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Hope I made the right choice...HOD


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Well I did it! After YEARS of research I finally chose a curriculum for our first official year of homeschooling! Ahhhhh! So nervous & excited!


We chose HOD LHFHG for our kinder year. We are about to finish MFW K,which we did as a summer PreK.


HOD moms, tell me I made the right choice! It's so nerve-racking. There are so many beautiful programs to choose from. Risking loosing money when on a tight budget makes me nervous.


I hope I can do this!:D

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LHFHG is a precious program! I hope you enjoy it! We did LHFHG last year after doing MFW K with my dd. My dd was 5 and fairly advance so we beefed up the academic portion and omitted some of the more "babyish" activities (like in the math and rhymes section). Other than that, we loved it! HOD has made my homeschooling so much easier! I am running 4 guides now and it is like organized chaos at times, but I'm finding a good rhythm.

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We are currently on week 15 of Little Hearts for His Glory and are LOVING it! As the previous poster said, don't be afraid to beef it up if you need to or slow down if necessary.


Enjoy yourself and post if you have any questions! Also I agree, stop looking at curriculum now, cause there is always something newer and "better" ! :001_smile:

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We just finished week one of LHFHG. I am really happy with it and the kids are enjoying it. I love that the Bible, History, and science lessons all connect and they are simple, leaving plenty of time for us to work on writing, reading, and math. I'm using my own programs for those (SWR and RS) so to have the rest all connect around a Bible theme, well that is exactly what we need to round out the day. I will say that earlier in the week I was feeling like we needed more planned out literature. But I think we will be fine just getting a bag of books from the library every week to read in the afternoons.

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