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If you have a beginning 2nd grader that is a struggling reader...


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My ds was reading that amount three weeks ago. He is now reading more, and will sit down and read a book to his brother. Last night he sat in bed and quietly read his brother a level one book. The day before I cam downstairs and he was reading a spider man book to himself.


A few days before that he said he got up early and read the new star wars book from the library.:)

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My dd was a struggling reader at the beginning of 2nd. I don't think she was even reading frog and toad. Sometime in january her reading started to improve,and she found a old Dick and Jane book. Then i started having her read for about twenty minutes a day (which she didn't mind at that point). Now (beginning of 3rd) she is reading the 4th Harry Potter book. Some time during late spring my husband read the first one to her, then said he'd read the second one *with* her. She ended up reading that one nearly all on her own. She slogged through the 3rd by herself,and is now on #4.


Nothing like a very compelling book to get your kid to read!

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i think your son is reading well. my son is only reading frog and toad books too. he's 7.5 and i think he's right on target :) i've never thought of him as behind or struggling honestly. i know by the end of the year he'll have grown leaps and bounds (my daughter did as well). i think what you're doing sounds great.

Edited by mytwomonkeys
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i think your son is reading well. my son is only reading frog and toad books too. he's 7.5 and i think he's right on target :) i've never thought of him as behind or struggling honestly. i know by the end of the year he'll have grown leaps and bounds (my daughter did as well). i think what you're doing sounds great.




My son is reading at this level, he's also 7.5, and I think he's right on track, too.


FWIW, we're using the Sonlight Grade 2 readers this year, which include three Frog and Toad books. So Sonlight agrees, too :lol:

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i think your son is reading well. my son is only reading frog and toad books too. he's 7.5 and i think he's right on target :) i've never thought of him as behind or struggling honestly. i know by the end of the year he'll have grown leaps and bounds (my daughter did as well). i think what you're doing sounds great.

Maybe I shouldn't had used the word "struggling". I know that many here would probably consider him struggling reader since I hear all the time that most here have 2nd graders that are reading Harry Potter and other such chapter books.


Maybe he is right on target, but he still complains about it when he has to read. Any excuse not to read, he will use it. He was doing very well at the end of 1st grade. I admit that I have been very lax with him over the summer time since I was so burnt out from school. We quit early and took a very long extended summer break. We just started this past week back to school. It seems now as though he is having some trouble sounding out certain words that he used to just look at and know. If it is a 2 - syllable word, he will not even TRY to break apart the syllables and sound it out. He will make up sounds and put them where they don't belong within the word. I really think he is just being lazy.


He did great last year with McRuffy Phonics and I thought that he didn't need much more phonics so I changed it up this year and am using a mix of things. I am starting to wonder if we need to go back to McRuffy.

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He sounds the same as my 2nd grader, too. My son is 7.5 and even though we didn't formally practice reading over the summer, I have found he has improved a lot. I think it's the effort of trying to read all those comic books. He also has a couple of "sticker" books, one Spiderman and one Harry Potter Lego, that are encyclopdias of their subjects.


There are sheets and sheets of stickers showing different characters, but they are all mixed up. You have to read an information page that tells about characters with a shaded spot shaped like the sticker. And it's not really easy to just tell by the shape. The only way to get the right stickers in the correct places is to read the description. And since these are subjects he loves, he is very interested in reading them! :D


He asks me to read him things, and I make him read it and help him with what he can't. He read me two full pages all on his own tonight as I tucked him in to bed. He needed help with the word "nephew", but read words like excellent, student, and popular. He is reading the words, plus he's able to determine what some of the difficult words are by what the context of the paragraph is.


His handwriting is terrible so I am having him do copywork from Harry Potter books. That's his favorite right now, so copywork from the stories will help keep his interest.

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That's almost exactly what one of my 2nd graders does too (the other one is reading independently with longer books), though maybe slightly harder stuff than Frog and Toad - more like Nate the Great. And I agree with others that I don't think of him as struggling. There's a wide range of what 2nd grade reading can look like. My guy's not in the devouring chapter books camp, but he's progressing at a steady pace and I don't think he's behind.

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i think your son is reading well. my son is only reading frog and toad books too. he's 7.5 and i think he's right on target :) i've never thought of him as behind or struggling honestly. i know by the end of the year he'll have grown leaps and bounds (my daughter did as well). i think what you're doing sounds great.


I agree!

A 7 year old who is "struggling" with reading is one who still has trouble with the first Bob books. Frog and Toad is a great book for a second grader... and one or two chapters are perfect! :001_smile:

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I have a dyslexic child that I removed from school in 1st grade - and she was an older 1st grader (Sept birthday) so the age of some 2nd graders. After we studied phonics enough to get her to the point of being able to read chapter books, I "allowed" her to read many hours a day. (The choice was, read freely or more structured phonics.) I would check out 20-30 of those books from the library at a time plus we have many at home.


I didn't do much else formally, other than math and a daily writing assignment. I just let her read those books until she achieved fluency.

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My son is reading at this level, he's also 7.5, and I think he's right on track, too.


FWIW, we're using the Sonlight Grade 2 readers this year, which include three Frog and Toad books. So Sonlight agrees, too :lol:


:iagree: My son is at this exact level as well, and I think he is right on target. He spends 10 min/day reading out loud to me. He happened to fall in love with the Frog & Toad books, and he just last week started reading extra for fun. I think if your ds finds a reader he likes, he will take off and start to see reading as fun rather than work. When the magic fun switch comes on, he will take off!


Sonlight has a nice variety in their level 2 readers as far as finding something your ds may enjoy.

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