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Definition of Insanity?

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So suppose you occassionally have "symptoms" - numbness/tingling in feet/hands, tight muscles in chest. This happens when you are under a lot of extra stress at work. You go to the doctor and he questions you and runs a few tests and says your heart is fine - the problem must be with your skeletal system or something.


However, instead of going to another kind of doctor or chiropractor who might be able to help you with this issue, you exercise (which makes you feel much better) and forget about it until the next time you're under extra stress at work. You have exactly the same symptoms. You start having panic attacks because you're sure you have heart problems. You go to the doctor, they run tests, etc., etc.


This goes on for 15 years. You now want to see a heart specialist because they might have tests that will identify the problem with your heart.


Is it insanity? Because I'm starting to feel insane myself.

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Have the symptoms gotten worse or more frequent over the past 15 years?


Could it be that the tightness in chest and tingling feelings are panic attacks? I always got tightness in my chest when I had panic attacks.


If you feel that something is not right, I would keep pursuing it. MVP (mitral valve prolapse) is common and can be difficult to diagnose in some people.. You almost have to have an "episode" right in the hospital for them to catch it.


Also, when you talk about tingling, that would indicate a nerve problem to me, not necessarily the heart. Maybe nerve damage? What type of work do you do? Could it be carpal tunnel syndrome? And could the tingling be causing panic attacks (tightness in chest, lightheaded, etc.)?


Just some thoughts..

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Since you asked for the definition of insanity, I think it's "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


See a cardiologist to ease your mind. You may well find out that the symptoms of panic attack are similar. I heard this described by so many people.

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Numb extremities and tight chest are common anxiety/panic attack symptoms, and that would not show up on a medical test. :grouphug:


Exactly. Those are some of the things that happen during my panic attacks.


A couple of years ago, I was experiencing tightness in my chest, trouble breathing, and a rapid heart rate over the course of 3 weeks. I have had anxiety for years, but that was the first time I had constant daily physical symptoms for weeks. My doctor didn't want to assume it was just anxiety and she referred me to a cardiologist. I know I had an EKG, but I don't remember what the other two tests were called. One was an ultrasound and the other had me walking on a treadmill while hooked up to thingees. :D


The only thing they did find was high bad cholesterol, high triglycerides, and low good cholesterol. I was put on meds. But the trouble breathing and chest tightness were definitely anxiety related. They happen even without the rest of the symptoms. I don't feel like they are part of an attack, rather they are just the most common ways for my anxiety to manifest.

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Yeah, panic attacks are weird. They look different depending on who is describing them. I came on here last year asking for advice for one of my girls who was having problems. She would flush, hyperventilate, experience tingling extremities, and cry whenever she became overly excited. Even positive things like sitting next to a boy she had a crush on or reading moving poetry aloud could trigger them. She learned to control them by recognizing the early signs, usually breathing changes or a feeling of heat in the face not stemming from embarrassment. She would stop whatever she was doing and concentrate on regulating her breathing. She hasn't had one in a while. The most recent one started because she was watching an extremely nervous person speak in front of an assembly. Without realizing it, she had a sympathy attack. It crept up on her :tongue_smilie:



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Have the symptoms gotten worse or more frequent over the past 15 years?


Could it be that the tightness in chest and tingling feelings are panic attacks? I always got tightness in my chest when I had panic attacks.


If you feel that something is not right, I would keep pursuing it. MVP (mitral valve prolapse) is common and can be difficult to diagnose in some people.. You almost have to have an "episode" right in the hospital for them to catch it.


Also, when you talk about tingling, that would indicate a nerve problem to me, not necessarily the heart. Maybe nerve damage? What type of work do you do? Could it be carpal tunnel syndrome? And could the tingling be causing panic attacks (tightness in chest, lightheaded, etc.)?


Just some thoughts..


The work (especially during stressful/busy times) is on a computer at a computer desk. Which makes some kind of nerve/carpal tunnel issue seem a good possibility.


"You" did have occassional panic attacks in your early/mid 20's, but a much different form - digestive. But you are pretty resistant to the idea that this is panic attack. The current set of symptoms haven't gotten worse and frequency is really just dependent on how things are going at work - pretty much the same - maybe 3 or 4 times per year.


The symptoms don't last as long, though, because you know that some good, strenuous exercise seems to settle everything down. This is the main reason to believe that there isn't a problem with the heart. But it might not hurt to get it checked out by a specialist.


Thanks everyone!

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Since you asked for the definition of insanity, I think it's "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


See a cardiologist to ease your mind. You may well find out that the symptoms of panic attack are similar. I heard this described by so many people.




I have very similar symptoms. But my halter monitor did show heart palpitations and some irregularities. Ends up it was my thyroid which was also exacerbating the stress/anxiety issue. Panic attacks & anxiety can cause very real physical symptoms. They can also increase your risk of future problems. Stress physically changes you and increases your chances of very real heart problems. Take it seriously. And seeing a cardiologist won't hurt. Good luck! :grouphug:






Because scientific studies on the risk of stress will totally decrease your stress :lol:

Edited by mommymilkies
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