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Can we have a Sonlight thread?


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Probably because it feels like it should be E for Eastern Hemisphere ;) .

I still call them by their numbers at home. The kids wouldn't know what I was talking about if I started spouting off letter names ;)

:iagree: ... I haven't used the core names at home much since we started reading SOTW1 alongside Core 1 ... we say we're using SOTW3, with sonlight books - though I still count myself as a Sonlight reader first ;)

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Michelle, your post caught my eye since were doing the same cores ... do you have a plan of what you may do after core H?


Not really. I am leaning toward MFW Ancients for 9th, mostly because it is so well laid out for the student, but I don't know if it will be a good fit for ds. I want him to be more proactive in curriculum decisions, so I may narrow it down to a few options and let him choose.


DS loves reading, so Sonlight works well for him, but I'm not sure I would continue it for high school. I would consider something like TOG but I want to keep my younger 3 going with a second year of American History next year so they cannot combine with oldest.


I also like how SWB lays out high school history in her lectures.

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:iagree: ... I haven't used the core names at home much since we started reading SOTW1 alongside Core 1 ... we say we're using SOTW3, with sonlight books - though I still count myself as a Sonlight reader first ;)


Yep, that's exactly what I'm doing now - SOTW 1 with Core 1 books. But, essentially, I'm a SL'er just with a different spine.

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We're doing Cores D and 100.


Core 100 I am following pretty closely, keeping it as is.


Core D I've already slaughtered.:lol: I decided to not use Landmark and instead we're reading The Complete Book of the U.S. and so far I'm not too impressed with The Story of the USA so it's taking room on our bookshelf.


We're liking SL just fine, but it definitely isn't much of a challenge for either dc. And that's okay as other areas are time consuming and harder for them.:)

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We've used SL since Preschool and love it. It is the best part of our homeschool. We are doing core F this year and it is going very well and has been a lot of fun. I was a little nervous about this core since people seem to either love it or hate it.


I did a lot of reading on the SL boards about it last year and came to the conclusion that the problem with the current EHE is that the World Book continues to be updated every year since the EHE was designed (2006), but the questions in the EHE have not been. This leads to people being very frustrated with trying to find the answers.


Because of that, I bought a 2006 IG, EHE and World Book cd-rom. I don't know if the problem could be solved just by using the 2006 World Book rather than the most recent edition, but my 4th and 6th graders haven't had any trouble finding the answers in the EHE and they both even seem to enjoy doing it.


The other complaint I've heard about the more recent editions of Core F is that there is no spine so the reading feels disjointed. I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong, but the 2006 version schedules readings of the World Book as the spine and there is a clear beginning and ending for each country or continent we are studying. If the current version does not do that, I can see where that would make things feel disjointed.


We are going to continue with SL at least through Core 100. After that, we'll have to see. I'm not as thrilled with what I see in the upper Cores other than the literature in Core 400.




Haven't had time to read through all the replies, but I was so interested in reading your reply Lisa! We've debated SL for years and are making the switch next year {finishing what we have going}. We'll be using E then F, so I'm saving this knowledge away for later use. All though, I've all ready purchased an F IG, but anyway.. Still good info to know. :D

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This is our third year of homeschooling. I have used SL for all three years. We have completed core 3 and 4. This year we are doing core 5/F. I did alot of research about this core before we started and decided not to let the EHE be an issue. I'm doing this core with two 5th graders and we do the EHE together. I really like the books used with SL. My ds has read books that I never would have thought to have him read. When we finish core 5, the plan is to move on to core 6.

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I seem to have Core E fixed in my head as the old Core 5 :tongue_smilie:and I really have to stop & tha.ink.


Core F/5 is the only one I know off the top of my head because I think to myself that 5 starts with F. Lol, I know 4 starts with F too, but for some reason I associate it better with 5.

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Not really. I am leaning toward MFW Ancients for 9th' date=' mostly because it is so well laid out for the student, but I don't know if it will be a good fit for ds. I want him to be more proactive in curriculum decisions, so I may narrow it down to a few options and let him choose.


DS loves reading, so Sonlight works well for him, but I'm not sure I would continue it for high school. I would consider something like TOG but I want to keep my younger 3 going with a second year of American History next year so they cannot combine with oldest.


[b']I also like how SWB lays out high school history in her lectures[/b].


Thanks for replying since SL hist is a near perfect fit for dd yet for ds we've had to constantly reinvent.

So I'm starting to toss around options for post Core 7/H for him.

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Spurred on by this thread and by our dismal record last week of completing the EHE assignments for Core F, I made a schedule of assignments through the end of the year, assigning the pages in the EHE which I felt were most likely to be able to be done independently (or with little help from me) by my boys. I also made a list of topics for each country being studied, and they will do a short report on a topic of their choice. If we get really adventurous, I will ask them to share their information orally with the rest of the family.


As much as I want to do this core in a more involved way, I cannot do it with the other commitments I have (two part-time jobs and some care of extended family), the ages of my kids who are doing this core and the needs of one of my boys who requires a lot of hand holding.


So, all that to say that I do feel better having made a more manageable plan. If circumstances are more free in the future and I choose to use this core with my littlest homeschool student at some point, I may do it differently. But for now, this is our best chance at gleaning some of what is offered.

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I am using Core W with my 13 yo dd. We have substituted a Prentice Hall Text, Patterns of World History, for Child's History of the Worls and Usborne W/H as she used those books when she was little :D. The Patterns book is PERFECT for her, very readable, and fits in with the core beautifully.


We are enjoying the LA component and I also bought the lesson plans and lapbook for Apologia General Science. I can't say she likes that book...she doesn't, so we will deal with it.


I used this core with my oldest when she was 13 and it was called SL6 I think? She loved this as well....




Hi! I was interested in looking at the choice you are using for your spine instead of CHOW. I am not finding a book by that exact name. I am finding World History-Patterns of Civilization by Prentice Hall. Could you verify the name of the book you are using? When was it published? Thank you! :)

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Hi! I was interested in looking at the choice you are using for your spine instead of CHOW. I am not finding a book by that exact name. I am finding World History-Patterns of Civilization by Prentice Hall. Could you verify the name of the book you are using? When was it published? Thank you! :)




Here is the link to the book I am using. Hope it works. :001_smile:

So far, we really like it.



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