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Cheap glasses (eyeglasses) What's the name of that online place?

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I think I read here about a store online that sells very, very inexpensive glasses. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


Dd18 has an eye infection and cannot wear her contacts. She is quite unable to see without them and she has no spare glasses. I meant to buy them, but life got in the way. Anyway, I really want to buy some now even though I know they won't arrive before her eyes have healed. I just don't want to be caught off guard again.



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When you buy your glasses online, what do you do if they need adjusted? I need expensive bi-focals and haven't been able to afford them, so I have been considering buying them from zenni-optical, but I am not sure I want to mess around with possibly ordering the wrong thing or the glasses not fitting.

Any advice?



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