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Breaking down and doing a Princess Party-

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Okay- I used to be all "anti-princess" and felt compelled to try and keep my girls away from them. Ironically enough my second dd is OBSESSED with everything pink and princess-ey. I've accepted it and realized that princesses don't necessarily have to be just about make-up and princes.


My dd's third birthday is in October and she has been begging for a princess party ever since her older sister had a dinosaur party.


I'm online trying to look up some fun things to do (FRUGALLY) and I'm overwhelmed with the amount of princess stuff out there. I'm sure some of you with girls must have done a princess party.


So many things I see incorporate things like makeup and kissing princes. I'd rather keep it slightly more educational while still letting my dd have the pink party she's been dreaming of.


OH- and there will be a handful of boys so I will need to incorporate knights or something.


Thanks for any help you can give!:bigear:

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Do you have the book The Princess Knight? It's great and is all about a princess raised like a boy until she is 16 and her dad wants to all of a sudden thrust her into this stereotypical princess role. The knight who wins the tournament wins her hand in marriage. She dresses up like a knight and wins her own hand. You could read them that. If you want to do princesses and knights, you can decorate cheap crowns and swords. You can have the kids "joust" with pool noodles (one noodle makes about 3 "swords" -- wrap the ends in duct tape for a handle). You can do a treasure hunt (scavenger hunt) where you rescue the king's treasure from the dragon.

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We made rapunzel hats for princess.camp thos year. Roll a piece of poster board into a cone shape. Staple and decorate. You can also decorate before rolling. I braided long sections of yarn and stapled it coming out of the point. Use yarn or elastic under the chin. We just colored, but you can use glitter, jewels, glue, paint....whatever you want.


Get the Disney Princess Yea Party cd. It has musical chairs and fun party music. It is all about manners. You can have a high tea style party with finger foods.

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If you incorporated a tea party, you can pick up real china at thrift stores. We did a tea party for my dd's 7th birthday party. It didn't match but they all had small flowers.


You could do a scavenger/treasure hunt. Get a few refrigerator boxes at Lowe's or Home Depot and have the kids make their own castle to play in or have it already set up and have things out so they can decorate it. Could you find a simple medieval dance to teach them? Recorders are a medieval instrument and you could probably find some cheap ones at a dollar store. They could all learn how to play a song.


This site has some cool games ideas (as well as the idea of hiring Ren Fest actors--oh sure!). And if you just happen to have a castle in the neighborhood, all the better! :lol:

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My daughter had a fairy tale princess party for her 5th birthday.


We played some good games:


- Cinderella race. Divide the kids into two teams. Have every kid take off one shoe, and pile the shoes in a mixed-up heap in the middle of the room. Then have a relay race. The first kid in line for each team runs to the middle, finds her shoe, puts it on, and runs back. The first team to finish wins.


- Musical Sleeping Beauty. Just like musical chairs, only with "beds" (folded baby blankets, etc.) on the floor. When the music stops, they have to fall asleep for a hundred years, and the one who doesn't get a blanket is out.


- The Queen says. Just like Simon Says, except with a queen. (Me.)


For a craft, I got inexpensive stemmed "goblets" from a party store and let the kids decorate them with stick-on jewels. They really loved that!

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