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You know your kid is homeschooled...

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When the new preacher asks the children "What is your favorite subject in school?" and your kid responds "Well, I like the Romans and the Greeks." All the other kids said normal stuff like art, recess, math. Not my kid.


After this response the new preacher turns to the children's minister and says "Is she homeschooled?" :lol:

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In a similar vein, while skimming through my dd11's text messages with a non-homeschooled karate friend I came across this little exchange:


Friend: Here are my subjects at school

[lists various subjects]

Dd: Cool.

Friend: What do you take?

Dd: Math, grammar, writing, spelling, logic, latin, french, history, science.

Friend: You take TWO languages? WOW! And what's logic?



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One of the group instructors for homeschool PE at the Y pulled me aside to ask what "salve magister" meant, 'cause that's how my six year olds greeted him. I had to teach him "salve discipuli" so he can feel like he can hang. :lol:


I love that, reading a list of the 100 greatest fictional characters of all time, they were excited about Beowulf, Odysseus, and Sherlock Holmes in addition to the superheroes.

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That's really cool! I also like the post about greeting in Latin! I don't know what I can add except that my ds7 insists on telling everyone he meets, after they find out how old he is, that he has a 5th/6th grade reading level. :) He can also probably out-quote just about anybody when it comes to Scripture! ;)

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