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Please help me choose a grammar program


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I am strongly considering using JAG and AG in the older years, but I think I would like to start doing some grammar in 1st (DS5 is already reading well now so I think that in a year he will be reading fluently). I am considering the following:


Rod and Staff

Voyages in English

Growing with Grammar


Can anyone who has used one or more of these programs please compare them for me? I have had almost no grammar study although I was an English Lit major and picked up a lot of grammar that way. I would also be open to other grammar programs. Thanks in advance!

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Rod & Staff doesn't have a first grade program, though you can use the 2nd grade program in first if your son writes well OR you do it all orally. We gave it a try last year and didn't care for it (the text made it sound like you were sinning if you used an incomplete sentence... the grade 3 and up books aren't like that, thankfully).


I really like FLL for these younger years. It's quick and easy, very gentle, yet meaty. FLL2 and FLL3 have more meat than their R&S counterparts, IMO. They move faster (which we needed) and have things like poem memorization, picture narration, story narration, etc. It's an excellent program. FLL1 was my least favorite, though it probably would have been better had I started it in K. It's certainly gentle enough for that, especially if the child is reading well.


I don't have any experience with the other two programs you mention. I've just used R&S 2, R&S 3, FLL1, FLL2, and FLL3. There are things I like about both, but in the end, I just felt like FLL was more interesting for ME (my son really didn't care either way), and I felt like FLL had more to it and moved a little quicker, plus it's done in a shorter time period. We're using FLL3 this year for 2nd grade, and next year we'll do MCT Island. After that, we might come back and use ALL. We'll see. I don't have plans to use FLL4.

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They're really not that similar. I mean, ok, they're both scripted and oral... I think FLL is more interesting than OPGTR. Just don't be afraid to go off script, or if you see your son already understands something, don't make him repeat 3 times if he doesn't need to, and don't make him do every little thing if he doesn't need to. You know your son best. :)


Now if it's the oral he didn't like, then you'd probably want to go with GWG or R&S (if he can handle the writing in R&S - copying sentences).

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We personally LOVE LOVE LOVE BJU English!! I would recommend you atleast look into it. I know its not super popular on this forum but I tried some others that were highly recommended on here last year and came back to BJU with my tail between my legs :lol:


Check it out



Grammar in BJU does not start until 2nd grade. 1st is still working on Phonics.

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We did no formal grammar until this summer when, on my son's 7th birthday, we started MCT. Actually, a few week before we discovered Grammar-land, which as fun too, but aside from that nothing.


What a joy these two (and especially MCT) have been. We would have died spending 48 lessons on Nouns. Why for?


I could not be happier with the inspiring way Language Arts and Grammar are presented in MCT. It admittedly lacks admonishments for children to capitalize the first word in a sentence and other simple mechanical things of that sort, but if you want to excite a child love of their language MCT has my strongest recommendation.



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I'll throw another one out there. The Sentence Family. My son is loving this. He actually asks to do grammar each day. We are doing the fun and gentle approach until we begin with JAG. You can get SF as a download at currclick for $12.


That looks really great! Thanks for sharing. :001_smile: The thing about MCT is I can't find much specific info. on it. I tried to navigate the website, but still don't have a good feel for the approach to grammar it takes and what sets it apart from the rest. :confused:

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I'll throw another one out there. The Sentence Family. My son is loving this. He actually asks to do grammar each day. We are doing the fun and gentle approach until we begin with JAG. You can get SF as a download at currclick for $12.


I was looking at this the other day and am confused as to what it actually is. Is it just a story book for grammar? What does it entail?

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Would you suggest that I do FLL now (or soon) or just skip FLL 1?


I would skip FLL 1/2. I went through them with my ds in second grade because he has language development issues and I thought more time spent on grammar would be good for him. Aside from memorizing some definitions of parts of speech, I don't think he benefited much, and I think it was basically wasted time. He's in FLL3 now and doing fine. I'd just wait, were I you. I have found that every time I ignore the "better late than early" idea, I end up regretting it. Not that I'm not a believer in structured school for kids ... My kids follow TWTM fairly closely. But every time I wonder, "Do I really need to do this now, or can it wait?" and I do it anyway, I end up coming to believe that it could have waited. Which is why I keep pushing Latin back, grade by grade. :D



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We are doing R&S 2 for first grade, but we are doing it orally. I occasionally write an exercise on the board for my son to do, but so far it all works orally. The first unit is on sentences and we do practice on capitalization and punctuation in dictation. I did not see a need to write 10 sentences out. I have been told that each year the basics are reviewed. I figure that by 3rd grade we will he writing everything out. My son's stamina for handwriting is low right now, but he is young.


I actually love all of the Bible stories in the text. We discuss and learn stories we have not done before :001_smile: I don't like scripted books, this one, we open and go. It is so easy for me.


ETA: Wow...I typed that response on my phone and I was half asleep still apparently! So sorry to anyone who had to read that mess! I did attempt to proofread, but that auto-correct gets me every time. I should really stop posting from my phone. It aggravates me s to much.

Edited by chepyl
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I was looking at this the other day and am confused as to what it actually is. Is it just a story book for grammar? What does it entail?



The Sentence Family tells a story where each character represents a different part of speech or sentence type. (4 sentence types are covered first) With each character there is a description of their appearance and personality (Mrs. Interrogative always speaks in questions, verb is always active). Each character also has their own favorite color. As you go through the book, you read the story about each character (or tell it in your own words), draw/color the picture and then practice identifying words each character would say. Use a large enough piece of paper when drawing so your child can add words to the bottom of the page that the character would say. The book then gives you some example sentences to use for your child to identify the part of speech they just learned. They underline that part of speech with the characters favorite color. Diagramming is taught towards the end of the book and is also done in a creative way.

We also really like Brian Cleary’s books. Another fun way to discuss grammar.

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I'll throw another one out there. The Sentence Family. My son is loving this. He actually asks to do grammar each day. We are doing the fun and gentle approach until we begin with JAG. You can get SF as a download at currclick for $12.


I actually bought his. What age do you recommend this for? I like the idea of taking things easy until JAG.

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I love these!!!!! Thanks for posting!


You are very welcome! I found out about them here also. He also has a great interactive website.


Ruth Heller also has similar books out in her World of Language series. In fact there is a blog, Serendipity, created by Elizabeth Foss, where she has made lessons to go along with the books. It is called Lively Language Lessons.

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We used FLL for grades 1 and 2, then followed R&S throughout with my 2 older children. With my 3rd child FLL just did not work. He couldn't memorize any of the definitions for more than half a day. We skipped the memory work too. It just got too frustrating. I think he has a processing disorder and he's getting evaluated for that. Now he's on R&S 3 and it's been wonderful. He really enjoys the diagramming and grammar makes sense now.

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You are very welcome! I found out about them here also. He also has a great interactive website.


Ruth Heller also has similar books out in her World of Language series. In fact there is a blog, Serendipity, created by Elizabeth Foss, where she has made lessons to go along with the books. It is called Lively Language Lessons.



I love Elizabeth Foss!!!!!!

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I am not a fan of video instruction in general, but for the super young, there is nothing wrong with some Schoolhouse Rock during TV time ;). By the time you start formal grammar, they should be able to tell you the major parts of speech, how they function in a sentence, and give examples.


After a few months of those plus mad libs, a child should be ready for any level-2 program that suits your style.

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