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End of pregnant questions

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ETA....title should read "End of PREGNANCY questions" LOL.


I know I've done this twice before, but I don't remember feeling like this with my other two. (I'm 34 weeks right now).


I've gotten to where I just don't feel like leaving the house...at all. I mean, for one, I have to put on uncomfortable clothes to leave the house. Then I sometimes feel like I can't breathe when baby gets into certain positions. The only way to halfway relieve this (or at least help) is to lie down....I can't very well do that away from the house.


Also, I have to go to the bathroom ALL THE TIME. We went to Outback tonight for dinner and we were there for probably an hour and a half. I used their bathroom three times. It's tiring to constantly search out a bathroom and have to constantly be pausing whatever I'm doing while I'm out and walking to the bathroom.


Then, I have issues with pubic symphysis pain. It's been happening since around 22 weeks and has just gotten worse. Getting up and out of the car is a little painful....but usually when I'm up and moving, it's okay.


And then, I'm just plain uncomfortable and easily agitated. Trying to get a 4 year old and a very stubborn and opinionated 7 year old out and about just seems like more than I can handle right now.


But we have appointments (eye doc for 4 year old on Monday), homeschool group on Wednesdays, church on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, ballet for DD7 on Saturday mornings.....just thinking of going somewhere makes me want to go to sleep LOL.


Is this normal? I don't remember feeling like I didn't want to leave the house when I was pregnant with my other kids. I'm seriously considering not going to church in the morning. I just don't want to leave the house. Ugh.

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I'm 34 weeks pregnant too and I feel the EXACT. SAME. WAY....down to the PSD. I even have a 7-yo and a 4-yo, although mine are a DD and a DS. :) If I could become a hermit for the next 5 weeks, I would totally do it.


You're not in the Austin area, are you? :)


LOL, scary how our situations are exactly the same LOL! No, I'm not in Austin....but I am in the south, just Florida LOL.

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ETA....title should read "End of PREGNANCY questions" LOL.


I know I've done this twice before, but I don't remember feeling like this with my other two. (I'm 34 weeks right now).


I've gotten to where I just don't feel like leaving the house...at all. I mean, for one, I have to put on uncomfortable clothes to leave the house. Then I sometimes feel like I can't breathe when baby gets into certain positions. The only way to halfway relieve this (or at least help) is to lie down....I can't very well do that away from the house.


Also, I have to go to the bathroom ALL THE TIME. We went to Outback tonight for dinner and we were there for probably an hour and a half. I used their bathroom three times. It's tiring to constantly search out a bathroom and have to constantly be pausing whatever I'm doing while I'm out and walking to the bathroom.


Then, I have issues with pubic symphysis pain. It's been happening since around 22 weeks and has just gotten worse. Getting up and out of the car is a little painful....but usually when I'm up and moving, it's okay.


And then, I'm just plain uncomfortable and easily agitated. Trying to get a 4 year old and a very stubborn and opinionated 7 year old out and about just seems like more than I can handle right now.


But we have appointments (eye doc for 4 year old on Monday), homeschool group on Wednesdays, church on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, ballet for DD7 on Saturday mornings.....just thinking of going somewhere makes me want to go to sleep LOL.


Is this normal? I don't remember feeling like I didn't want to leave the house when I was pregnant with my other kids. I'm seriously considering not going to church in the morning. I just don't want to leave the house. Ugh.


Why don't you just keep the doc's appt, ballet and church on Sunday and skip the rest? It was different when you had the other (especially first kid). You were younger, probably in better shape and didn't have others to take care of. Don't run yourself ragged - what's going to happen when the new baby comes and you're lacking sleep?

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I have five, and with each one, I seemed to stay in the house earlier into the pregnancy. I was mostly afraid of something happening when I was out with my little ones. I constantly worried that I would have to be rushed to the hospital and my little ones would be stranded. I also, like you, felt more uncomfortable with each one. (My husband used to joke that I should sell a "map" to all the bathrooms in the area because I had visited every single one at one time or another!)


I think it's perfectly normal. I think people understand how exhausting it is just to be pregnant, much less be caring for little ones at the same time. I would lighten your load so you don't "have" to be out. Let everyone know you are a "maybe" for everything, and don't be concerned if you are a no-show.


Don't stress! It will all be over soon enough, and you can get out again.


I wish you well!

Hot Lava Mama

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Oh. My. Goodness! Yes! This is completely normal! My oldest dc were almost 7 and 4 when I was 34 weeks with the last one. I was grumpy. I was cranky. I felt like a whale. I kinda wanted to murder all the non-pregnant women out there who could move easily without waddling like an over-stuffed duck. If looks could kill, 99% of the people around me would have died instantly. I am not a pleasant pregnant woman. I'm usually over pregnancy by week 10. I think I started begging by uber-natural midwife to rip the kid out of me at week 24. I sooooo feel for you. And you are doing this in Florida! Where it is hot and humid! I'm pretty sure my husband would be considering divorce if I had to be pregnant in Florida.


I promise you will not be pregnant forever. I promise you will have a sweet-smelling little cuddle bug before you know it. In the meantime, just let it out. Put up your feet. Relax in a pool. You have another person living inside of you. Take a break Momma! This too shall pass.

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Same here though I actually managed to sleep for 5 straight hours last night without having to get up and pee. A miracle! I'm getting a little scared of the kicks though.


Peeing, pain, swollen feet, LOTs of naps, exhaustion...We were thinking maybe one more after this child but there's nothing like being pregnant when you're old to put you off another pregnancy. :D

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Yes, it is normal. As everyone else said, you're not just caring for yourself now, but two other people and it's hard work.


Now - take it easy. I was miserably pg with dd3. I was exhausted before she was born and it doesn't get easier after the birth. Remember that and take care of yourself now. Can dh take your dd to ballet? Wednesday night church is not mandatory, but getting rest it. Let dh take the kids and you get to bed early.


I ended up with the worst case of mastitis ever with dd3 because I was just too exhausted to fight off any infection. Seriously - we're talking fever of 104, delirious, incoherent sick. Luckily I was at my mom's house at that point, so I had some help, but it was terrifying. Remember to take care of yourself starting now!

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