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The Teachers Lodge 9-29-2011

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The only reason I know the date today is because it's my friend's birthday and I STILL haven't sent anything to him! :tongue_smilie:


Good morning!


What's for breakfast or lunch today? Breakfast was a chocolate croissant and an iced red eye coffee at Starbucks. :) Lunch will be . . . yep, as usual, no clue!


Going anywhere today? Yes, we're off again. This afternoon kids and I will be hitting a couple of thrift stores to shop for costumes. Then this evening I have ballet and then a meeting. :001_smile:


Put anything on your Christmas wishlist yet? I'd like a Kindle. I don't need, nor necessarily want, a full color one so maybe I can find a used basic one that someone's selling cheaply because they want the new Kindle Fire. :D


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Good morning! I've been waiting for the lodge to open...it's "that" kind of day! I'm in need of some adult conversation! LOL!


What's for breakfast or lunch today? Breakfast was cereal for the kids. I had a handful of pretzels. :001_huh: We just finished lunch. DD1 and I had broccoli rice. DD2 and DS had "roll up sandwiches" (lunchmeat on tortillas instead of bread). DD3 had a piece of ham, a cheese stick and grapes. The little girl I'm babysitting had leftover kielbasa, cheese cubes, and grapes.


Going anywhere today? We're getting lots of schoolwork done today, knowing we'll be gone all evening. DD1 has dance from 4-5 and 7-8:30 this evening. She's going to pack dinner and books and eat/study during the break. DD2 and DS have soccer practice from 6-7:15.


Put anything on your Christmas wishlist yet? My list? No. Now that I think about it though, I would like a new digital camera (mine is 7 years old). But I have started making lists of ideas for the kids. Actually, I've already picked up a few small things.

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Good morning!


I just finished eating my breakfast of 2 blueberry waffles, peanut butter, blue agave syrup. This is more carbs than I like but our milk man hasn't delivered the eggs yet.


Lunch will be a salad with as yet undetermined veggies and protein.


Going anywhere? Hmm. Dd is trying to get me to go to the grocery store. I might but I might not. It's a "We'll see" kind of a day here.


Christmas wishlist - I have a hard time coming up with wishes. I see things I like but then I think "I don't really need it".


I do not want a Kindle or any kind of an e-reader. I'm stubborn about that and about not joining Facebook. Add the fact that I don't like coffee and I think I'm just contrarian!

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Good afternoon!


What's for breakfast or lunch today? Breakfast was oatmeal as usual. Lunch will be a sandwich with a huge slice of tomato from the garden. We're going to miss the tomatoes!


Going anywhere today? Not today! :D We'll have an art night tonight- we're doing some fall painting. Sinatra will be on and we'll have cider. Should be fun!


Put anything on your Christmas wishlist yet?Not for myself. I have a couple ideas from DH leftover from his bday. I have a few ideas for family and teachers/friends (mostly baked goods there) some of which came from another thread here! We're looking forward to the holidays this year. :)

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Breakfast: cereal and coffee as usual.


Lunch: is our big meal today. We are having pork tenderloin (leftover) spinach salad, french fries, corn, and dd is having a little leftover mac and cheese w/hers.


Dinner: pb&js as we will be heading out the door.


Yes, the girls are getting their pictures made tonight. Yesterday we had a fun field trip.


Wishlist: for me? Well, I always want things, but I try not to. I always appreciate new clothes or shoes or slippers.

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Good Morning.


Breakfast was homemade granola with yogurt and berries! I finally made my granola. :)

Lunch will be a tomato salad with basil and cheese. yum.. I have one heriloom tomato left from last week's veggie delivery.


GOing anywhere? Not until tonight. Then it's judo. After dinner, dh and I are going to a fundraiser for a local bike-for-kids charity. Alone. WIthout the kids.


Wishlist? Socks. I love socks for Christmas. Thick, organic wool socks. THey just make me feel warm and cozy. I love me kindle. I got one for my birthday. I've been an Amazon consumer for a long time, so the kindle is actually perfect for me. Now our library lets you borrow kindle books so I can read some modern things for free. I won't be trading my kindle for the new one. I just love it for reading. I don't need more.

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Donuts for breakfast. It was supposed to be omelets, but we had a plumber coming. Leftovers for lunch and chicken thighs with rice and veggies for supper (just need to decide how I want to season the thighs).


Not going anywhere today.


Wishlist? To hear back from someone about living room furniture.

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I'm a late gift-giver, too; best of intentions, short on delivery .... yeah, that's me :blush:


Today my kids' dad was visiting from out of town, and he treated us to breakfast at a local joint. I had a parfait with berries, a side of hash browns, and tea (my own brought from home; for my fellow tea snobs it was a lovely, light white jasmine).


We took a field trip to the Botanical Gardens, and ate a picnic lunch there. Tomato soup, cornbread, grapes and cucumbers. We also brought leftover birthday brownies to finish off.


I'm the kind of person that usually just buys something for myself ... but if I had to put something down, I'd say a new transmission for my car LOL. It needs to be replaced, but I keep putting it off. I'd love someone to gift me that whole experience, from start to finish.


Actually, though, I just discovered there is a thing called a steam mop. Those look pretty fabulous, and if I don't buy one between now and then I would definintely like to get one for Christmas. We have a mop, and we have a hand-held steamer; a full-size combination of the two? It's so exciting I pee my pants just a little :D

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We're having pb&j with a side of non-msg containing cheese puffs. :D


Then dd13 is going to do a little more work on her descriptive essay. You should all applaud her

for the valiant effort she's giving it. Being autistic, it's a bit of chore for her brain but she's keeping

at it!:)


About 1pm, we're going to go shop for costumes. I loathe, and I mean loathe Halloween but my dh and kids are into it so I will bite my tongue and help them shop for inexpensive costumes at the thrift stores.:auto:

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What's for breakfast or lunch today? I had a handful of pretzels. :001_huh:


:tongue_smilie: I'm bad about "do as I say, not as I do" when it comes to the kids and breakfast. I have days like yours more than not!



I do not want a Kindle or any kind of an e-reader. I'm stubborn about that and about not joining Facebook. Add the fact that I don't like coffee and I think I'm just contrarian!


I feel like I'm in good company, and I feel the same way. About all of it! My kids' dad says I'm an elitest, but I rather prefer "contratrian" LOL.



Wishlist? Socks. I love socks for Christmas. Thick, organic wool socks. THey just make me feel warm and cozy.


My daughter is the same way. She even sleeps in socks; do you? Socks make me feel super confined. I hate wearing socks, I hate wearing shoes, and I usually walk around barefoot wherever I can get away with it. My girl says thick socks are like a foot hug, and the way you describe the sensation I can see why!

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About 1pm, we're going to go shop for costumes. I loathe, and I mean loathe Halloween but my dh and kids are into it so I will bite my tongue and help them shop for inexpensive costumes at the thrift stores.:auto:


I love thrift stores, but I'm not big on Halloween either. I should ask my kids what they want to be. They're pretty into the holiday, go figure LOL.


Do they have an idea of what they want to be, or are they going shopping blind?

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I want to know what is this RED eye Coffee at starbucks you speak of?


Breakfast, soggy cereal, cause I left it to long while explaining how to wash dishes to 13 year old son (again)


Lunch - had to think I snarfed down a burrito from last nights bounty of hamburger, green chile', pots, and beans!


Going anywhere? WEnt! Grocery shopping with kids, had a blast, contest, who ever got the closest to actual amount got a $1, exact would be $2 and if you got it right and then got the tax right another $1!

One was 31 cents off...pretty good, and I had 2 people tell me I was doing a grand job 'home schooling' the right way. that felt good!


Christmas wishlist: NEW large industrial sized pots and pans.

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I hate wearing socks, I hate wearing shoes, and I usually walk around barefoot wherever I can get away with it. My girl says thick socks are like a foot hug, and the way you describe the sensation I can see why!


It's probably due to growing up in Japan but I have a very hard time wearing shoes in the house. If I have to at someone's house, I slip them off unobtrusively if I can. I wear the thinnest socks that I can manage. I do have to wear some though because my feet get cold!

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My daughter is the same way. She even sleeps in socks; do you? Socks make me feel super confined. I hate wearing socks, I hate wearing shoes, and I usually walk around barefoot wherever I can get away with it. My girl says thick socks are like a foot hug, and the way you describe the sensation I can see why!


I never liked socks until I moved from FL to CO. Once it starts to get cold here, I wear socks 24x7. I don't like pinchy socks which is why I love the thick wool ones. Think snow outside, warm fireplace, comfy chair, book, fleece blanket, warm socks, and a warm drink.

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Karen, if you're not careful in your lovely descriptions of Colorado, you may one day find me on your doorstep for a visit! Colorado calls to me like you would not believe!


Anne, honestly I'm not exactly sure what the ingredients are but I think it's like an American (coffee) with a shot of espresso added in. It just gives me that extra "umphh" I need on occasion, like this morning when I had an appointment to meet with someone at 0630. That's WAY early for me!


Eternalknot, they both know what they want to be! My dd, though she is 13, wants to be a mermaid and my ds7 wants to be Captain America. One of the thrift stores here (Goodwill) is having $1 day today and the other one (Savers) is having 20% off today. We should be able to find something.

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our shopping excursion was successful! Now, the only shopping we might have to do in the next few weeks is for clothes we'll actually use more than once! Both kids will need warmer clothes as the temps finally get cooler (at least at night).


I might need warmer clothes, too, for my trek up to Karen's! :D

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We got a lot of school work done today. Soccer practice is over. The three youngest are asleep in bed already. Dh is picking the oldest up from dance and then stopping to get dinner for the two of us. It's our Thursday night "at home date night!" He's stopping at a Hibachi place that just opened in town. Then we're going to watch mindless television and go to bed! We must be getting old...

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