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OK, I just had a great thought about my history sequence. I know tons of people love doing ancients in 1st, but I really think my DS will get more out of it a couple of years later. I was going to continue my unit studies in K-2, then start the 4 year rotation in 3rd so I can take time off to do 2 years of US History at some point and then do the rotation one more time during high school. My daughter will probably come along for the ride with ancients in 1st since that is where she will be then (although I might continue the unit studies with the younger two). We are just having too much fun to stop after K! What do you think?

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Permission granted...we are doing American history this year and possibly next, then an intense world geography year, and THEN starting with SOTW/MOH. We will only go through the world history rotation twice this way, but she will be older and we will be able to really in depth and she will retain more IMO. :001_smile:

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I think you should do whatever works for you. :D



Yeppers! We didn't start Ancients until this year and combined the 3rd grader and 7th grader. In TWTM Susan talks about it not being a bad idea to be more mature when studying ancient literature. I took that as permission. :D

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