short of horrific. I think I may have PTSD from the events of this past week :001_huh:


What have you been dreaming about the possibilities of lately? Getting dh home...if the wound care nurse ever shows up, it looks like that will happen today.











Talk to me! :bigear:

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Apryl, wow, sounds like a ridiculously stressful week you've had.


Eternalknot, when you come to visit, I promise no early morning tea runs.


Jean, hope yoiu figure out the testing strip issue. call the manufacturer.


Karen, not.nice.at.all. but thx for the pic.


(Typing with only one hand is difficult!)

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Jean, hope yoiu figure out the testing strip issue. call the manufacturer.



I don't have to. This is my update on the test strip goof thread:


Woo-hoo! I threw myself on their mercy and they took them back and gave me the kind that I need. I almost kissed the (rather humorless) manager in relief. It made all the pharmacy techs laugh;)

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What's for lunch today? We had bean and rice burritos. I was busy making muffins, sausage roll, and cookie dough for dinner so it was a quick and easy lunch.


How was your weekend? Sat--The family walked 2 miles with friends to support JDRF. It was good to see lots of people come out and support it. My mom and dad got into town and had lunch with them.


Sun--My dh and I ran the 5K Lemon Run to help Alex's Lemonade Stand. They help fight childhood cancer. I ran my best time yet!


What have you been dreaming about the possibilities of lately? I dream of the cleaning and organizing fairy dropping by my house. Or winning the lottery to hire a full time maid! :tongue_smilie:



What movie did you see this weekend?

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