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I am pregnant and absolutely miserable.

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I am 8 weeks pregnant with baby #4. I am nauseous all day long. They gave me zofran, but it gives me headaches and makes me feel a little loopy. And, it's really not completely getting rid of the nausea. I am also EXHAUSTED. I slept 11 hours last night, took a 2 hour nap this afternoon, and am about to collapse again.


I am not cooking. I am barely cleaning. I want to cry all the time. I just feel tired and sick.


I was nauseous some with my other pregnancies... but not like this. I don't ever remember being exhausted to this point. Is it just because there are three other kids now?


I never thought I would not want another baby. But after a month of this, I am really considering swearing off pregnancy forever. :001_huh:


Please tell me I'll feel better in a couple weeks!!!

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I'm pregnant too and honestly, I don't know how I survived my first trimester. Like you, this was my worst nausea by far. It was non-stop. My house was falling apart, my kids did absolutely no school, and I feel like the only words I said during that phase was "I can't...Mommy doesn't feel good."


It does pass.Hopefully yours will pass quickly. Mine began going away as soon as my first trimester was over. Honestly, I couldn't find anything that helped my morning sickness except soda (mainly Sprite). My baby got so much soda that first trimester, but it's the only thing that put a dent in the nausea. It didn't take it away, but it did ease it.

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:grouphug: I hope you feel better soon. My experience with baby #4 was similar. It was my hardest pg. I think my body was worn down from years of pg and nursing continuously. That, and I was almost 40,;)


:iagree: Except I was almost 30, not 40. But Dh was deployed so I did the whole pg alone. I was more sick with #4 than with the others combined.

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I'm at 21 weeks, but in my first trimester I was feeling exactly the same way you are. It did get better around week 13-14, so if you can just hold out till then.


Cut yourself some slack too. If the house is a mess and you're eating PBJ for dinner, oh well. It's a short time and your family WILL survive! Listen to your body. You're doing amazing things right now. Nervous systems, digestive systems, circulatory systems, it's no wonder you're exhausted! It's like you're running a marathon every second.


Take your vitamins, nap often and cut yourself some slack.

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i'm sorry! :(


Try protein all the time. Eat almonds before you get out of bed, an egg 2 hours later, some peanut butter 2 hours after that, etc.

-Check your b12 levels and add some extra if you are low. This can help with the nausea.

-Consider an amber necklace (or even 2). It has been helpful for a lot of my clients.


Good luck!!

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This pregnancy was the *worst* for nausea. Just freakin horrid. I had it in the am, and then again in the evening. Even my standard, worked in every other pregnancy trick of peppermint tea didn't work.


It did get better, thank heavens. Now in my 3rd trimester I'm finding nausea sneaking back in here and there, something I've never experienced before :glare:


I can't drink pop at all, unless its flat. Heartburn for.ever. if I have even a few sips.


Here's hoping it passes quickly for you, and doesn't come back!

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I'm 10 (almost 11) weeks now, and though I haven't been nauseous, this pregnancy has been the most exhausting so far. I've noticed a big change this week, though. I wouldn't say that I'm energetic or anything, but I don't feel like a need a nap every few hours.


I know every pregnancy is different, but I just thought I'd throw that out there...I felt the worst at 8 weeks, so maybe this is the worst of it for you? I hope you're feeling better soon!:grouphug:

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:grouphug: I hope it does pass for you soon!


I had high hopes for zofran for this pregnancy, but it was a dismal failure. Phenergan makes me very tired, but it does allow me to eat and not feel horrible all the time. Just in case you are wanting to try something else even though it would probably make you even more tired.

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