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Looking for a phonics program. AAS? Something else?

Wabi Sabi

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My ds7 has never had formal phonics and I think that we need to start something. He can read very easy beginner books but he doesn't seem to be progressing forward at all.


I was about to order AAS since that's what I seem to see recommended quite frequently on these boards, but their website seems to clearly state that it's strictly a spelling program, not reading. Is that correct? I had the impression that even though it's a spelling program that many people used it for phonics as well.


Whatever we end up using it needs to be something that is very systematic, thorough, incremental, and fairly straight-forward. He used to have a strong dislike for math but now that we're doing Math Mammoth he says it's his favorite subject. He needs that step-by-step, one thing at a time, logical, and lots of review approach. Instead of dreading math he now likes it because he feels that he's good at it. I really think that if I can find something similar to it for reading that his confidence will increase and his reading will take off.


If not AAS, what else would you suggest?

Edited by Wabi Sabi
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try looking into saxon phonics. I LOVE it so much and that was after trying over 10 programs :lol: It is the best fit for both me and my son. It has lots of review and games that also go along with it. For moms it is very open and go and easy to implement. My son has learned leaps and bounds since we have started it and he actually begs to do his reading lessons!! You can find it used pretty easy and just replace the workbooks or buy it new and resell as it holds value pretty well. If he's already reading I'd start in 1 and skip K which is what we did. I can't recommend it enough! :D Saxon phonics has kids do the phonetic marking which really helps them to understand how to read and breakdown as well as compose words. I am also using saxon phonics intervention for my 10 who is a struggling reader/speller and she is really coming along beautifully which was/is so awesome to see :D


You might also check out IEW's PAL reading and writing as it uses AAS in the writing program for spelling.

Edited by Aoife
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AAS is great but it is slow moving and expensive for a reading program, unless you need something that intensive.


There are lots of options. Free options from thephonicspage.com. Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading is a book that starts at the basics and goes through about third-fourth grade level.

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I enjoyed teaching Saxon Phonics last year with Ethan and there were no complaints from him ;) . Because I needed a change we are using WinterPromise this year.


I would take a peek at their Fast Track which is an 12 week review or their one year Accelerated K program. I purchased a few of their other LA programs and am really pleased with them but if you need it quick I would call and ask when they would be able to ship it.


I am using PAL/Reading with my son 7yr. old Lance (who didn't no all of his letter sounds when we started but knows almost all of them now).


HTH a little,


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This is how my 5 year old DD is. Granted she's younger than your son and not reading books yet, but she was an early schooler. SHe actually LOVES spelling and trying to read, but she gets a little frustrated that it is not getting much easier. I think her problem was just saying the words faster, putting all the blends together and not having to sound everything out. we JUST got AAS, and I have to say I think this is the ticket! She LOVES anything she can do on her own. WE have not even formally put it in to action because I only had it friday, but she spent a long time just arranging tiles and finding words.


for both my kids it seemed like phonics/spelling went together and then after they were reading better, language arts and grammar. I think it depends on your child but for DD, she loves to write a little and my problem with say, the Spelling workout books is that even level A requires more reading than she can manage right now. But she is very capable of learning proper spelling.

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I would work through the things on my How to Tutor page, reading and spelling a few words of each type that are easy, doing the whole thing for word types that are new or difficult. (Read them all and spell at least 3 or 4.)


You could also work through Marcia Henry's words or the new (10th) edition of Phonics Pathways, there is now more syllable work and some nonsense words.


Whatever you choose, I would definitely do at least the syllable division rules and exercises on my how to tutor page.

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I second The Phonics Road suggestion. It sounds like everything you mentioned--systematic, logical, etc. My DD is in first grade, and we had tears with two other programs I tried. No tears with PR, and I feel that it makes so much sense to teach ALL the sounds each letter and phonogram makes. We are only in week 4 of the program, but I love it already!

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Spell to Write and Read,.


Very active helpful yahoo group.

demystifies the english language using 70 phonograms and 28 spelling rules. teaches kids to read by spelling first, their first reader is their spelling book and sentences in their own handwriting. by analyzing each word sounds first THEN writing it and seeing the visual, it createas a stronger mental connection that they won't forget. Lots of activities and enrichment activities as you go along.



spelling dictation videos here:

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