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Anyone have a schedule for 5th and 7th they would like to share??


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6:30 wakeup

7:00 breakfast

7:15 Read Aloud (history related)

8:00 Stretches (from their martial arts)/weights

8:30 Bible

8:45 4th-spelling; 7th-latin ETA: I work w/4th gr on spelling & latin here

9:15 4th-latin 7th-spelling ETA: I work w/7th gr on spelling & latin here so this part isn't really "exactly" scheduled

9:45 Fairy tale (we were in year 3)

10:00 4th-math reviews; 7th-math w/mom

10:20 4th-math w/mom; 7th-math independent

10:50 4th-history; 7th-grammar

11:30 4th-grammar; 7th-history

*****or, we could combine for history; in which case grammar was done more independently by 7th grader****

12:15 lunch

12:45 art or music appreciation

1:00 Cardio workout

1:30 Science

2:15 Reading

3:00 4th grade is done; 7th grader- logic if not already finished


We also sometimes get started late, in which case I move the Read-Aloud to another time in the day.




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Fifth for younger son, next year:


Times are approximate and tend to vary greatly. Written work generally doesn't take this long and we have much longer to read. We get interrupted regularly by outside activities, too, although who knows about next year, with gas prices continuing to increase, LOL????



Bible/Character - Memoria Press Christian Studies, interspersed with a mixture of etiquette and character study stuff for the year.



Singapore 5 and MUS Delta for drill/review



Spelling/Word Study - Spelling Workout and various word study, dictionary skills type pages interspersed throughout year.



Handwriting/Writing - Getty Dubay Italics, followed by WordSmith Apprentice and assignments from a couple of other miscellaneous workbooks I already owned.



Grammar - Abeka B



Literature - we will be reading a lot of world mythology next year, with emphasis on Greek and Roman. I will be doing more in depth study of mythology themes, as well as literature themes for fiction, in general. He may take the National Mythology exam, too.



Geography - M,W,F using Beautiful Feet Guide and Holling books, Minn and Paddle, to cover most of the eastern US, filling in at the end of the year with a couple of other books that will cover those states not touched on in those two books.


Logic - T,R using Mind Benders intro and A level books; maybe B books, too, if we get that far. Or I already own some other logic puzzle books I may just use, instead.



Spanish - M,W, F using Espanol para Chicos y Grandes and other workbooks I already own; outside weekly class, etc.


Latin - T,R using Latin Primer I and other resources we already own. Spanish and Latin will be alternated each week, so the following week, there will be 3 Latin classes and 2 Spanish.






Reading time for books associated with times and places under study. In reality, he generally reads much more than this as he hates to stop reading a good book once he's started (but that's on his own time, LOL).....



History M, W using Kingfisher, SOTW, lots of living books, etc. Hopefully, this will give him time to do some of his own reading this year, write more, etc.


Science T,R using the RD books and other things, plus living books, for biology (animal and human and plant) studies. And again, hopefully, this time period will give him more time for reading and writing. I'm going about 30 minutes past our regular school time, but in practice we tend to do this anyway, as he reads while we wait to pick up my older son from school.


Fridays will be for mostly science related field trips, but will also give us time to finish up history and science work for the week. I don't do a full work schedule on Fridays. We do tend to still do Bible work, only the MUS math sheet, which generally takes only about 5 minutes; only the spelling test for the week, so another 5 minutes; and we only do writing and grammar when we need to in order to stay on schedule.

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our days aren't blocked out quite like the PPs, is that what you are looking for or just our list of resources, etc.


for my oldest, who will be in 5th next year:


TOG (wrapping up year 1 and then tackling year 2)

Saxon Math 7/6 w/ DIVE

Intermediate Language Lessons

Apologia...Zoology II


he will also be taking private art lessons with a small group of HSers.

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We're moving, and I can't even think of a schedule right now. Plus, I've had wine;-) But I can share my plans ...


My 7th grader likes to be in control of his day, and set his own schedule. So far, this has been working well enough. My 5th grader likes/needs to be a bit more guided.


My 7th grader will be doing Dolciani algebra, Latin Prep 2/Lingua Latina, Elementary Greek, Homer B/Diogenes, Megawords, WTM history, and literature/classical studies pulled from LCC and WTM. And Spanish, but I'm not sure what we're using yet.


My 5th grader will be doing Right Start E/Singapore 4, Latin Prep 1/Lingua Latina, Elementary Greek, Homer A, WTM history, and literature/classical studies pulled from LCC and WTM.


I will also have a 1st and 2nd grader (doing all the same material).


Our plan is to start school about 9 am. My 7th grader will work independently, while I work with the others. I will give my 5th grader his math lesson, and then work with the little ones while he does his math.


After math, I will work with my 5th grader in Latin and Greek. Then he'll take a break.


Late morning or early afternoon, I will have Classical Writing sessions with both (not at the same time!). Then they will work on their reading assignments, and writing assignments. Twice a week or so we'll do history in the afternoons, and science on the other days.


During these times, I work in my older son - going over Latin with him, checking his Greek, discussing his reading, etc. He goes over his math, and has a lesson, in the evenings with my husband.


I don't know if that's helpful. It's pretty free-form, but it seems to all get done.

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We are just finishing 5th and 7th. They have a list each day and I ask that they do math in the morning, but other than that they decide in what order they will do the work.



Singapore 5A/5B and Teaching Textbooks 7 (1 lesson from each)

Singapore Challenging Word Problems (2 pages)

Word Smart Vocabulary Program (20 minutes)

Wordly Wise (I used this most of the year, but they didn't really like it and I felt like it was just busy work for them, so I purchased Wordly Wise)

Daily Grams 5 (One per day)

Cursive Handwriting

Reading Sonlight Books (1 hour)

Landmark History 2 or 3 times per week (I read aloud and we discuss)

Latina Christiana 1 (They don't like this, so I am going to try Lively Latin)

Creative Writing (Co-op class one time per week and then homework)

Piano (20 minutes a day and once a week lesson)

Religion (I read aloud and we discuss as a group)

Sequential Spelling - One list from Book 1 and one from Book 2 each day.


5th Grade


Finished Singapore 6A and 6B and used Teaching Textbooks 7 for areas that Singapore does not cover and for review.

Sequential Spelling - One list from Book 2 and one list from Book 3


All other items are the same as the 5th graders.



We are lacking in the area of science this year, although we spend a couple hours a week in the car, so I have them watching Eyewitness DVD's or other educational DVDs in the car. Ex: We watched Ponds & Rivers, Natural Disasters, Bugs, and we also get PBS history series and watch those in the car; Liberty! The Revolutionary War, History of Chicago, Ken Burns' Civil War etc.


They will take a co-op science class next year.

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I'll have a 4th and 7th next year. Our schedule is pretty basic.


Morning: math, foreign language, grammar, piano


Afternoon: reading, history or science, extracurricular activities


My 4th grader will use Saxon 7/6, R&S grammar 6, and Latina Christiana II and Rosetta Stone Spanish. My 7th grader will use Saxon Algebra 1, R&S grammar 7, Classical Writing for older beginners, and Henle 1 and Elementary Greek.

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I will have 5th and 7th next year. They are all over the place, so I don't know how helpful their schedule will be for comparison. We seem to get more "off" of a normal progression each year, LOL. My 5th grader is really strong in math & science, but not in grammar, reading comp, and writing. I also have a 1st grader floating around.


On Tuesdays and Fridays, we will have co-op and Classical Conversations. This will cover writing, grammar, history, and science for the 5th grader; and most of grammar and some writing for 7th grader. I don't know what the co-op classes will cover yet. Hopefully, writing (IEW,) Latin, literature (BJU Lit 9,) logic (Intro to Logic,) speech/debate, and maybe Algebra for older.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, we will cover the rest of our curriculum, which will be the following, unless a co-op class comes up that would cover it. We work year-round, starting in early August.


Morning meeting (both):

poetry memory

CC memory work

religion (CLP's Bible study of the Gospels, plus some other resources on Jesus' life)

Bible memory work

geography memory (including Mapping the World by Heart)

Greek (Elementary Greek 2, maybe finishing 1 first?)

Poetry study (discussing, writing)

BJU Earth & Space Science

geography (using Trail Guide to World Geography and missionary biographies)



Individual work (me working with each of them individually):


Co-op homework, Essentials (CC) homework


7th grader:

Algebra I (Foerster)

R & S English 7

Literature study (book list plus Shakespeare unit)

Computer (typing, Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

BJU Geography


5th grader:

BJU Math 7

Literature (book list)

BJU Reading 6

R&S English 5

Probably some work on handwriting still

Spelling Workout


They also take art lessons once a week for 1 1/2 hours, 5th grader takes piano, 7th grader takes flute, and they will both have swim and ballet lessons.

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For my 5th grader next fall:


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur

8-9: Piano


9-10: Math (MathuSee Epsilon and Life of Fred)


10-11: Latin (Henle)


11-12: Writing and Spelling (IEW Theme-bases Ancients and Phonetic Zoo B)


12-1: lunch and break


1-3: On Mon we do History (Diana Waring's Ancient Civilizations), on Tues we do Geography (A Child's Geography vol. 2-Explore the Holy Lands), on Wed we do Science (Education Exploration) and on Thur we do Church History (the Peril and Peace series)


3-4: quiet reading


We do bible as a family after dinner.


Fridays are saved for finishing up anything we didn't get to, field trips, projects or just playing HOOKY!!! :tongue_smilie:

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Here is my tentative schedule. I did not put times, but I tried to show how our days work.



Spelling, Writing, Math, Latin

Girl Scouts (5th grader--7th grader will go to P.E.)

History, Reading for lit. study, music practice

Boy Scouts (7th grader)




Math, French

Home school P.E. (maybe)

Reading for lit. study



Spelling, writing, math, Latin, History, logic, literature, reading--historical fiction, music practice



History, math, French


Reading--historical fiction, music practice



Science (or we may split this up on Tues/Thurs), music practice



Now, for the curricula. They are using the same curricula unless otherwise indicated.


Math--Singapore 6 (7th grader), Singapore 4 (5th grader)

Spelling--Megawords 2

Writing--Jump In! (7th); Writing Strands 3 (5th)

Latin--Latin Prep for both, 7th grader is further along

History--SOTW 4 w/activity book; Reading and Writing Copybook for Modern Times; Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

Literature--Progeny Press guides to go with Modern Times (Across Five Aprils; Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry; Number the Stars)

French--Learnables 2 (7th); Learnables Grammar Enhancement (5th)

Logic--Art of Argument (7th); Mind Benders, grid perplexors, Logic Liftoff (5th)

Science--My World Science: African Savannah, Sound & Light/Electricity & Magnetism, Ponds; Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia


Somewhere in all this, the 5th grader will do FLL 3 with my 3rd grader. The 7th grader is starting Analytical Grammar this summer, and will finish that over the next couple of summers.


Whew! That was a lot just typing all that out! :blink:

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Fifth for younger son, next year:


Times are approximate and tend to vary greatly. Written work generally doesn't take this long and we have much longer to read. We get interrupted regularly by outside activities, too, although who knows about next year, with gas prices continuing to increase, LOL????



Bible/Character - Memoria Press Christian Studies, interspersed with a mixture of etiquette and character study stuff for the year.



Singapore 5 and MUS Delta for drill/review



Spelling/Word Study - Spelling Workout and various word study, dictionary skills type pages interspersed throughout year.



Handwriting/Writing - Getty Dubay Italics, followed by WordSmith Apprentice and assignments from a couple of other miscellaneous workbooks I already owned.



Grammar - Abeka B



Literature - we will be reading a lot of world mythology next year, with emphasis on Greek and Roman. I will be doing more in depth study of mythology themes, as well as literature themes for fiction, in general. He may take the National Mythology exam, too.



Geography - M,W,F using Beautiful Feet Guide and Holling books, Minn and Paddle, to cover most of the eastern US, filling in at the end of the year with a couple of other books that will cover those states not touched on in those two books.


Logic - T,R using Mind Benders intro and A level books; maybe B books, too, if we get that far. Or I already own some other logic puzzle books I may just use, instead.



Spanish - M,W, F using Espanol para Chicos y Grandes and other workbooks I already own; outside weekly class, etc.


Latin - T,R using Latin Primer I and other resources we already own. Spanish and Latin will be alternated each week, so the following week, there will be 3 Latin classes and 2 Spanish.






Reading time for books associated with times and places under study. In reality, he generally reads much more than this as he hates to stop reading a good book once he's started (but that's on his own time, LOL).....



History M, W using Kingfisher, SOTW, lots of living books, etc. Hopefully, this will give him time to do some of his own reading this year, write more, etc.


Science T,R using the RD books and other things, plus living books, for biology (animal and human and plant) studies. And again, hopefully, this time period will give him more time for reading and writing. I'm going about 30 minutes past our regular school time, but in practice we tend to do this anyway, as he reads while we wait to pick up my older son from school.


Fridays will be for mostly science related field trips, but will also give us time to finish up history and science work for the week. I don't do a full work schedule on Fridays. We do tend to still do Bible work, only the MUS math sheet, which generally takes only about 5 minutes; only the spelling test for the week, so another 5 minutes; and we only do writing and grammar when we need to in order to stay on schedule.




I really like your schedule! I do have a couple of questions, though.


When you do literature do you read to your son or does he do the reading himself? Do write about the books or mostly talk about them? If you have him write about them do you use literature time for that or the writing slot on your schedule?


Then I was wondering when you started having a schedule like this. Was it shorter in 3rd or 4th grade?


I would really appreciate your input.



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