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The Teachers Lodge 9-22-2011

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Thursday it is.


Something learned about my family I have:without a normal schedule do well, we do not. Know why I am talking like Yoda, I do not. :D



What's for lunch? Here: just had a slice of pizza for breakfast so lunch will have to wait. ;)


Where are you going today? We are going to Goodwill this morning (it's Dollar Day there), then probably to get lunch, then to a dancewear shop so I can be fitted for pre-pointe shoes. Then later today is ballet class for me and karate for the kids.:auto:


What's going on this weekend? I will be at a Women of Faith conference Fri & Sat, SO, unless I can talk JEAN into opening the Lodge tomorrow, it will be closed until Monday.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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What, was there a hint hidden in there somewhere? Yes, Scrap, I'll open the Lodge tomorrow, though the weight of responsibility might crush me:D


Something learned about my family: If I'm late in anything, the entire family will be late.


Lunch- something salady. I also have a V-8 juice chillin' in the freezer.


Going today - probably grocery shopping. And later ds goes to tae kwando and I go to the Y for Zumba! (You have to have an exclamation point every time after Zumba!)


Weekend: What, it's not enough that I've figured out what we're doing today - now I have to figure out the weekend too? Saturday is a church work day. Sunday is a church study day.

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HMMMMM Thursday it is. Hurt is my back. Sick are my kids. Scavenging for food they are. Not planned is cooking. Yoda I like!


Something new my family has learned - well, one child in particular, Jurassic Park kid, has learned that you don't carry your pet lizard into your mother with the hurt back when she is standing at the kitchen sink holding the sprayer! Startle her with lizard and you and the evil reptile get wet to the tunes of screaming mother with hurt back slipping and sliding on now wet linoleum.


Jurassic boy cleaning kitchen he is while nurse her back entertaining herself on homeschool boards mother is! (Wow, long sentences in Yoda style are not easy to do. I don't think I even put that together correctly! :D)


All activities are off for tonight and dh has been put on notice that I am to get a pampered back rub tonight or he can sleep with the cocker spaniel. (When dh has a back ache, he gets a LOT of pampering from me, but when I have one I have to BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGG for attention...on notice he is!)


You know what would be fun???? Have ds the 14 year old Star Wars geek write a short essay and then translate that into Yoda. I have no idea if it would be educational, but it would be entertaining.



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Happy Thursday.


Something learned about my family: Parents who read until the wee hours cannot expect their children to have good sleep habits.


Lunch? hmmm. I think I have a tomato left and some frittata from dinner.


Going today? Homeschool gymnastics after lunch then judo tonight.


Weekend? Going up to ride a narrow gauge train through a gold-rush town. The leaves are just starting to turn up in the mountains and that is a good excuse to go up. Also supervising hubby while he installs my bookshelves from Borders. Apparently, "Honey, can you put up the bookshelves this weekend?" isn't going to get them put up.

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Thursday it is.


Something learned about my family I have:without a normal schedule do well, we do not. Know why I am talking like Yoda, I do not. :D



What's for lunch? Here: just had a slice of pizza for breakfast so lunch will have to wait. ;)


Leftover Pesto!


Where are you going today? We are going to Goodwill this morning (it's Dollar Day there), then probably to get lunch, then to a dancewear shop so I can be fitted for pre-pointe shoes. Then later today is ballet class for me and karate for the kids.:auto:


Oooooh, I wonder if my Goodwill has dollar days?!


What's going on this weekend? I will be at a Women of Faith conference Fri & Sat, SO, unless I can talk JEAN into opening the Lodge tomorrow, it will be closed until Monday.


Talk to me! :bigear:


Hmmmmm....this weekend dh has a Men's mtg to learn about developing a Prayer Rule. All the museums are free on Sat, so I think I will take the kids. I have something on Sunday that I cannot remember :001_huh:.

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I've never posted to one of these before, but I'm trying to come out of lurk mode - hope it's ok if I jump in.


Something learned about my family: My school-age kids like it when Dad plays substitute teacher.


Lunch- a can of lentil soup and a grande half-caff americano from starbucks. Major splurge.


Going today - took my 2 yo for hearing and speech evaluations this morning. Needed the coffee after that since the 2 hours of evals left me worn out and kind of bummed.


Weekend: Helping my sister move (from current apt in crappy neighborhood to new apt in better neighborhood) on Saturday. Church on Sunday. And that is all.



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What's for lunch? Mini pizzas, fruit, yogurt


Where are you going today? I had to run to Home Depot earlier to get air filters-I took ours out and then realized that we didn't have any replacements left! This evening, my oldest has ballet for an hour. My two middle ones have soccer practice (if the rain holds off) and I have a meeting from 7-8:30.


What's going on this weekend? The usual--soccer games on Saturday (weather permitting), household stuff, work, and church.

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I'm finally, FINALLY joining in! Wanted to for a long time. . . .


Something learned about my family: I'm really, REALLY thankful that my dd19's medical problem looks fairly easy to handle.


Lunch? Quesadillas


Going today? Ugh, where I WENT today. Ob/gyn for daughter at 8 am, lasted two hours. Flew home, taught TOPS Electricity to my middle school co-op class. Lunch now. To ballet later. Do I just make my day completely special, and take my 6yodd for her bone scan/blood work now???


This weekend? Hooray for the double birthday! Dd10 and Dd6 share the same day - Sunday. My folks are coming up. Ds15 has robotics all day Saturday. Can't WAIT to see my parents.

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Something learned about my family ... we're snifflers, not blowers. That doesn't bother me when it's me, but when it's them? Drives me insane. LOL


Today is my nephew's 3rd birthday, so we're having lunch out to celebrate. I don't know where; birthday boy gets to pick. Last year it was Taco Bell ::blech::.


After lunch with them, we're going to the park. We cancelled school today, so we're just hanging out. We have two baseball games tonight, and one soccer game.


This weekend we have more baseball and soccer games :D, and my daughter has catechism class. I have about seven piles of books on the coffee table that my family feels Must Be Addressed this weekend, so I suppose I'll also be doing that. (They're all totally tall enough to see the tv over them, but whatever! :tongue_smilie:)


Have fun at your conference, Scrap!

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You know what would be fun???? Have ds the 14 year old Star Wars geek write a short essay and then translate that into Yoda. I have no idea if it would be educational' date=' but it would be entertaining.



I like it! I hope you get the pampering you deserve, ... and begged for LOL. I know what that's like!


Something learned about my family: Parents who read until the wee hours cannot expect their children to have good sleep habits.


Guilty as charged :tongue_smilie:glad to see it's not a lonely club!


Dd10 and Dd6 share the same day - Sunday.


Happy early birthday! Hope your visit with the folks is wonderful!

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Welcome, Heather and Melisssa! There's always room for more in the Teachers Lodge!


Evidently, going to two Goodwills and the dancewear shop wasn't enough. I came home to find the dog (a 25lb Australian Basenji Coyote mix) had opened the refrigerator and taken most of the food out! Since the food was warm (ugh) it all had to be tossed. I guess I should be thankful since I knew the fridge needed cleaning out/purging anyway! :)


After I'm done here in the Lodge, I'll be visiting C$ to figure out what coupons I need and where to shop for all the good deals. Evidently, I need some new food!:tongue_smilie:


By the way, for those that are interested, I did get a new pair of pre-pointe shoes today. When I finally figure out how to take a picture with my new phone, I may post a pic! :D

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My oldest and I are sick. :glare:


I'm wiped out, but on the flip side the 2 year old is more than usual loud and energetic. Oh, and he fights his nap time. :glare:


*insert pity party here*


We did do most of the school work and lots of reading aloud. The kids love my hoarse voice. It adds interest to the Viking stories.


The lunch was "Go fetch for yourself" - PB toast, oatmeal and leftover cupcakes.

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My son and I both had Caesar salads for lunch today on the way to his weekly co-op. He has P.E., a home ec class, and a physical science class there. I had to take him to Target for new jeans on the way home because he has of course suddenly grown out of his jeans overnight since we're getting ready to go on a trip this weekend....

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I can still post at 10:00 at night, right? I'm not too late, am I?:D


What, was there a hint hidden in there somewhere? Yes, Scrap, I'll open the Lodge tomorrow, though the weight of responsibility might crush me


Something learned about my family: We like to watch old episodes of Beakman's World on Netflix. I know, not anything deep or earth shattering, but it struck me as amusing tonight at dinner.:lol:


Lunch: This is why I'm late, I was reading this thread when a dear friend called and asked if we wanted to go to Chick-Fil-A. Well YEAH!!!!:auto:


Going today or WENT today: Sigh, and then we came home, did school, and it was off to Ballet. I went for a walk which was highly needed to work off some energy and steam.


Weekend: Friday is Family Game Night. Saturday we're having some lunch with friends. Sunday is Sunday School, Church, Youth Group, Choirs and Bible Study. That's them though, I get to sit at home, on my sofa, with another dear friend while our kids are in all those activities, and have coffee.


Blessings and See you tomorrow!



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