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I would like to thank

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all of the mothers of the local highschool students who allow their kids to go to school sick. The fact that your kids are bragging on facebook about puking at school, having fevers and runny noses is not a great thing. It don't make them look tough it makes them look stupid. It makes you look like you are a poor parent.


You got my only public school kid sick, thanks so much. Your kids' germs have also made me sick. I am sure it will travel to my other kids one with autism, one with asthma and one who is ADHD. Thank you for your wonderful parenting skills.


I know this sounds harsh and mean but I am sick. I can sit or lay down otherwise my head swims. I eat and I want to puke. My other kids are missing library time. Did I mention we can't go near my mom because she has COPD? I am angry and I feel like crud. I know how this works as soon as I start to feel better then the other kids will be getting sick so I will have that to deal with.


Why can't people just keep their sick kids home? :confused:

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It is annoying. My son has COPD, and we miss a lot of church in the winter because other people won't keep their sick kids at home.


BUT, on the other hand? You're only allowed to miss, what, nine days of school? Plus, if both parents work? Those things make it tough.


I kind of see those points. But these are highschool kids. Can they not watch themselves? It is also major crappy that alot of kids on their facebooks are talking about they can't miss school for anything to save their days. That way they can take vacations at Christmas time or longer spring breaks. I feel horrible I just wanna cry. I am a single mom and no help in site.


I can't even risk sending them over my moms because of her health.

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I worked in an office when I went through cancer tx. I had almost no immune system afterward. I got called into the office because I had so many sick days. After I went on a tirade about how sick people coming to work were making me sick, that they could fire me if they wanted but I wasn't coming to work sick, they backed off. I literally handled paper from everyone in the office, people would come in coughing up a lung. I caught everything.


We had the same issue with ds at school and church. I ended up getting sick when ds wouldn't. I still deal with immunity issues and know we've saved a lot of medical expenses by homeschooling.

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It is just really crummy. I feel miserable all way around. To know kids are saving sick days for fun stuff and thinking it's funny to be there sick makes me mad. People just don't realize who they are messing with when they do this sort of thing. I could never imagine having to deal with this on top of cancer treatments. That is sad.

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I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hate being sick and what it does to my schedule. :(


Well, I have to say it isn't always the entire fault of the parents or the children. I have a public school friend who was always stressed out about how many days her girls missed (they have asthma so colds are more problematic). The schools sent home threatening letters about how many days they missed and were generally uncooperative.


The high school also encouraged kids to go to school sick by offering incentives (less testing) if they missed less than like 3 days. I know the daughter of my friend went to school sick many times because she wanted out of the testing. Another friend of my son who was in high school did the same thing. Personally, I would have made the kids stay home but then you are dealing with a sick AND now resentful teen-not a good combo at all.


Another unfortunate reason for sending the kids sick is that some parents cannot get time off of work or their back-up plans for daycare fall apart (for younger grades). I feel most for these folks. They are in a real difficult position.

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I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hate being sick and what it does to my schedule. :(


Well, I have to say it isn't always the entire fault of the parents or the children. I have a public school friend who was always stressed out about how many days her girls missed (they have asthma so colds are more problematic). The schools sent home threatening letters about how many days they missed and were generally uncooperative.


The high school also encouraged kids to go to school sick by offering incentives (less testing) if they missed less than like 3 days. I know the daughter of my friend went to school sick many times because she wanted out of the testing. Another friend of my son who was in high school did the same thing. Personally, I would have made the kids stay home but then you are dealing with a sick AND now resentful teen-not a good combo at all.


Another unfortunate reason for sending the kids sick is that some parents cannot get time off of work or their back-up plans for daycare fall apart (for younger grades). I feel most for these folks. They are in a real difficult position.

:iagree: One year our local HS didn't make AYP (according to some rule of No Child Left Behind) because of absenteeism and they got really tough and manipulative with the kids since then.

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Two of my kids have gone through public school. It is SO HARD for kids to stay home sick. State laws and school policies dictate the number of absences allowed before truancy laws kick in and schools deny credit. On top of that, just try getting late homework accepted by a teacher. They'll take it alright, but then usually lose it.


Nearly all kids would gladly stay home when sick if the school rules/state laws/missing homework didn't make it so darn hard! My oldest had chronic strep throat (eventually had tonsils removed) and she had to go to school sick because the teachers/school were threatening to deny her credit....and this was an A student in honors courses with doctor's excuses.


One of my many public school pet peeves is when elementary schools award students for 0 absences throughout the year. That just encourages kids to come sick.

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I hate that people don't keep their children home when contagious. I really do. Last year a woman brought her son with a fever of 103.5, coughing up spewtum (sp?), and diagnosed the day before with double walking pneumonia to Christmas play practice because she didn't want him to feel bad about missing! Good gravy!!!!!


I will say that in our area it happens because of a zero tolerance policy at the high school. No excused absences will be given to students based on illness without a doctor's note. Of couse, when your kid wakes up in the morning puking, you don't have time to get a doctor's note before school and it must be presented before they can attend again. None of the doctor's want stomach flu victims in their waiting rooms because a. they can't do anything for them and b. they don't want to clean up after the kid that can't make the bathroom and c. none of the other patients want to spend time in the waiting room with that going on. But, if the student is sent to school and a teacher calls the school nurse who says said student should go home, then the kid can call his/her parent, get a ride home, and is out for however long they need to be because a school authority established that said student was ill.


Since it is a liability for the doctor to issue an excuse note for a patient he/she hasn't seen, no one can just call the doctor and say, "Jimmy has the flu bug that's going around. Can you fax the school?" Since Jimmy will incur an automatic Saturday detention and a zero on all work for the day - no make up time allowed - for an unexcused absence because they do not accept the word of the parent, then the only option the parent has is to send Jimmy to school so he can infect everyone else and be completely miserable while waiting for the teacher or the school nurse to say, "Go home."


It's crazy, crazy, crazy!



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Two of my kids have gone through public school. It is SO HARD for kids to stay home sick. State laws and school policies dictate the number of absences allowed before truancy laws kick in and schools deny credit. On top of that, just try getting late homework accepted by a teacher. They'll take it alright, but then usually lose it.


Nearly all kids would gladly stay home when sick if the school rules/state laws/missing homework didn't make it so darn hard! My oldest had chronic strep throat (eventually had tonsils removed) and she had to go to school sick because the teachers/school were threatening to deny her credit....and this was an A student in honors courses with doctor's excuses.


One of my many public school pet peeves is when elementary schools award students for 0 absences throughout the year. That just encourages kids to come sick.


:iagree: This is a huge peeve for me, too.

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I agree that the school rules about absences encourage students to come sick.

OTOH, very often a person is contagious before showing symptoms. Influenza is contagious two days before the first symptoms. Rotavirus which causes stomach flu is contagious during the incubation period. (Not all stomach flu viruses are contagious during incubation, only some)

So, you can catch stuff from people who do not even know they are sick - there is no way to avoid that.

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